/ How the Earth Originated

How the Earth came about

Our planet is truly unique.To many, the confluence of circumstances that led to the birth of life on it still seems incredible. People open a huge number of planets, but why on one of them there is not what is on the Earth? Why is it so unique?

On the question of how the earth came into being, peoplethink for many centuries. Of course, no one can answer it, but there are a number of very convincing hypotheses based on various scientific facts.

How the Earth came about

Earth is our home.This is an excuse to learn all that is possible about it. This is a beautiful planet that holds many secrets. How did the Earth originate? Once upon a time such myths were born. People imagined this process in different ways: some believed that it was created by God, others believed that it appeared on its own, that is, before the birth of God.

Note that the first scientific hypothesis, with the help ofwho attempted to answer the question of how the Earth came into being, appeared only in the seventeenth century. One of them was offered by a physicist from France. His name was Georges Buffon. According to his version, our world arose as a result of a catastrophe of universal proportions. The very catastrophe occurred because a large object crashed into the sun. The collision caused the spread of "splashes" that, after cooling, became planets.

Immanuel Kant also hypothesizedthe origin of the Earth. His version was based on the possibility of the formation of celestial bodies. In his opinion, the entire solar system was originally a cold dust cloud, the particles of which were in continuous chaotic motion. They not only repelled each other, but also stuck together, like a snowball.

Pierre Laplace also put forward an interesting hypothesis.He stated that both the planets and the Sun arose from a red-hot gas cloud that was constantly in rotation. This cloud slowly but surely contracted. As a result of compression, rings appeared, which eventually turned into planets. The central clot became the Sun.

A little later the world learned the theory of James Jeans.The English scientist tried to explain not only the formation, but also the development of our solar system. In his opinion, some time ago a star was flying very close to the Sun. Because of the increased gravity from the Sun and this star, there was a release of matter - from it the planets were born.

Otto Yulievich Schmidt was our compatriot.Reasoning and research led him to think that once around the Sun there was a large cloud. It consisted mainly of gas and dust. Over time, it began to form clots that became harder and harder and after a century began to move around its axis. As you have already understood, these clots eventually turned into known planets.

All the above hypotheses have manycommon. With the naked eye you can see that scientists thought in one direction. Modern ideas about how the solar system and the Earth appeared are built around the same thoughts.

What do scientists say today?There are reasons to believe that the planets and the Sun originated from gas and dust particles, that is, interstellar matter. The largest clot eventually evolved into the Sun. The sun became a source of energy that influenced the rest of the clots, which later turned into planets.

Let us note that the shape and dimensions of the Earth are no longer suchlike before. This is proved by the fact that development does happen. The speed of the Earth's rotation around the Sun is also changing. Of course, all these changes can not just be noticed - they occur once in a thousand, and even a million years.

Yes, there is no unequivocal opinion about the origin of the Sun and the planets. Even today, all this remains a mystery.

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