/ / What is the most common meaning of the word "nishtyak"?

What is the meaning of the word "nishtyak" the most common?

Each social group has its own special setphrases and concepts, a lexicon in which traditional phrases or single words are replaced by "highly specialized" ones. Adolescents, representatives of informal subcultures, specialists in any field, criminals - they all talk in one way or another in their special dialect. However, often such words become quite popular and move from narrow circles to broad masses. In this case, it is desirable to clearly represent what exactly this concept means and in what cases it is used. Let us analyze the meaning of the word "nishtyak".

the meaning of the word nishtyak

Such a familiar

На первый взгляд все кажется крайне простым и understandable, what is there to understand? Most often, this term is used to refer to everything good, pleasant, giving positive or positive emotions. For example, to the question: “How is your vacation?” - you were answered: “Nishtyak!” And it immediately becomes clear that the person had a rest. Where did it come to us in conversational speech? From the criminal world. Gradually entrenched thanks to the hippie movement, and then settled in the vocabulary of young people. The meaning of the word "nishtyak" changed depending on the environment in which it was implanted.

And the unknown

Те, чья молодость пришлась на 7-8 десяток 20 centuries, remember the hippie movement and their very specific vocabulary, in which the English words, distorting, were pronounced in a special manner, surrounded even by the Russians: “Well, what did the Aiza roll out on me?” , "Move" - ​​a syringe and prick, respectively. From the mouth of the hippie, the meaning of the word "nishtyak" should be understood as the remnants of any food on a plate in open street cafes, which they did not stop eating. Also, it could be any used items, inherited free of charge or for purely symbolic pennies. The same word was called cigarette butts or cigarettes with hemp.

word nishtyak


In the midst of criminals the meaning of the word "nishtyak"interpreted ambiguously: from the negative to the more familiar “all is well”. It depends on the general context of the conversation and its emotional coloring. In order to make it clear where such polar semantic loads come from, it is necessary to turn to the sources. In the Hebrew language there is a word that, translated into mighty and great Russian, sounds like “nishtak”, and it means “we will be calm”. Another version, according to which the word "nishtyak" acquires a negative meaning, says that it is customary for them to denote the perineum, the distance from the anus to the sexual organ. That is, things are not there and not here, in stagnation. Given that many slang phrases and words have a rather bright sexual tint, this theory is the place to be.

nishtyak value

Summing up

Yet today most people value"Nishtyak" is perceived as positive. In the sense of "everything is OK", "good." If, by the will of fate, you have to face criminal elements, do not rush to shine with your knowledge of the criminal dialect, otherwise the consequences may be sad. And in general, in this world it is customary to say little and not to talk in vain, because words may require an answer.

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