
These invertebrates can be called greatworkers. Their invisible colossal amounts of work improves and heals the earth. An amazing fact: a earthworm can live up to 16 years, individual individuals grow up to 30 cm (and in the tropics and up to one and a half meters), it is not affected by epidemics, it never gets anything. The only cause of death in nature can be, perhaps, only old age.

The most common are six types of worms.

The quadrangular earthworm (Eiseniella tetraedra) grows to 5 cm. It is called the tetrahedral shape of the back and middle parts.

Fetid earthworm (Allophora chlorotica),grows to 13 cm. The name was given for an unpleasant specific smell (characteristic features: brown or red rings are separated by light grooves). Lives in the garden of fatty earth and manure piles.

The greenish-green earthworm (Allophora chlorotica) grows to 7 cm. It dwells in moist soils, in rotting plants (more often in foliage).

Reddish earthworm (Lumbricus rubellus), grows to 15 cm. Color reddish-brown and violet (reflux pearl). It prefers a shallow depth and humid humus soil.

The terrestrial earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris),it is called a creep. It grows up to 30 cm. The most common, was named for "night outings" on the surface, where it collects the remains of plants.

The California worm (Eisenia foetida) receivedToday, widespread recognition for high fertility (100 times higher than that of other worms) and "workaholism." Recycles any organic matter. Cultivated throughout the world.

Russian scientists have compostedworms ("technological", 3 strains), not inferior in productivity and characteristics to the red Californian and cultivated with the same success. For life and reproduction, the substrate must have a temperature of 22 degrees, humidity of about 75%, pH 7.0. Small deviations from these indicators are permissible. After 3 weeks, eggs appear from the eggs, which by the age of three become sexually mature and already lay eggs themselves. One such worm reproduces a thousand of its kind in a year.

External structure of the earthworm

The body is cylindrical, streamlined, devoid of outgrowths,capable of hindering movement in the ground. Length from 5 cm to 30 cm, some are much larger. The front part is conical, the posterior part is slightly flattened. Above the mouth is a rounded small prostomium (there are no sensitive appendages). Each segment (except the last and the first) has 4 pairs of bristles arranged in pairs (ventral and dorsolateral), which can be retracted and extend outward, facilitating movement. The longest bristles take part in copulation. But the main role in this process is played by the girdle (from 32 to 37 segments), in the epidermis of which contains glandular cells forming a thickening in the form of a saddle. Worms are bisexual. But for reproduction, mating is still required. The belt takes a direct part in the copulation and formation of the cocoon. The structure of the earthworm is identical for all species. Differences are due to the adaptability of each species to the way of life.

In addition to the water cycle, there is a cyclesubstances in nature. And it is the earthworms that take the main part in this process, perhaps. Because it is their role that makes it possible to create a new, fertile soil. These gentle, small creatures uncomplainingly try to restore what is being destroyed by a person who conducts deep plowing and sprinkles the earth with chemistry. It is worms, passing through the intestines of the remains of plants, produce as a result biohumus - the highest quality fertilizer, perfectly assimilated by plants. In addition, the earth is enriched with microflora of worms, which contains various enzymes, vitamins, amino acids and even antibiotics.

How to make the soil fertile? Do not spend money and energy on fertilizers. Acquire worms, create conditions for them and after two or three years you will see amazing results.

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