/ / The image of Russia in the poem "Dead Souls" (briefly)

The image of Rus in the poem "Dead Souls" (briefly)

One of the most important in Gogol's work isimage of Russia in the poem "Dead Souls". I hope you remember the summary of the work. We offer you an analysis of this image, which gives the key to understanding the entire poem.

The work is artisticthe study of social life, the contemporary writer, her root problems. The main place in the compositional respect is occupied by the image of two worlds - the landlord and bureaucrat. However, it is the tragic fate of the people that is the ideological core of the work.

the image of Rus in the poem of the dead souls briefly

Writer, ruthlessly beating existing inthe country's social order, was firmly convinced that the Russian land is destined for a glorious future. He believed in her coming bloom. In Nikolai Vasilievich, this conviction emerged from the living sensation of the enormous creative potential that lies hidden in the depths of the Russian people.

The image of Russia in the poem "Dead Souls" is presented asthe personification of that great, what the people are capable of, of that important historical matter, which, as the author believed, his compatriots can accomplish. The image of Russia rises above all the images and pictures painted in the work. He is fanned by the author's love, who dedicated his life, his creativity to serving his native country.

Characterizing the image of Russia in the poem "Dead Souls" briefly, it is necessary to say a few words about the "masters of life." Gogol did not accidentally introduce them into his work.

Revelation of the "masters of life"

the image of Rus in the Gogol's poem, the dead souls

Gogol passionately believed that Russia was prepareda better future. Therefore, in his work he denounces those people who shackled the rusty chains with the development of the creative potential of the people, the nation. Nikolai Vasilyevich ruthlessly debunks the nobility, the "masters of life." The images created by him show that people like Chichikov, Plyushkin, Sobakevich, Manilov are not capable of creating spiritual values. They are consumers, devoid of creative energy. The landlords, excluded from the sphere of living life, useful activity, are carriers of stagnation and stagnation. Chichikov, who unfolded his adventure, does not suffer from inertia. Nevertheless, the activity of this hero is directed not at a good cause, but at achieving selfish ends. He is alienated from the interests of the state. All these heroes are contrasted with the image of Russia in the work "Dead Souls".

Adoption of progress

The forms of life that all claimThe characters listed above sharply contradict the needs and requirements of the country's historical development. To illustrate this idea, the author draws a majestic image of Rus in the poem "Dead Souls". This country, according to Gogol, has tremendous power. The image of Russia in the novel "Dead Souls" is the personification of the main idea of ​​the poem, which consists in the denial of social stagnation, social enslavement, in the affirmation of progress.

Opinion about the poem VG Belinsky

Famous critic VGBelinsky stressed that the contradiction of the deep substantial beginning of Russian life and its social forms is the basic idea of ​​Dead Souls. The critic understood by the phrase "substantial beginning" the rich endowment of the people, his eternal desire for freedom. Nikolai Vasilievich firmly believed that his country would have great historical achievements. Aspiration to the future, the flight of vital energy - all this embodies the image of Russia in the poem "Dead Souls". The country rushes to an immense distance, like a bird-three. Other states and peoples shun her, sideways, and give her the way.

Pictures of native nature

Lyrical statements of Nikolai VasilyevichGogol filled with high pathetic. About Rus he speaks with admiration. Gogol draws pictures of his native nature one by one, which sweep before the traveler, on fast horses rushing along the autumn road.

the image of Rus in the poem of the dead souls

The stagnation of landlords is not accidentalcontrasts the image of Russia in the poem "Dead Souls". Chapter 11 is very important for understanding this image. It painted Russia, which is rapidly moving forward. This expresses the author's faith in the future of his country, his people.

Reflections on the Russian people

image of Rus in the novel dead souls

Among the most penetrating pages areGogol's lyrical reflections on the energetic, lively character of an industrious nation. They are warmed by the flame of patriotism. Nikolai Vasilyevich was well aware that the creative talents and ingenious mind of the Russian people would become a mighty force only when his compatriots were free.

Gogol, drawing a binge at the pier, rises tochanting people's life. The living power of the Russian people is also emphasized in the desire of the peasants to get rid of oppression. The flight from the landlords, the murder of the assessor Drobyakin, the ironical mockery of the people over the "orders" - manifestations of protest, which are mentioned in the poem, though briefly, but insistently. Chanting the national character and the Russian people, Nikolai Vasilyevich never sinks to vanity.

image of Rus in the poem of the dead souls

The characters representing Russia are enoughvarious. This is Pelagia, a young girl, and nameless, fugitive or dead, the workers of Plyushkin and Sobakevich, who do not act in the poem, but only mentioned in passing. Before the reader is a whole gallery of characters. All of them represent the multicolored image of Russia.

Mastery, natural savvy, widethe scope of the soul, the sensitivity to the label, the breaking word, the heroic daring - in all this, and also in many other things the true soul of the Russian people is manifested by Nikolai Vasilyevich. The acuteness and strength of his mind affected, according to Gogol, in the accuracy and briskness of the Russian word. This is what Nikolai Vasilyevich writes about in the fifth chapter. The integrity and depth of the people's feelings resulted in the sincerity of the Russian song, which the author mentions in the eleventh chapter. In the seventh chapter Gogol says that generosity and breadth of soul affected the unrestrained fun with which people's holidays are held.

Evaluation of the poem by Herzen

Patriotic pathos of "Dead Souls" was highly appreciatedHerzen. He rightly pointed out that this work is an amazing book. Herzen wrote that this was a "bitter reproach of modern Rus," but not hopeless.

Contradictions reflected in the poem

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol fervently believed in the fact,that Russia has a great future. Nevertheless, the writer clearly imagined the way in which the country goes to prosperity, glory and might. He asks: "Russia, where are you going?". However, there is no answer. Nikolai Vasilyevich did not see any way to overcome the contradiction formed between the flowering of Russia, the rise of her national genius and the state of the state's depression. Gogol can not find someone who could direct Russia forward, to set off into a high life. And this reveals the contradictions inherent in the writer.

What did VG worry about? Belinsky

Gogol in his denunciation reflected the protest of the peopleagainst the then existing feudal system. His scourging satire grew on this soil. It was directed against official rulers, rulers of serfs, "knights" of gain. Nevertheless, the writer, who had high hopes for enlightenment, did not come to the conclusion that the revolutionary struggle was expedient. In addition, the work contains statements about her husband, who is gifted with divine virtues, as well as a selfless and magnanimous Russian girl. In other words, it creates a religious motive. V.G. Belinsky, who was very interested in the image of Russia in Gogol's poem Dead Souls, was seriously concerned about these places of the work.

"Dead Souls" - a revolutionary work

the image of Rus in the poem of the dead souls briefly

The second volume of his novel, Nikolai Vasilyevichwrote, experiencing a deep spiritual crisis. In the life of Russia in this period began to manifest trends characteristic of bourgeois development. The writer hated the so-called kingdom of dead souls with all his soul. However, Gogol looked with horror at the face of the bourgeois West. Capitalism scared the writer. He could not accept the idea of ​​socialism, he opposed the revolutionary struggle. However, possessing a mighty gift, Nikolai Vasilyevich created, in fact, a revolutionary work.

Gogol is a patriot

the image of Rus in the poem dead souls chapter 11

Devoted to Russia, the Russian people lyricalpages are, perhaps, the best in "Dead Souls". Chernyshevsky, speaking of the high patriotism of Nikolai Vasilyevich, wrote that Gogol considered himself a man who should serve the fatherland, and not art. The image of Russia in the poem "Dead Souls" shows that the future of the country really excited the writer. Certainly, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol is a true patriot.

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