/ / Relationship between man and nature - an essay on the modern problem

The relationship between man and nature - an essay on the modern problem

Beautiful school time. But for many, it is overshadowed by class work, homework and writings. But why is it easy enough for one to write an essay, but for others this work is difficult?

relationship of man and nature essay

In fact, writing an essay is not so difficultas it may seem. It is enough to disassemble the structure of the text in parts and understand how to write each. Let's look at this issue on the topic "The relationship between man and nature." Writing in this direction will be able to write as a student of elementary school, and graduate of the 11th grade.

Gathering with thoughts

To write an essay "Relationshipman and nature ”, it is necessary to collect all the information that the student can present on this topic. And it can be not only independent reflections, but also concrete examples from newspapers, magazines, the Internet. You can use any research or opinion polls - any information related to this topic diversifies the essay of the student. For example:

"It is known that every third person in Russia does not have the habit of constantly throwing garbage in the trash bin, because of which the pollution of the surrounding nature is constantly increasing, increasing the work of the janitors."

A student can also gather information from his parents or grandparents who lived in the times of the cleanest streets and ecology, which was much better than modern.

composing the relationship of man and nature

Having collected all the necessary information on the topic “The relationship between man and nature”, we begin the essay with an introduction.

The beginning of the presentation of thoughts

There are several options for how to start an essay:

  1. The student can bring some reliable fact that will serve as an introduction for his further discussion in the essay. For example: "In organisms, about 50% of marine fish, 20% of cetaceans and all turtles are polyethylene found." By covering this problem, the student can reveal the negative relationship between man and nature. The writing can be written both in a negative and in a positive way.
  2. Because the second option for the entry will be your personal reasoning. "PNature is home to man.And despite the fact that today the environment suffers greatly from human actions, many countries around the world are trying to remedy this situation by introducing various environmental programs, offer solutions for recycling garbage and looking for ways to improve the environment".
  3. Also, the student can begin his essay with the question. "A thousand years ago, people worshiped and deified nature, which is not surprising, because it was their home and breadwinner. What happened over a thousand years and what is the relationship between man and nature?»Writing (EGE may include such a topic for writing an essay) will be an excellent argument on a very serious topic.

the relationship of man and nature ege

Next, the child needs to uncover as much as possible the topic set in the introduction. For this is written the main part.

Main part

It should be the most voluminous and contain moreall information. What exactly you will write depends on the chosen direction. But there are several standard options for the development of the theme "The relationship between man and nature." The writing can include only your personal reasoning. For example:

“Ecology has become the main scourge of our time.People suffer from diseases of blood vessels, heart, respiratory system, low immunity. Most of these problems arise precisely because of poor ecology. But, sadly, people have created this problem on their own and continue to worsen their situation to this day. ”

Also, the student can resort to specific examples and give the argument of his words:

"Scientific and technological progress, of course, -an important component of society. But let's look at the facts - the River Tech flowing in the Chelyabinsk region, has become extremely dangerous due to radiation contamination. China is recognized as one of the countries with the most polluted air. In India, about a thousand children die every day from environmental pollution, and so far the situation in the world has not improved. ”

Using any option, the student will be able to maximally disclose the topic "The relationship between man and nature." An essay on literature may also contain examples from works or historical books.


relationship of man and nature essay on literature

And last but not least, part isconclusion In it, the student must sum up his reasoning and draw a conclusion. Most often there are only their own reasoning and thoughts, which can be approximately as follows:

«The most important thing is that each person can contributeits contribution and correct the current state of affairs. Stop throwing garbage on the ground. Dispose of waste according to the rules and in special points. Do not pollute the river, but, spending time in nature, take the garbage with you or burn it (if it is permissible). Only if every person follows these rules, we will be able to overcome environmental problems.".


The conclusion of the student can be any, depending onhis opinions. The main thing is that it is supported by arguments in the main part. Then you definitely get a high praise for your essay "The relationship between man and nature."

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