/ / Average human speed and life expectancy. How to determine your speed

Average human speed and life expectancy. How to determine your speed

As they say, the movement is life!According to statistics, the average person's speed during walking is directly related to the duration of his life. This is especially true for people whose age has crossed the mark of 65 years. A group of American scientists from the University of Pittsburgh, headed by Dr. Stephanie Studenski, concluded that the faster the average person's speed in old age, the more he will live. According to researchers, life expectancy increases if the walking speed is not less than 1 m / s (3.6 km / h). In total, about 34.5 thousand people participated in the experiment, the average speed of which was about 0.92 m / s.

average human speed when walking
But what is the average speed of a person, the questionvery curious. If we talk about walking, then moving, we usually develop a speed of 3 to 6 km / h. At an accelerated pace, we can increase the figure to 8 km / h. This gives us the opportunity to walk around the stadium more than ten times at a leisurely pace. In the Olympic sport there is even a special discipline, which is called - athletic walking. Those who are engaged in this sport, of course, can develop higher speeds, exceeding 13 km / h. With a calm movement, such walking can not be called, but this is not yet running. By the way, running differs from walking not only by speed. It even happens that the running man moves slower than the going. The main difference between walking and running is that when walking, there is a constant contact between the left or right foot with the surface, and when you run, there are always moments when a person does not touch the ground at all.

average running speed of a person
The average running speed of a person is inrange of 15-20 km / hour. Some scientists believe that the maximum limit of the individual's capabilities allows you to develop a speed of 60 km / h, however, before that we are still far away. But it is quite possible for us to make swift jerks up to 40 km / h. A living proof of this is the athlete Usain Bolt. This Jamaican athlete runs a hundred-meter in 9.63 seconds, which corresponds to about 37.38 km / h.

Now let's talk about how you can define yourown speed of movement. When walking, the average speed of a person depends on the length of its pitch. Despite the fact that under different conditions the length of the step can be different, each of us has its own, ordinary or average step length. If a person does not hurry anywhere and specifically does not slow down his speed, then the length of his step roughly corresponds to the same value. To determine it, you need to choose a distance from 10 m to 100 m (here can be useful hundred-meter marking at the stadium) and walk at the usual pace, counting the total number of its steps. Then it remains only to multiply the length of the step by the number obtained and divide by the distance traveled.

average human speed
Many are throwing crazy money atsimulators, forgetting at the same time that ordinary walking can bring a lot of benefit. At the same time, most organs work in humans: lungs, heart, muscles, nervous and circulatory system. If the average speed of a person does not exceed 0.6 m / s, then, according to scientists, he falls into the risk zone. No wonder there is a rule of "10 000 steps". If you walk this distance daily (about 8 km), you can not only strengthen your health, but significantly extend your life.

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