/ / What is "chuvyrla": is it an insult or a compliment?

What is "chuvyrla": is it an insult or a compliment?

Little-known words in Russian are hugea bunch of. Especially for a person of culture, who communicates not with Gopnik, but with intelligent people and far from slang phrases. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know what the opponent who uses slang words has in mind. At least in order to be in time to prepare for the exit of aggression. Or worthy to respond to a verbal attack. Including need to imagine what a "chuvyrla" is: is it a compliment, a statement of fact or an insult? After all, with each scenario, the reaction should be appropriate.

Chuvyrla this

Chuvyrla is a "run-around"

The most common perception of the word is clearlyit is colored by a negative shade. In the end, the very sound of it shakes the rumor, so instinctively every person perceives the term with rejection. And it is quite reasonable: according to the most common interpretation, a chivyrla is a disparaging characteristic, which denotes a terrible female person. Sometimes it means not only an ugly appearance, but also a general slovenliness or embarrassing behavior, constantly putting the bearer's name in a foolish position.

So if you were called a chumpy one, this is an excusethink about your appearance and style of communication. Or you can be sure that the caller treats you extremely badly and tries to hurt your pride in any way accessible to him.

Positive interpretation

Periodically, amateur philologists try to giveoptimistic coloring of the word "chuvyrla". The value changes drastically, and I really want to believe the arguments. There is a version that chuvyrla is an abbreviation for the phrase "You are a wonderful woman." From the first word is taken the initial syllable, the second in the term enters completely, from the third the last 3 letters come off.

There is another suggestion:the abbreviation consists of the first syllables of the words "wonderful" and "outstanding", followed by the first letters from "rare" and "beloved", the letter "A" is added to denote belonging to the female sex.

However, such linguistic "studies" can be regarded, rather, as a proposal to ignore the brawlers. Unaesthetic sounding continues to make the word pejorative.

the meaning of meaning

No discrimination based on gender

If you think that a chumpy one can callOnly the lady is not the most attractive appearance, then you are mistaken. The term is applicable to representatives of the strong half of humanity, only with a change in the end - not "chuvyrla", but "chuvyrlo." And with respect to men, the meaning of the word changes somewhat. Rather, it means a weak-willed henpecked hen, a rag and an opportunist. Perhaps neglecting personal hygiene.

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