/ / Perfidy - what kind of quality is that? What is the meaning of the word "perfidy"?

Perfidy - what kind of quality is that? What is the meaning of the word "perfidy"?

Here and there you can hear that perfidy is bad. People believe that one must be an honest and open person without a double bottom. Today we learn what treachery means and who suffers.

Quality characteristic

Perfidy has no special preferences.This quality is democratic. Perverted are women, men, elderly people and even children. The latter especially should not be trusted, because the glory of the angels was established behind them. A person learns cunning and perfidy from early childhood, as a rule, among those who surround him.

Perfidy is a character trait of a person, shemeans that a person is inclined to break promises and vows. For this type, it is not worth betraying a person for the sake of profit, for example, whatever it is expressed in.

Villains are treacherous

treachery is

As before, we need a clear example,revealing the full meaning of the concept that we are considering. And then the cinematography is useful. For example, the cult and famous film "The Silence of the Lambs" and Hannibal Lecter in person. The psychiatrist is boundlessly intelligent, but also unlimitedly treacherous. As proof it suffices to recall how he escaped from custody, by deceiving the policemen.

Perfidy is one of the main features of a villain.Bad guys should be double-minded, cynical, treacherous, prone to betrayal and dodgy, like snakes. There are in the literature and cinema, of course, and clumsy, straight-line negative characters, but they are not so interesting.

Is the famous line from Hamlet true?

the meaning of the word perfidy

For those who do not know, it's about the phrase:"O woman, you name is treachery!" We, it seems, have already found out that perfidy is the quality of a person who does not recognize sexual differentiation. Both sexes are as insidious as the human nature allows. The only difference is that women are forgiven by the dark side of nature. If you do not believe, then you can remember how some men with a gasp say the word "bitch". And it will immediately become clear that the moral guidelines have been knocked down, and they have never opened a dictionary of VI. Dahl. But we digress. Now let's look at the perfidy from the unexpected side.

What valuable qualities are signaled by treachery of a person?

It is clear that a cunning person does not havemoral guidelines, and yet he is selfish, spiteful. But is it possible for a scoundrel who builds intrigues by means of ingenious schemes to be considered stupid? In no case. The perfidious villain is almost certainly smart and talented. In addition, perhaps, once he was kind, responsive, but the world in the face of the surrounding people did not appreciate the light qualities and trampled on the good feelings of a person. As Kierkegaard put it: "Hatred is a failed love."

Anyway, we have uncovered the meaning of the word "perfidy", perhaps we went a little further than the task, but when it comes to language and meanings, liberties are only beneficial.

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