/ / Geiger: grades and care

Geiger: grades and care

Geicher is a flower rare in our gardens.As an ornamental plant, it is grown mainly because of its beautiful leaves. It refers to the Kamnelomkov family and was brought to us from North America. In the wild, it grows mainly on mountain slopes, and therefore is not too demanding on the soil.

geiger grade
Geiger, whose varieties are quite diverse,can have red, yellow, green or silvery-gray leaves. They form a very attractive outlet. At the moment, the following sorts of geyher are most often grown on beds and lawns:

  • cylindrical;
  • small-flowered;
  • blood-red;
  • American;
  • hairy.

Blood-red Geiger, photo of which can beTo see on the right, was derived by selection of one of the first. It became the basis for obtaining other varieties and hybrids. Its leaves have denser tissues than other species. Every year new varieties of this plant appear. Perhaps soon the blood-red Geiger will become one of the favorite ornaments of the cottage area of ​​our gardeners. This is a fairly hardy variety with unusually beautiful red flowers.

Geiger photo
Особенно эффектной считается мелкоцветковая Geiger. Varieties with colorful leaves are especially attractive. This kind is decorated with original silvery-gray inclusions. Homeland of small-flowered geyhery - coast of the Atlantic Ocean. From this variety there is a purple variety.

Homeland of American geichers are the shoresGreat Lakes. Here it is called mountain geranium. Its leaves form a rather high rosette (15-20 cm). The flowers are white and not too decorative. The leaves, which have a lilac tinge on the reverse side, are the main feature that distinguishes this geiger. Grades of this kind are of interest only to breeders or collectors. They do not differ too high decorative qualities.

In addition to varieties, hybrids of this plant are also derived.They are unusually beautiful and spectacular. A variety of colors and forms of leaves make it possible to use them as decorative on absolutely any lawns and flower beds. Color varies from purple to purplish red. The surface of the leaves is either wavy or even. The tips can be round and sharp.

Geiger flower
The Geiger flower can successfully divorcemiddle belt of Russia. This plant likes slightly shaded places, so it is often planted on the periphery of the crown of fruit trees. The roots of the geysers are superficial, and therefore it does not tolerate a drought at all. For this reason, water it regularly. Plant it in mid-April for seedlings. Seeds are similar to poppy seeds. For planting, they are mixed with sand, which must be added to the soil of the box, as well as to the soil of the bed before transferring the seedlings in early June. During the summer, the geiger is bogged down several times, as its surface roots are quickly bare.

Geiger, whose varieties and hybrids are distinguished by the unusual effectiveness of the leaves, can become a truly unique decoration of the country plot. In addition, it is not too difficult to grow.

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