/ / Moscow State University of Food Production (MGUPP)

Moscow State University of Food Production (MGUPP)

A person, finishing school, enters intoindependent life. It starts with choosing an educational institution. For applicants in Moscow, there are a lot of options for continuing their studies. One of the universities that deserves attention is the Moscow State University of Food Production. He is among the largest educational organizations of our country, working in the engineering and technical field.

About the university: the period of existence before the Great Patriotic War

As the documents show, the history of the educationalthe institution began in 1930. The country's food industry needed workers and engineering personnel. In this connection, the Institute of Technology of Flour and Grain was opened in Moscow. Before the war began, the university was enlarged. It included several educational institutions.

The Great Patriotic War caused a seriousa blow to the institute. Many university staff and students went to the front. Negatively, the educational institution was affected by the enormous damage to the food industry. In the war years a huge number of enterprises were destroyed.

Educational institution in the post-war years and the modern period

The institute began to develop only in the post-waryears, when they began to restore the national economy. There were new specialties, the teaching staff expanded. In 1992, the institute became an academy, and in another 5 years - a university. Thus, the Moscow State University of Food Production (MSUPP) appeared.

Today, a higher educational institution representsan educational organization with a rich experience in training specialists. The university produces the personnel necessary for the food and processing industries.

Moscow State University of Food Production

Moscow State University of Food Production: faculties (institutes) in the structure

The organizational structure of the university consists of 5 institutes:

  1. Bioindustry of food and innovativetechnologies. This structural unit is a large part of the university. It produces specialists capable of improving existing technologies, developing new machinery, improving the mechanisms for managing enterprises.
  2. Management and economics in the food industry.Managers and economists are needed in all spheres of modern life. The food industry is not an exception. The Moscow State University of Food Production (Moscow) instructed the Institute of Management and Economics to prepare such specialists.
  3. High-tech food productions andbiotechnology. This structural unit produces specialists capable of working in the field of high technology. Graduates of the educational organization are engaged in the production of food products, the development of technological processes of food production.
  4. Food and biological safety,veterinary and sanitary examination. The Institute implements training in such areas as Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Sanitary Examination, and Biology. Graduates in the further professional activity are engaged in preservation of health of animals and the person, carrying out of veterinary-sanitary examinations.
  5. Medical and social technologies.This institute accepts on training of doctors in internship, internship, postgraduate study. The proposed educational programs - Surgery, Dermatovenereology, Neurology, Psychiatry, Therapy, etc.,

Moscow State University of Food Production

Admission to the university: acquaintance with passing points

Moscow State University of Foodproduction - an educational institution, which is quite possible to do. Confirmation of these words is the statistics collected for the reception campaign of 2016:

  1. On the baccalaureate, the high demand among applicants enjoyed such a direction of preparation as "Biology". The competition here was 17.8 people for 1 place. The passing score was 164.
  2. The next most popular place wasdirection "Technospheric security". 12.6 people applied for the first place in the university, who applied to the Moscow State University of Food Production. Passing score is 126.
  3. The high competition was on the direction "Organization of public catering and product technology" - 10.4 people per place. The passing score was also quite large. It was equal to 187.

Moscow State University of Food Production

Structural units that must be known to applicants

In the Moscow State University of Foodproductions come not only Muscovites. Among the students there are a lot of out-of-town residents, foreigners. For them erected campus. In it comfortable conditions for residing are created. The campus consists of 5 blocks of hostels, corridor and block type.

Another important structural unit of the university -library and information center. It stores over 900 thousand publications in many industries. There are books, monographs, brochures, articles, dissertations and other various works of scientists, specialists and teachers of the educational institution.

Moscow State University of Food Production

Opportunities for university students

People who entered the university can not onlyspend time behind books and notebooks. Students have wide opportunities in the development of creative abilities and leadership qualities. Those interested can fill in the ranks of the members of the student council. It is a team of students, perplexed by the creation of various clubs and sections for other students of the university.

Moscow State University of Food Production

Those people who are inclined to creativity, and not to leadership, can find interesting activities for themselves in:

  • music club;
  • intellectual club;
  • chess club;
  • the sports sector;
  • vocal club, etc.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the MoscowState University of Food Production is a university with a rich history and traditions. Currently, there are about 7 thousand students. Over the years, the educational organization has produced more than 40,000 specialists for the food and processing industries of the agro-industrial complex. Most of them began to work by profession. Some have built an excellent career, have become candidates, doctors of science.

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