/ / Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences SFedU: review, specialties and reviews

Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences SFU: review, specialties and reviews

In Rostov-on-Don and Taganrog is locateda major university in Russia. Its name is Southern Federal University. The educational institution carries out training of specialists on a wide range of directions. Applicants are offered natural and scientific, and pedagogical, and creative, and economic and technical specialties. Training for them involved in certain structural departments of the university. One of them is the Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences of SFedU. Let's look at this structural unit.

Historical background

In SFU history of the institute associated withphilosophical disciplines, social and political sciences, began in 1970. In the then existing Rostov-on-Don State University appeared the Philosophical Faculty. At the initiative of Yu.A. Zhdanov - a professor working in an educational institution - this structural unit was created.

The composition of the Faculty of Philosophy in the periodThere were various departments. Since 1971, the Department of Psychology has been working on the basis of the structural division. In 1984, the Department of the Theory of Scientific Communism was opened. Later, this unit began to belong to the field of political science. In 1989, the faculty began to prepare sociologists. The corresponding chair was founded only in 1991. And at the origins of the faculty, as it is clear from the title, there was a department of philosophy. It was formed in the university after the Great Patriotic War as a result of separation from the department of Marxism-Leninism.

Institute of Philosophy and Social Political Science Yufu

Activities of the Faculty of Philosophy in the past

When the philosophical faculty functioned, fromits composition came 2 structural units. It was the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology. Later, the Faculty of Philosophy was called the Faculty of Cultural Studies and Philosophy. His tasks included the preparation of students in such specialties as "Philosophy", "Culturology".

The training was carried out in several specializations. Here are some examples of them:

  • philosophical anthropology and the history of philosophy;
  • theory and history of culture;
  • philosophy of religion.

Review of the Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences

In 2006 in the history of Rostov-on-DonState University an important event occurred. He joined the new educational institution, the basis of which was planned by the Ministry of Education and Science, to the Federal Southern University. A little later the university leadership began to change the structure.

Until 2014 the faculty functionedculturology and philosophy. Then he changed his status. The structural department, which became an institute, was formed not only on the basis of the above faculty. It also includes chairs from the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology.

Institute of Philosophy and Social Political Sciences review

Directions of training in the modern institute

Institute of Social and Political Sciences and Philosophy SFedU currently conducts training in 7 areas related to:

  • philosophy;
  • culturology;
  • religious studies;
  • theology;
  • political science;
  • social work;
  • organization of work with the younger generation.

Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences reviews

Philosophy and Culturology

On the direction of "Philosophy" students are taughtcarry out information analysis, think critically, and express your thoughts. The main subjects taught are related to philosophy. Other subjects studied are history, foreign languages, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, etc. Education in the Institute of Social and Political Sciences and Philosophy in this direction opens up a wide field of professional activity for students in the future. After graduation, you can teach philosophical, social and humanitarian disciplines, work in government administrative structures, various services and departments, the media, museums and libraries.

On specialty "Culturology" at the Institutestudents get acquainted with the values ​​of the world's artistic and cultural heritage. After completing their studies, they are engaged in research, teaching, applied (for the latter characteristic work in museums, exhibition centers, auction houses).

Institute of Philosophy and Social Political Sciences

Religious studies and theology

An interesting direction of training in the universityis "Religious Studies". On it students study and compare historical and modern religions, carry out analysis. In addition to religious studies, the Institute lectures on psychology, pedagogy, and teaching methods. After receiving the diploma, young specialists who graduated from the Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences of SFedU, are arranged to work as teachers of profile disciplines, museum specialists, journalists.

"Theology" is similar to "Religious Studies".In this direction, students get acquainted with the history of religions, religious philosophy, religious subjects. For example, theologians of Christianity in SFedU have to study the Church Slavonic language, Christian worship, dogmatic theology. After graduating from the university on the specialty "Theology" you can work in religious institutions, hold various secular posts, work in libraries.

Institute of Philosophy and Social Political Sciences

Political science

The direction of "Political Science" in the SFISPN SFU israther young, because the profession of a political scientist appeared not so long ago. It is interesting to study here. Students from the initial courses try on the role of politicians, conduct various studies, participate in conferences, develop exemplary political projects.

The knowledge received in the SFedU in the direction"Political science" allows graduates to manifest themselves in various fields. Some begin their careers in political parties and socio-political movements, the latter decide to try their hand at political journalism.

 yiphisp yufu

Specialties related to social work and organization of work with young people

At the Institute of Social and Political Sciences andphilosophy of the Federal Southern University, the direction of training "Social Work" is open to those applicants who want to help people in difficult life situations. The curriculum of this specialty includes a huge number of subjects. The following disciplines are offered to the students: theory and history of social work, modern theories of social well-being, legal provision of social work.

Knowledge, received in the direction of "Socialwork ", are applicable in many spheres of life. This is confirmed by statistics showing the work places of graduates. People with education are arranged:

  • to the state employment service;
  • The Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • ritual services;
  • health system;
  • system of social services, etc.

And now consider the direction "Organizationwork with youth ". Personnel for work with the younger generation are being trained in this specialty at the Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences. Students study a wide range of disciplines that can further help in solving various problems and problems. Future specialists will work in the employment services and employment of young people, help centers for young families, departments for youth, educational institutions.

Opinions on the structural division

Reviews about the Institute of Philosophy andsocial and political sciences leave positive. Students first of all note that in this structural subdivision they receive an actual philosophical education, which will be useful to them in the future. Without philosophy, the existence of science, the development of society, is impossible. The diploma obtained after graduating from the institute reveals several graduates to graduates in the future life. Someone decides to improve in teaching, someone chooses a policy, and someone enters the magistracy for various scientific directions.

Institute of Philosophy and Social Political Sciences Southern Federal University

In positive responses, students still write about how,that at the Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Sciences of the Federal State Educational Establishment of Higher Education of the SFU you can get education of any level. Bachelor's degree, specialty, master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies are all offered to people. But not only study is available in the lives of students studying at all levels of higher education. In the structural division, cultural and entertainment events are held periodically. For example, a regional culturological marathon recently called "Cultural Heritage of the Rostov Region" was held at the Institute. Students took part in its organization and conduct. They introduced the audience to the interesting objects of Rostov, told about the city's communities that preserve the cultural heritage.

Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political SciencesSFU annually opens its doors to applicants who wish to receive a liberal arts education. This structural unit should be paid attention, because it qualitatively implements the training of students, helps them to be realized in various spheres. Proof of this is the further life of graduates. According to available information, many students after graduation work as teachers, analysts, consultants, consultants, carry out their activities in the commercial and administrative spheres.

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