/ / School uniform in Japan: a success story

School uniform in Japan: a success story

The school uniform in Japan went froma prestigious sign of the highest circles to trendy clothes for a hundred and a few years. During this time, it practically did not change, but the attitude to the form changed constantly. Today, the school uniform in Japan has become one of the most popular types of clothing that are worn not only in educational institutions, but also outside the school.

school uniform in Japan

History of the Japanese school uniform

Как ни странно, Япония, закрытая некогда для foreign eyes country of tradition, did not become the inventor of its own school uniform. Unlike India, in which some schools use saris of the same color for everyone, Japan did not use kimono. In the last third of the XIX century, Japanese schools borrowed the idea of ​​a school uniform from Europe. So, in 1885, for the first time, official clothes appeared, which were first put on by students of the Imperial University in Tokyo. Since then, the school uniform in Japan has become mandatory for all educational institutions, both schools and universities.

school uniform in japan

What is this form?

Для школьной формы существует общее название – gakuseifuku. In addition, there are varieties: clothes for boys are called gakuran, for girls - serafuku. The male form is a white shirt, dark trousers and a jacket. It is believed that this type of clothing "peeped" in the Prussian soldiers of the 19th century. The school uniform for girls combines a white shirt, pleated skirt and a dark jacket or vest. Girls supplement their school attire with a tie or a bow in the tone of a skirt and golf.

school uniform in japan pictures

Secrets of popularity

The greatest interest and delight is, of coursesame, the school uniform for girls. This is not surprising, because for several years now it is one of the symbols of modern Japan. As already mentioned, the school uniform in Japan, the photos of which are presented in this article, was then at the height of popularity, it found its fierce opponents.

school uniform

So, the Japanese form in its time suffered the fateRussian: schoolgirls did not want to wear it, many dreamed of standing out among others with the help of their clothes. A new round of interest was given to the school uniform thanks to anime and manga about the student life of Japan, in which, among other things, the form was depicted. Japanese girls, seeing how much success draw girls in school suits, decided that this is a great chance to become more popular in school and abroad.

So school uniforms in Japan, pictures of whichthey made it a new fashion hit, it became available not only within the walls of an educational institution, but also in everyday life. Schoolgirls prefer to buy clothes that look like uniforms and wear them for evening walks with friends or go shopping there. Fashion designers are trying to diversify the styles and materials of school uniforms. Often, Japanese girls themselves add unusual details to their costume. Thus, having become incredibly popular, the school uniform was able to please the younger generation, striving for individuality and originality, and directly to educational institutions, because schoolchildren are now happy to wear the required costume.

So, the school uniform in Japan today is not just a costume that distinguishes a schoolboy from other classes of society, it is also trendy and popular clothes.

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