/ / Features of the climate in Austria

Features of the climate in Austria

Austria - the most famous and one of the most expensivetourist centers of our planet. This state is located in the heart of Europe in a temperate continental climate zone, but there is one feature in it. Austria invariably associates with us with snow-capped alpine peaks, emerald-green mountain foothills, rivers and lakes. The natural landscape strongly influences the climate of Austria, it makes it diverse and unique. We learn about it in more detail.

Climate of Austria: briefly about the main

Austria is a country that has settled incentral part of Europe. It does not apply to the north, where it is constantly cloudy and damp, to the south, where the sun fry almost all year round. The state is the brightest representative of the temperate belt, which turns into a continental one, and this applies to its entire territory. In many respects, the climate of Austria is comparable to Moscow. It's quite warm, but with a moderate summer, cool autumn, a windy spring and a severe snowy winter. But there is a nuance that does not give us an opportunity to characterize the weather conditions of this country as a whole or generalized. This, of course, is a zone of high zonality, in other words - mountains. That's what the main features of the climate in Austria are, and that's why it can be considered zoned, studying each region separately. Now we will do it.

climate of Austria

Vienna: the Plain Capital

Acquaintance with the climate of Austria we will begin with the capitalthis state. Vienna is located in the north-east of the country, in the forest zone on the plain. This area is considered one of the warmest in Austria: the winter is mild, and the summer is quite hot. The coldest month is January, but the temperature does not drop below zero even at night. In the winter, it is always warm and at the same time damp - from +3 to +6. Spring and autumn are identical in this region. March and November are characterized by cool weather - from +8 to +12. April and October will be warmer - up to +18. In May and September, the real summer flares up to +22. In the summer months in Vienna is very hot - to +28 in the shade.


It is one of the main mountain-skiing centers of the country,which is located in the low mountains. Many tourists, coming here at different times of the year, believe that the climate of Austria is exactly the same as in Salzburg, but in fact this zone is a transition from temperate latitudes to areas of high altitude. So, in winter the small frost in the city is from 2 to 4 degrees below zero. In the afternoon the column can go up to +3. Spring in autumn is the same as in Vienna, identical. In the coldest months there is about +10, in the middle of the season the air warms up to +15, and closer to summer it becomes quite warm - +23. Separately, it should be noted that in the winter in this region there are significant daily fluctuations in temperature. The night can be 4 degrees below zero, and in the daytime - 4 above zero.

features of the climate in Austria


A small town in the province of Tyrol and veryvisited ski resort. Here are the most fabulous mountain peaks, which are considered the main attractions, and they determine what the climate of Austria in this region will be. Winter here is characterized by sharp daily temperature fluctuations. At night, the thermometer drops to -10, and in the daytime it rises to +1. A similar situation occurs in the spring. In March, the nights are still cold - to 7 below zero, but in the daytime it's warm enough - +4. In April, there are still night frosts, but the days are getting even warmer - +8 - +10. In May, frosts recede, and the air warms up to +17 degrees. In Sölden a very cool summer - local thermometers will not show you a temperature more than +22, even in July. Summer nights are cold at all - the figures drop to +6. As for the autumn, September is warm here - up to +18. But since October, the first night frosts have begun, which are gradually turning into winter.


This, you can say, is the pearl of Austria, andit is located at the foot of the low mountains. The town is famous for its unique ancient buildings, cozy streets and parks, quiet alleys and masterpieces. As for its climatic features, then the most pronounced are the seasons. The summer is characterized by a special heat and very strong frosts - winter. In the cold period in Innsbruck, degrees are shown from +3 to -7. During the whole spring there are no frosts and temperature indicators grow from +3 to +20 with slight fluctuations. Summer here is very warm (for Austria), the air warms up to +27 in the afternoon and up to +15 at night. Autumn recession of heat begins in the second half of September, thermometers show no more than +15. In November it becomes quite cool - +8 and below.

Austria climate by months


Another very large and visited snowresort of the country, which is famous for its steep slopes and snow-white landscapes. In winter, there is a moderate frost - within -8 degrees, and the ski season lasts from November to March. That is, the last autumn and first spring months are also very frosty and characterized by heavy rainfall. To really warm up begins only in May: during the day the columns of thermometers rise to +8, at night - not more than +3. Summer here is also cold, but at the same time sunny. Daytime temperature is 12-14 degrees above zero, night - from +5 to +8. September and October are very warm compared to May and April. In the beginning of autumn the temperature is kept within +10 in the daytime and +4 at night, without frost.

climate in Austria

Local precipitation

Completely to learn, what climate in Austria, and notconsider a map of precipitation is impossible. Therefore now we will briefly describe what forecasts the inhabitants of this country hear daily. The amount of precipitation here is very diverse and varies from 500 to 3,000 millimeters per year. The mountain ranges of the Alps serve as the main point for collecting condensate, so they have the maximum amount of rainfall. In the northern and western regions of the country, about 2 000 mm of precipitation a year fall and dense fogs constantly remain. In closed plains this indicator is much lower - from 600 to 1,000 mm. It is also worth noting that most of the rain and snow falls at heights of more than 2,000 meters, regardless of their position. As for Vienna, then the average annual rainfall is 620 mm.

what is the climate in Austria


Considering the climate of Austria by months and learning aboutannual sedimentary indicators, it is worth mentioning one more geographical feature of this country. There is a huge number of lakes, which, strictly speaking, are also the basis of increased humidity, nebulae and even dampness. But, strangely enough, in the summer months, these ponds are very warm. The water temperature in the lakes is up to +26 degrees, so they are more than suitable for beach holidays.

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