/ / Warming log houses from the inside: how to make a room warmer?

Warming log houses from the inside: how to make the room warmer?

When finishing the premises, do not forget that any room in a residential building must be made warmer. Is it possible to reduce the cost of this process by performing warming of a log house?

insulation of log houses
We think that all residents of our country are wonderful.They know how unpredictable and insidious the Russian climate can be. The incredible heat in the summer, the pleasant warmth in the spring, and the penetrating cold in the winter have a particular impact on how the warming of the log house will be performed. Given the ever-increasing cost of energy resources, this is important not only from the point of view of personal comfort, but also from the point of view of minimizing costs that can go beyond all reasonable limits.

The complexity of the insulation of the living room is stilland the fact that practically all materials for this are extremely expensive, while the builder has a desire to save a few, not at the expense of quality. Is it possible to use materials that are affordable and affordable for really high-quality and reliable housing insulation? It turns out that you can.

Specialists repair and construction talk aboutthe fact that drywall, which is familiar to all of us, is always perfectly suited for such a purpose, as it always has a very affordable price and good performance. When the warming of a log house is performed, the last factor is sometimes crucial.

wall insulation of log houses
To insulate the walls, make a frame ofdrywall and fill the space between it and the wall insulation. Before you begin, carefully inspect the wall. If the room is damp and there is a fungus on the wall, it must be carefully scraped off, several times treated with a fungicidal composition and apply a special waterproofing putty.

If there is not any special industrialmeans, the builders advise to do so: the place affected by the fungus is carefully scraped, dried, and then smeared with synthetic motor oil. Of course, it is better to use normal industrial fungicide formulations, but in the absence of the best, you can use this popular recipe. After that, you can continue to warm the walls of log houses.

insulation technology of log houses
Surface dry well and for workuse moisture resistant drywall. When erecting a frame, a special foam tape must be laid between the guide profile and the surface. It will not allow the cold to be transferred from the walls, making the warming of a log house more reliable. The framework is installed at a distance of up to 10 cm from the wall. Mineral wool or polystyrene is used for insulation. Mineral wool, in addition to thermal insulation, will help protect the room from extraneous sounds.

The cut pieces of material are inserted into the frame.For greater reliability, they can be glued to the wall. To prevent condensate from accumulating between the drywall and the wall, put a vapor barrier on the insulation. It will not allow moisture to penetrate inside the structure and thereby prevent the development of mold.

As you can see, the technology of warming a log house does not differ in any beyond extreme difficulties!

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