/ / What is the name of the school newspaper in a modern school?

What is the name of the school newspaper is relevant in modern school

What name school newspaper will make it“Business card” of an educational institution? How to choose material for publication? We will try to find answers to the questions raised, to prove the relevance of this direction.

school newspaper name

How does school life begin?

In order for the guys to be interesting to communicate,to be in the walls of their own school, they are trying to organize their "printing houses". The main assistants in this intellectual activity for high school students are teachers of Russian language and literature. It is they who, at the very beginning of their work as a journalist, can offer the children topics for a school newspaper.

Come up with a name

"As you call a ship, so it will sail."This expression can be applied in our case. Therefore, it is so important that the name of the school newspaper is bright and memorable, attracting the attention of both children and school teachers. For example, such an interesting name as “School Boom” will be relevant, bright, original. A newspaper with such a loud name will not only want to look, but also read carefully. I do not like? In this case, you can think of another name for the school newspaper, for example, “I am a journalist!” The choice depends on the personal preferences of the children, the direction of the educational institution, as well as on the creative imagination of the novice “feather sharks”.

name of school newspaper examples

Subject of work

The name of the school newspaper was invented?In this case, you can safely proceed to thinking through its layout. If earlier schoolchildren had to manually print basic materials on sheets of drawing paper, spending a huge amount of free time on this, now the procedure has become much simpler. It is enough to choose the computer program you like, choose the appropriate design option, size and font option, and you can proceed to the procedure for recruiting the next school issue. If you wish, you can not just use some texts, but also complement them with illustrations, photographs, drawings. Of course, small crossword puzzles, psychological tests will be interesting for students and teachers.

topics for school newspaper
Not only the name of the school newspaper, exampleswhich we cited above, but its content is important. We offer some options for directions that can be considered in separate issues. If you plan a special number for the professional holiday of teachers, in this case you can come up with material in the form of interviews with individual teachers. Among the questions asked by them, special attention can be paid to the choice of profession, as well as satisfaction with their work.

In order for the newspaper turned out not tooserious in content, the material is “diluted” with verses written by schoolchildren for their teachers. New Year’s room is surely complemented by bright and unusual wishes, a comic horoscope of compatibility of teachers and schoolchildren, Christmas riddles. If you wish, you can even come up with a quiz, the winners of which can be both teachers and children. The award ceremony can be held at the New Year tree, using the newspaper as a real source of information.


Any educational institution in which there iscreative and active students, trying to create their own newspaper. In some schools, the entire initiative comes from high school students, they come up with the name, the layout of the newspaper, its content. In other schools, a separate teacher is appointed to head the newspaper by the director. He selects a team of high school students, teaches them the basics of journalism, controls the work. Whatever option of creating a school press is chosen, in any case, the newspaper helps to keep track of sports and intellectual events taking place at school, to make announcements of events, to talk about serious and necessary moments.

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