/ / Human activities (social science): types, description and features

Human activities (social science): types, description and features

Activities are specific actions thatare performed by a person with the goal of producing something meaningful for himself, or for the people around him. This is a meaningful, multi-component and rather serious occupation, which is fundamentally different from leisure and entertainment.

human activity social studies


The main discipline, which is within the framework of the academiccourse examines human activity - social science. The first thing you need to know for the correct answer to a question on this topic is the basic definition of the concept under study. However, there may be several such definitions. Another one says that the activity is called this form of human activity, which is aimed not only at the adaptation of the organism to the environment, but also at its qualitative transformation.

All living things interact with the surrounding worldcreatures. However, animals are peculiar only to adaptation to the world and to its conditions; they cannot in any way change it. But man differs from animals in that he has a special form of interaction with the environment, which is called activity.

human activities social studies

Main components

Also for a good answer to the question onsocial science about human activities need to know about the concepts of object and subject. The subject is directly the one who performs the action. Not necessarily a single person. The subject can also be a group of people, an organization or a country. The object of activity in social studies is what exactly activity is directed at. This may be another person, and natural resources, and any sphere of public life. Having a goal is one of the basic conditions under which human activity is possible. Social science, in addition to the goal, also highlights the component of action. It is carried out in accordance with the intended purpose.

Types of actions

Целесообразность деятельности – это показатель whether a person moves to the result that is important to him. The goal is the image of this result, to which the subject of activity seeks, and the action is an immediate step aimed at the realization of the human goal. German scientist M. Weber identified several types of actions:

  1. Purposeful (in other words - rational). This action is performed by a person in accordance with the goal. The means to achieve the desired result are chosen deliberately, taking into account possible side effects of the activity.
  2. Value-rational. Actions of this kind take place in accordance with the convictions that a person has.
  3. Affective - This is an action that is caused by emotional experiences.
  4. Traditional - based on habit or tradition.

social studies theme human activity

Other components of the activity

Describing human activity, social studiesalso highlights the notions of result as well as means of achieving the goal. The result is understood as the end product of the whole process carried out by the subject. However, it can be of two types: positive and negative. Belonging to the first or second category is determined by the compliance of the result of the goal.

The reasons why a person can getnegative result, can be both external and internal. To external attributed to changing environmental conditions for the worse. Internal factors include such factors as setting an initially unattainable goal, wrong choice of means, inferiority of actions, or lack of necessary skills or knowledge.

activity way of people existence according to social studies


One of the main human activities insocial science is communication. The goal of any kind of communication is to get some result. Here, the main goal is often the exchange of necessary information, emotions or ideas. Communication is one of the basic qualities of a person, as well as an indispensable condition for socialization. Without communication, a person becomes asocial.

A game

Еще один вид деятельности человека в social science is a game. It is peculiar to both people and animals. In a child's game, adult life situations are modeled. The basic unit of a children's game is the role - one of the main conditions for the development of the consciousness and behavior of children. The game is the type of activity in which the re-creation and assimilation of social experience takes place. It allows you to learn methods of social action, as well as master the objects of human culture. Game therapy has been widely adopted as a form of remedial work.


It is also an important type of human activity.Without labor, socialization does not occur, but it is important not only for personal development. Labor is a necessary condition for the survival and further progress of human civilization. At the level of a single individual, labor is an opportunity to ensure one’s own existence, feed oneself and one’s loved ones, as well as the opportunity to realize natural inclinations and abilities.


This is another important type of human activity.The topic of social studies, dedicated to activities, and interesting topics that considers its various types, allows you to consider all the diversity of human activity. Despite the fact that the process of human learning originates in the womb, in a certain period of time this type of activity becomes targeted.

For example, in the 50s of the last century, childrenstarted to study at the age of 7-8 years, in the 90s mass education was introduced in schools from the age of six. However, even before the start of purposeful learning, the child absorbs a huge amount of information from the outside world. The great Russian writer L. N. Tolstoy emphasized that at the age of 5 years a little man learns much more than for the rest of his life. Of course, one can argue with this statement, but there is a fair amount of truth in it.

The main difference from other types of activity

Often schoolchildren receive as homework.tasks question on social studies: "Activity - the way people live." In the process of preparing for such a lesson, the most important thing to note is the characteristic difference between human activity and ordinary adaptation to the environment, which is characteristic of animals. One of these types of activities, which is aimed directly at transforming the world around us, is creativity. This type of occupation allows a person to create something completely new, qualitatively transforming the surrounding reality.

person and activity class 6 social science fgos

Types of activity

The time when students go through the topicsocial science "Man and activity", according to the Federal State Educational Standard - 6th grade. At this age, students, as a rule, are already old enough to distinguish between types of activity, as well as to understand their importance for the full development of a person. In science, the following types are distinguished:

  • Practical - directed directly to the conversionexternal environment. This type, in turn, is divided into additional subcategories - material and production activities, as well as socio-transformative.
  • Spiritual - an activity that aims to changehuman consciousness. This type is also divided into additional categories: cognitive (science and art); value-oriented (definition of a negative or positive attitude of people to various phenomena of the surrounding world); and also prognostic (planning of possible changes) activity.

Все эти типы тесно между собой соприкасаются.For example, before you carry out reforms (relate to social transformation activities), you need to analyze their possible implications for the country (predictive activities.

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