/ / New York State and its features

State of New York and its features

Created in the formation of the country in 1788, New York State has the motto "All the above".

new york
And indeed, despite the small sizeterritory, in terms of population, it came in third, behind only California and Texas. Famous skyscrapers and their environs contain almost twenty million inhabitants.

Geographical position

Located in the North-East of the Unitedstates, New York is adjacent to Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, the water is bordered by Rhode Island and to the north - with another country, Canada.

History and development

To the Europeans, who appeared here in the 16th century,The territory of the state was inhabited by Indians of the Iroquois and Algonquin groups. The bay, where now stands the Statue of Liberty, was discovered by the Italian Giovanni da Varazano. The Hudson River was named after its explorer Henry Hudson in the early 17th century.

united states new york
Then these lands were mastered by the Dutch.The capital of New York State is Albany - the former Dutch Fort Orange, and the island of Manhattan was bought from the Indians by them. In 1664 New Holland became the property of England and became known as New York. Here also began the war for independence, one of the famous battles of which - the battle of Saratoga - was the first and most significant victory of the colonists. In July 1776, independence from Great Britain was proclaimed, and in twelve years New York became the eleventh state with the capital Kingston, which in 1797 lost this honor to Albany. The State of New York was on the side of the North, slavery there ended in 1827. The inhabitants actively contributed to the fluent from the slave-owning South, sending them to free Canada.


Over time, the state has become the largest logisticscenter, and New York - the largest port of the country. A significant part of the immigrants came to the country through him precisely because of this geographical location. Along with the British, here settled Germans, Italians, Irish, Poles, Spaniards. It is unlikely that there is such a multinational country as the US on earth. The state of New York is most typical in this respect. Eight and a half million inhabitants chose the city with skyscrapers. The rest of the state of the state is much more modest: the next largest population - Buffalo - has only six hundred thousand.

new york capital
State Economics

The State of New York has become a refuge for the largestAmerican companies, here is the most powerful industry of finance, which personifies the stock exchange - the most famous institution. An important contribution to the economy can be considered tourism: in addition to the main attractions of the city of New York, the state has the largest ski resorts, there is excellent fishing in wonderful water bodies and Niagara Falls, the beauty of which can not be overemphasized. An important part of the profit of the state economy is brought by agriculture: cattle, pig production, dairy products, potato and apple cultivation. In addition, there are more than two hundred wineries that began to appear in the beginning of the XVII century. The state of New York is also one of the educational centers of the country: the famous Columbia University was opened in 1754 and is still the most popular in the world.

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