/ / What is the prefix, its meaning and use in English

What is a prefix, its meaning and use in English

what is the prefix
What is a prefix?Do not be confused by this foreign word - this is just a prefix, with the help of which, for example, in English and some other languages ​​you can change the meaning of a particular word. This article discusses this topic in detail, gives examples of use, as well as a table and translation of the most frequently used prefixes, but not all - there are a great many of them in English. Having studied the topic "Prefix", the function of which, as we have already found out, is nothing but word-formation, you will increase your knowledge and enrich your vocabulary. Some consoles are of native English origin, for example a-, mis-, fore-, mid-, and some are Latin, here are some of them anti-, contra-, (by the way, these prefixes can be found in Russian), dis- . Detailed information can be found below.

English prefixes

prefixes in English
When we have already figured out the meaning of the prefixes in the English language (word formation), let's consider examples of their use:
take the verb to agree - agree, applying to it the addition dis- at the beginning of a word, we will get (to) disagree - disagree, express disagreement;
or, for example, the adjective regular is normal,but with the prefix ir- we get irregular - unusual, atypical. You see, knowing what a prefix is ​​and its meaning, you can completely change it and make it a completely opposite word.

Table of consoles that are used most often
The name of the consoleValueTranslation examples
aboutagainst something opposing somethingpro-life (anti-abortion)
anti-false, opposite, comparable toanti-hero (negative character, for example, in a movie); antichrist (antichrist)
contra-opposite with anythingcontraflow (counter flow), contraception (contraception)
counter-also applied in the sense of opposing something to somethingcounter-example (the opposite example, which is different from what the opponent suggests)
but-often used in the meaning of "not"amoral (amoral, that is, NOT a person who adheres to accepted moral attitudes), apolitical
dis-not accepting anythingdistrust (disbelief), disagree (disagreement); that is why it is important to know what a prefix is ​​- it completely changes the meaning of the original word
in- / im-also not meaningillegal (illegal), impossible (impossible), incapable (incapable)
non- / un-"not"non-event; unfair (unfair)
extra-used in the meaning of "super"extrasensory (extrasensory), extraordinary
in-"in something", "anywhere"indoors (indoors, inside the house), ingathering - harvesting
im- / il- / irall three prefixes are betweenimmirate (to immigrate, that is, to move between countries), import (import)
mid-"average"midfield (center of the football field), midway (half way)
out-"of", "out"outlook (forecast), outnumber (numerical superiority)
under-used to mean the inadequacy of somethingunderpay (underpayment), underwork (insufficient use, for example, of a resource)
un-the prefix expresses the opposite of any action or stateunknown (unidentified), uncomfortable (uncomfortable), unpack
pre-"before anything"prepay (preview), preview (preview)

prefix function
When learning English you are completelyit is necessary to remember what a prefix is, its meaning and use in practice. It is found quite often both in ordinary and in everyday speech, in fiction and special literature, therefore, at first, keep the table in front of your eyes, practice using it, and your speech, as well as vocabulary, will be greatly enriched. This is a fairly simple topic, usually for students its successful learning takes only a couple of hours.

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