/ / Locusts: growing and breeding

Locust flowers: growing and breeding

It is difficult to imagine a classical flower garden withoutsuch beautiful flowers as lilies. But there are among them such little-known specimens as the lily of the locust. Flowers of the locust (Lílium mártagon) - an unusually tender and beautiful plant, belonging to the family Liliaceae. Otherwise, the lily is called Marchon, lily curly or royal curls. This plant is rather rare, found mainly in the European part of Russia, in Eastern and Western Siberia, in the Urals and listed in the Red Book. Flowers of locusts grow in mixed forests, on shady fringes and glades. This short, perennial bulbous flower is a medicinal plant and a honeycomb.

locust flowers

These amazing lilac lilies

It is a very harmonious herbaceous plant,height of which is 70-140 cm. The straight green stalk is decorated with dark green, long, bent leaves and slightly downwardly twisted leaves. This splendor is beautifully crowned collected in rare brushes or solitary beautiful flowers, a bit like a turban. Their fairly large petals are bent in the opposite direction. Coloring can be the most diverse, with dark purple spots. Flowers of the locust (photo is presented in the article) have 6 stamens and 1 stalk. Pollination occurs by butterflies. Inflorescence includes 2-5 flowers, and in some cases more than 20.

flowers of the locust photo

Saranki (flowers): cultivation

Plants prefer partial shade and dampfertile soils, and therefore are found in birch forests, shady oak forests, mixed forests, spruce forests, etc. However, in the forests, locust flowers grow in small quantities. Therefore, in Belorussia, Poland, Ukraine and some regions of Russia this species is listed in the Red Book. In the forests, it is strictly forbidden to dig up plants.

To replenish her flower garden with lily locust, you can buy Dutch varieties with more spectacular and large buds.
Grow this tender flower in the garden is not difficult.

locust flowers growing

Locust-flower: reproduction

Lilia curly fishes reproduce in three ways: by dividing bulbs, seeds and rooting scales.

  • Делением размножают только крупные взрослые bulbs, from which the buds have already budded. Such bulbs have two flowering stems. The division is conducted in August. Large bulbs (up to 7 cm in diameter) consist of yellow scales. The flowers of the locust are shadowy, since the place of their natural habitat is associated with the forest. These plants in the shade bloom a little longer, but not as abundant as on the light side. Therefore, it is recommended for them to choose a place that a part of the day will be illuminated by the sun. Soil for the plant is suitable most common. Saranka is not inclined to fattening to the detriment of flowering, because in the fertile soil the bush will be more powerful, and the bloom is more plentiful. Water this lily moderately and only until buds appear. Division of bulbs occurs slowly - once in 3 or even 4 years.
  • Rooting by scaling is carried outin the following way. As soon as the plant fades, the bulb is immediately excavated and the outer scales separated. The bulb that remains is again planted in a flower bed. Scales at 2/3 of their height are buried in a box with soil. It includes a mixture of 2 parts of turf ground, 1 part of sand and 1 part of humus. Top with peat and cover with a film. Boxes are exposed to a shaded location. In autumn, at the base of the scales, 1-2 bulb-babies having roots and leaflets should form. They are separated and transplanted into a flower bed. For the winter the plants are warmed with hay.
  • Propagation by seeds refers to the simplestand an effective way to obtain a healthy plant adapted to local conditions. Ripen seeds in early August. They are flat, triangular, light brown in color. They sow them early in the spring or winter at a depth of 2 cm. After sowing, before the sprout appears on the surface, a bulb with roots is formed in the ground, and only then (in the middle of summer) one leaf with a pointed apex grows. A year later, the first whorl of the leaves is formed, and a year later (or even two), flowering begins. Therefore, to see such beauty, you should be patient.

locust flower breeding


Flowers of the locust (photo above) are often used infolk medicine. Infusion of bulbs is recommended for use from toothache, as well as with depression and nervous shocks. Juice and leaves are not bad healing wounds, decoction of flowers are taken with gallbladder disease. The locusts of the locust can be eaten.

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