/ / Colorado (state). Colorado State, USA

Colorado (state). Colorado State, USA

The state of Colorado is one of the largestregions of the USA. Every year many tourists come here to visit the well-known Rocky Mountains and enjoy all the advantages of staying amid impressive landscapes.

general information

Площадь этого региона равна 269,7 тысяч кв.km, and its population is slightly more than 5 thousand people. The capital of the state of Colorado - Denver - is also the largest city in this territory. The area is known for its beautiful natural landscapes, including the Belt of the Rocky Mountains.

Most tourists come here just forto admire the greatness of snow-covered rocks, the beauty of coniferous forests and enjoy a mild climate. The region is the center of summer and winter tourism in the USA.

The largest cities in Colorado are Denver, Colorado Springs, Lakewood, Aurora, Pueblo and others.

capital of Colorado

Tourism and Industry

Тысячи поклонников горнолыжного спорта ежегодно come to Colorado in winter to spend time on snowy slopes glittering in bright sunlight. By the way, not only residents of the USA, but tourists from all over the world gather here. The most famous mountain tourist areas of Colorado: Aspen, East Park, Colorado Springs.

Serious revenue in the government treasury does not bringonly tourism: Colorado is also an important industrial center. Most of the inhabitants of this county live and work in its eastern part, which occupies two-fifths of the entire territory of Colorado. The state is also known for tunnels cut through the mountains in order to provide water to dry prairies of farm areas, which are an important source of income in this area. Since the lands of Colorado are located between the main cities of California and the Midwest, there are important transport arteries providing cargo sorting in the area of ​​the Rocky Mountains.

Colorado on the map

Agricultural industry

With regard to agricultural sectorsindustry and agro-culture of America, then the Colorado state occupies a leading position. The US is highly dependent on products produced in the area. The most remarkable and profitable are sheep breeding and meat and dairy cattle breeding. This is due to the large number of lands ideally suited for livestock breeding.

A variety of improvements carried outThe government is helping farmers to start cultivating crops such as potatoes, corn, and sugar beets. Today, the territories previously occupied by desert prairies are endless corn fields.

Colorado on the map

Mining industry

An important component of the US economy is themining industry Colorado. The state gained fame (thanks to rich stocks of valuable metals) as early as the 1850s. During this period, the first adventurers appeared here, who were victims of silver and gold rushes. By the way, this area is still replete with valuable metals, although the most important point of the mining industry of Colorado is now oil and, therefore, the production of gasoline.

In addition, the state holds a leading position in the extraction of molybdenum and the manufacture of steel. In Denver, the capital of Colorado, even the mint of the United States is located.

Colorado state

Flag and coat of arms

The main symbol of Colorado - the flag - was officiallyadopted in 1911. The letter "C" in red, depicted on the canvas, means "Colorado", which translated from Spanish means "red". The golden ball inside the letter indicates the existence of gold mines. The blue and white stripes of the banner symbolize the natural beauty of this land, the blue sky and white snow in the Rocky Mountains.

The state coat of arms was adopted in 1877.The triangle depicted on it denotes the all-seeing eye of God. There are also symbols of the mining industry of the state, which brings the main income to the treasury. These are mountains, land and pickaxe.

Colorado USA

Interesting about Colorado

The state is located mostly in elevated areas. Its land is located at an altitude of 2100 above sea level, which makes Colorado the most "high-altitude" state in the United States.

The first charitable organization was createdin Denver. It was a relief fund established by a priest, two ministers and a rabbi in 1882. He was called Public Charity Service.

The largest silver bar in the world was foundon the territory of this particular state. It happened in the city of Aspen, in 1894. The weight of the raw nugget reached 835 kilograms, which allows it to still remain the largest ingot in the world.

Once upon a time in the state’s political arenachanged three different governors. In 1905, he was Alva Adams, who, after two months of work, was removed from his post: he was caught in a scam during elections. The incident occurred on March 17, on the same day the state legislature decided to entrust this post to James Peabody, but he refused. A little later, but on the same day, the post of governor was taken by Jesse MacDonald, the former vice-governor.

capital of Colorado

Rocky Mountains

This mountain system is in the middle lineColorado. The two-fifths staff is covered with an impressive array. The Rocky Mountains are called the Roof of North America. Here are the 55 highest peaks, some of which reach 4270 km above sea level. The mountain system stretches from Alaska all the way to New Mexico, but the highest areas fall into the territory of Colorado. In turn, the rocky mountains are subdivided into five chains.

colorado city


Natural scenic landscapes are basicattractions that can be viewed by visiting the state of Colorado. On the map of national parks, first of all, it is recommended to get acquainted with such places as the Old Fort Bent, Black Canyon and Dinosaur Reserve.

Summing up, it should be noted that Colorado isA great place for a family holiday in nature or to spend a vacation, conquering snow-capped peaks. For the USA, this state is not only an important tourist center, but also an excellent source of minerals and agricultural products.

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