/ / The social essence of man is determined by his needs for security, self-realization, a suitable home, understanding

The social essence of man is determined by his needs for security, self-realization, suitable housing, understanding

The social essence of man is conditioned by histhe need for very important life components, without which none of us can normally, fully exist. It is customary to single out a few of the most important. And they should pay special attention.


The social essence of man is conditioned by hissecurity needs. This includes the need for each of us to have stability, protection, and even freedom from chaos, various anxieties and fear. Also, we all need a certain structure, order and law.

social essence of a man due to his need for

A person living in a stable and peaceful society,is not afraid of the fact that he will be threatened by frost, heat, predators, criminals, tyrants. This is called a favorable environment. In it people do not feel the threat - just like a full-bodied person does not feel craving for food.

But there is another meaning.The social essence of man is conditioned by his needs for normal, safe work. Everyone wants to get a job at an enterprise that provides social guarantees, insurance, without delay to pay salaries, happy with bonuses. Work that allows you not to live from pay to pay, giving you the opportunity to save money, is also a means of ensuring security in its own way.


This is another important topic. The social essence of man is conditioned by his needs for self-realization. And this is the highest need for the Maslow pyramid.

Every person is important to feelheld, useful and successful. He must feel his usefulness and value. Every person, held as a person, has a purpose. And not one. Reaching the desired, he feels satisfied, because he realizes his capabilities, abilities and talents, directing them to get what he wants.

the social essence of man is determined by his needs for a suitable home

If a person engages in what he brings to himjoy and pleasure, he is on the right track. Forces for the implementation of ideas are taken from nowhere, and fatigue seems pleasant? He does what he needs. Activity brings benefits and benefits? I want to grow, improve, and it turns out? The desire to devote time to the chosen occupation does not fade, but only intensifies? This means that the person is engaged in its implementation.

There are many examples of thisTopics. A person can be successful, rich - with a multi-million dollar fortune and an international business. But if everything he spends time exhausts him, and deep down he has a desire to do something else, even if he does not bring wealth, he does not feel satisfied. And he needs to realize himself in another - in that he can make him truly happy and satisfied.


In addition to the above social essencea person is conditioned by his need for a suitable home. Their own square meters, landscaped for life - this is what absolutely everyone needs. At home we relax, we feel comfortable, protected. And the need for housing is not even social, but rational. Because every person should have a place where he could go back.

social essence of a person due to his security needs

But also the social essence of manconditioned by its needs for goods, which will make it feel like a full member of society. There is, after all, the difference - to live in a comfortable, comfortable, modern apartment with all conveniences or in a tilted waiting room with a toilet on the street? Both one and the other - this is housing. Another question: which of the residents feel better? The answer is obvious. And that's why the benefits are important. Their presence affects the moral state of a person. Everyone should be happy, and the material component in this plays not the last role.


Of course, the social essence of mandue to his need for understanding, love, recognition, support, respect and everything else that imply a close relationship between people. There are, of course, individual cases - it's about people who are comfortable in solitude. But most often a person feels happy when in his life there is someone with whom he can talk for hours, share ideas and thoughts, get support, see in response the initiative shown.

the social essence of man is conditioned by his need for understanding

There is a double mechanism of relations.It's nice for a person to feel needed and loved by someone, and he likes having someone to whom he feels the same feelings. This is a kind of partnership. Very useful and positive. After all, we are all members of a single society. And it is much more comfortable to exist in it if you maintain a positive contact with the rest.

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