/ / Moscow Energy Institute: faculties and specialties, passing points

Moscow Power Engineering Institute: faculties and specialties, passing points

Постоянные преобразования и изменения к лучшему в The system of Soviet higher education can be studied on the example of the Moscow Energy Institute, the faculties and specialties in which have changed along with the discoveries in such scientific fields as electronics, telemechanics, radio engineering and many others. Throughout the activities of the MEI was considered a prestigious university, which is difficult to enter. In this sense, little has changed in the history of the institute, except that new faculties have appeared that meet the requirements of recent times.

The history of MEI

Not every university of the country can boastsuch a number of transformations that have fallen to the Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University). The great need for engineers in the electrical and heat industry, caused by the large-scale electrification of the country, led to the unification in 1930 of two metropolitan universities - Moscow Higher Technical School. Bauman and INH them. Plekhanov in the MEI. The Moscow Institute of Energy has been constantly expanding since then, following the country's needs for new specialists.

Moscow Energy Institute faculties and specialties

For comparison:

  • 1932 - 6 faculties: electric power, thermal engineering, electrical engineering, electric transport, telecommunications and engineering and economics.
  • In 1933, the Department of Physics and Energy was opened.
  • In 1950 - the launch of its own combined heat and power plant, which is also a training ground today.
  • 1953 - a branch of industrial heat and power engineering appears.
  • 1958 - 2 new directions in science opened branches: "automation and computer technology" and "electronics".
  • Since 1967, the university has been granted the right to teach students on their own curriculum, which brought the whole educational process at the Moscow Energy Institute to a completely new level.
  • Faculties and specialties in it are constantly updated. So by 1975 there were 16 faculties in 44 specialties.

Since 2000, the status of the institute has changed again.Since he becomes a leading university with educational programs in the field of electronics, energy and IT technologies, he is awarded the title National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute.

Currently, MEI unites 9 institutes, in which 70 faculties in total, more than 170 scientific laboratories, own thermal power stations and a telecentre, a stadium, a library and a house of culture work.

The main direction of study at MEI

At this institute, each year is set toDepartment of undergraduate, specialist and magistracy. In order for an applicant to enter the Moscow Energy Institute, the passing score must meet the criteria set by the departments. Here, for example, some of them:

  • At the department of "Power Engineering" are taken into account: the minimum score in mathematics - 40; in physics - 40; in Russian - 50.
  • Department of Engineering and Economics: in mathematics the minimum score is 35; in physics - 40; in Russian - 40.
  • Humanitarian and Applied Department:
    • Faculty of Design: 40 points for a picture, 40 for a portfolio, 40 for a Russian language, 35 for literature.
    • Linguistic faculty: in Russian - 40 points, foreign language - 25, in history - 40.

Thus, on all 9 stationary departments, 5 evening and 5 correspondence departments for each specialty, the necessary for admission subjects and minimum points according to the results of the Unified State Examination are indicated.

Notification of applicants is carried out through the bulletins of the Moscow Energy Institute. The passing points of 2017 could also be recognized at the annual open day.

Engineering and Economic Department (Institute)

Back in the 30s it was opened in MoscowEnergy Institute, Faculty of "Engineering and Economics", and since then has never been disbanded. Currently, it is preparing for the following specialties:

  • На очном и вечернем отделениях обучаются будущие specialists in applied computer science in economics. In a four or five-year (in-person / in absentia) educational program: training for developers of automation of production processes and information systems.
  • The Department of Information Security for 4-5 years (in-patient / in absentia) prepares specialists who create, configure and install information protection programs.

Moscow Energy Institute Passing Score

  • Faculty "Quality Management" for 4-5years (in person / evening) is training specialists in demand in industry. It is they who investigate the production processes, control and develop new ways of tracking the quality of products with minimal financial costs.
  • The Economic Department trains analysts,working in the field of anti-crisis economy. It is graduates of the Moscow Energy Institute, a specialty “economist” who develop programs that take production and entire industries out of crisis situations. The collection of information, its analysis and a way to find a solution in the most difficult times of the global crisis, this is exactly what they are taught for 5 years in absentia and 4 years in person at this department.
  • To become a financial manager, you should enroll in the MEI at the "Management" department. The main field of activity: entrepreneurship, municipal and city government bodies.
  • The faculty of "Business Informatics" conducts training in such demanded new specialties as business process optimizers, information system designers.

For 80 years, the Engineering and Economic Institute of MEI has been training specialists demanded in the main areas of production and business.

Distance learning

Not all applicants can study at the hospital for personal reasons. The following faculties and specialties are open for them at the Moscow Energy Institute:

  • Computer science and computing.
  • Electricity.
  • Management of technical systems.
  • Economy.
  • Management.
  • Business Informatics.

Remote form of education opens for studentsaccess to all training materials and control. The interaction between them and teachers is in the form of webinars. This way of learning is also used:

  • For professional retraining of specialists - from six months to 2.5 years.
  • Advanced training - from two days to six months.

In the world of information technology, distance learning is becoming the most advanced form of knowledge acquisition.

Humanities and applied disciplines

This faculty trains specialists in such fields as:

  • Advertising and public relations.This type of activity is very important, since it is these specialists who not only create and manage communication processes, but also shape public opinion on certain issues.
  • The Linguistics department trains translatorswho carry out both translation activities and the preparation and conduct of negotiations, conferences and other events in foreign languages, conduct excursions and deal with business documentation.
  • The department of "Design" has long ceased to beit is connected only with the interior, since such professions as landscape and graphic design have appeared. Specialists in this direction can become by enrolling in the MEI.

Moscow Institute of Energy University

Humanities and applied disciplines of the Instituteallow creative talented young people to express themselves in society and make a career in the chosen specialty, since the diploma of the Moscow Energy Institute is highly valued among employers.

Radio engineering and electronics

For decades, graduates of MEI areresearch activities in industries such as radio engineering, electronics and nanoelectronics. You can get a quality education in this area at the faculties:

  • Radio engineering.
  • Radio electronic systems.
  • Nanoelectronics.
  • Biotechnical systems.

Specialists of this profile are always in demand.where equipment and systems are produced that work with electromagnetic and other types of waves whose task is to obtain and process information about the external environment.

Automation and Computer Engineering

In the world of modern technology,Developing computer equipment and component programs for computer networks are highly in demand. You can study mathematical modeling and computer software at the Faculty of Automation at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute.

Educational programs of the department:

  • Education applied mathematics and computer science.
  • Computing and measuring systems.
  • Instrument making.
  • Management and automation of technical systems.

National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute

Today, most industrial and commercial equipment is equipped with computer program control. Many specialists of this faculty carry out their design, configuration and repair.

Institutes of electrical and energy

Specialists are no less in demand in the labor market.in the field of service and maintenance of electrical equipment and equipment. Graduates of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, the faculty and specialty of electrical engineering and power engineering, work at power plants and electrical power system facilities.

Moscow Power Engineering Institute faculties

They carry out the inspection, maintenanceand equipment repair at power supply enterprises of cities, towns, enterprises and transport systems. Education at the faculty lasts 4 years in an in-patient department and 5 years in absentia.

Thermal and atomic energy

Light and heat bring to all parts of the countrygraduates of MEI. The training of specialists in the field of development of thermonuclear, robotic, electronic, mechatronic and other types of systems at the faculty of "Thermal and Atomic Energy" is a guarantee of continuous improvement of the reliability and safety of thermal and nuclear power plants.

mei moscow energy institute

Graduates of this faculty work as designers, designers and researchers in the field of transformations of atomic and other types of energy into heat.

What gives MEI youth

To get a quality higher education isthe key to a successful career. The teaching staff of the institute and the academic council develop educational programs with in-depth study of subjects, while obtaining practical skills in laboratories. Moscow Energy Institute and its students participate in scientific programs and international activities.

Moscow Power Engineering Institute

3000 campus campus,recreational and sporting events, youth music groups and a rock band, their own newspaper, radio and television center - all this is aimed at ensuring that student life at MEI is interesting and full of positive impressions.

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