/ / Standardization and metrology - what kind of profession? Engineer for Standardization and Metrology

Standardization and metrology - what kind of profession? Engineer for Standardization and Metrology

Standardization and metrology are an indispensable companion of technological progress. What kind of profession allows a person to study these concepts and successfully introduce them into the production process?

Many universities located throughout the country,offer entrants to master the specialty of the engineer for standardization and metrology. Description of job descriptions, specific features and "pitfalls" of the profession will be given in this article.

work in ccm

Standardization and metrology: what kind of profession?

This is the name of the specialty, having mastered it,a person can fulfill the duties of assessing the quality of products, monitor the operating conditions of production equipment, and develop and enforce rules in the standards that help to save resources and maintain the safety of the production process.

Standards and standardization

The standard can be safely called one of the mainconditions necessary for the functioning of any society. It exists practically in every sphere of industrial and commercial relations: from the extraction of raw materials to the organization of the process of selling the finished product. The most important standards are for science, medicine, economics, construction and industry.

Importance of standardization on an international scaleis extremely large. Along with metrology and certification, it is inseparable from the process of globalization and urbanization. This is explained by the fact that the implementation of trade between different countries requires the conformity of products produced in a particular state to world norms and standards.

Study, analysis, generalization and formulationregularities of production processes are engaged in the science of standardization. The goal of these actions is to achieve the maximum possible efficiency and optimal flow of technological processes.

What is "metrology" and "certification"?

Metrology is the science that studiesmeasurements, methods that ensure their unity, as well as the means to achieve their maximum accuracy. Metrological standards are used in their practical activities by many specialists to obtain quantitative parameters of the studied objects with a given accuracy.

The adopted measurement system is absolutely necessaryfor all technical branches, as with its help there is a definition of technological processes, their management and control of the quality characteristics of the finished product.

Comparison of the parameters of products (goods or services) with existing standards and standards is called certification. It is introduced to protect consumers from a low-quality product.

Who is involved in metrology and certification

Staff schedules of many enterprises include the post of engineer for standardization and metrology. Man can begin to perform his duties after studying at a higher educational institution.

Standardization and metrology:what kind of profession and what do such specialists do? They develop and apply regulatory and technical and methodological documents, based on the State system of standardization. Their work helps to develop the national economy, improve production efficiency, product quality and, as a result, the standard of living of the population.

standardization and metrology specialty

Where can I learn this profession?

"Standardization and metrology" is a specialty, inunder which students of universities receive a set of knowledge and practical skills for performing the labor functions of an engineer at an enterprise or organization. Such specialists are invited to work for companies of various industries and services:

  • Customs and tax inspection.
  • Testing laboratories.
  • Centers for Standardization, Metrology and Certification.
  • Companies that control the quality of products (torginspektsiya, sanepidnadzor).
  • Organizations specializing in the introduction of new products.
  • Patent offices.
  • Production enterprises.

You can learn this profession in manyeducational institutions of Moscow and other cities, they work according to the program, which includes standardization, metrology (universities of technical direction: Moscow State Building University, Bauman Moscow State Technical University and others). After receiving the diploma, you can count on enrollment in the enterprises that work in the fields of engineering, chemical, pulp and paper and timber industries.

standardization metrology universities

Find answers to the questions beforestudents of the Faculty of "Standardization and Metrology" (who to work and where to get settled) can begin already in the process of attending the latest courses. In most cases, they have the opportunity to combine education with work in their specialty.

standardization and metrology by whom to work

Qualities of the engineer for standardization and metrology

When deciding on work in this field, a person should compare features of his character and ability with a list of qualities that a competent engineer must possess:

  • Ability to accurate and thorough calculations.
  • Presence of ingenuity.
  • Ability to show technical creativity and innovation.
  • Developed logical thinking.
  • Possess a wide-minded.
  • Warehouse of the mind, which can be characterized as analytical.
  • Independent and original thinking.
  • Ability to really assess the situation.
  • Ability to follow instructions clearly and maintain work discipline.

The correspondence of one's character and the temperament of the chosen profession should be considered before entering the faculty of standardization and metrology.

Prospects for the profession

Career specialists in this area candevelop in accordance with a variety of scenarios: they have the opportunity to conduct teaching activities, work abroad or in customs. In addition, enterprises of the oil and oil industry can not do without the graduates of the Faculty of Standardization and Metrology. Who to work, the expert himself decides.

engineer for standardization and metrology

Among the most popular posts, you canname the controller and the quality manager, the engineer for standardization and certification, the auditor, the metrologist and the appraiser. A special place in this list is occupied by the engineer of the UCM. This organization renders a whole range of specific services to a wide variety of customers. The work in FMCs is often connected with conducting product tests, issuing certificates and other documents.

The engineer on standardization and metrology: industrial-technological activity

The number of professional duties of this specialist includes the performance of a rather large number of functions. They can be divided into the following categories:

  • Industrial and technological.
  • Organizational.
  • Research.
  • Project.
    standardization and metrology what a profession

Duties that relate toproduction and technical, consist in the fact that the specialist develops and implements measures designed to improve the quality of products. It also improves the existing standards and develops new ones, verifies the conformity of product certificates, studies and raises the level of measurement accuracy and reliability of monitoring activities.

Other functions of the engineer for standardization and metrology

Within the framework of organizational and management activities, this specialist performs the following types of work:

  • Plans and organizes activities related to standardization and certification.
  • Regularly checks the production standards and specifications used in production.
  • Supervises execution of the list of requirements to the products.
  • Assesses the level of marriage and takes measures to eliminate it and prevent it.
  • Organizes control over the evaluation of the quality characteristics of the product.
  • It makes plans in accordance with which the introduction of new measuring equipment is taking place.
  • Controls the materials that come to the company, and also tests the finished products.
    Faculty of Standardization and Metrology

Speaking about the research functions of engineers for standardization and metrology, they have in mind the need to plan measures to measure, test and control the quality of the product.

Also these professionals are engaged in the creation of various theoretical models, on which the study of the qualitative characteristics of the product is based and the technological processes are analyzed.

The activity of engineers, related to the design,includes the development of project and technical documentation, the creation of new techniques for quality management (or improvement of the applied ones), the selection of optimal solutions to problems, the preparation of specific documents (technical conditions, standards, methodologies, instructions).

From this list of duties becomesobvious high level of responsibility, which imposes on the employee the specialization "Standardization and metrology". What kind of profession, it is better to learn before admission, because it requires a lot of patience, endurance and intelligence.

Advantages and disadvantages

When deciding on joining the number of engineers for standardization and metrology, one should take into account the existence of positive and negative aspects of this post.

The undoubted advantage"Standardization and metrology" (specialty) becomes an opportunity to get a job in an interesting industrial or scientific field. After all, these specialists are in demand everywhere, where they use measuring equipment. Including, and in the international labor market.

True, the presence of harmful factors, such as hard working conditions, evaporation, noise and others - is part of the working days of graduates of the Faculty of Standardization and Metrology.

What kind of profession, what is its specificity and peculiarities, the entrant himself weighs, since only he is responsible for building his future.

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