/ / Basic meanings and 3 forms of the verb fall, firm phrases and examples of usage

Basic meanings and 3 forms of the fall verb, firm phrases and usage examples

Some topics of the English language, despiteseeming simplicity should be explored in more detail. This article discusses the three forms of the verb fall, as well as the various meanings of the word, used in Phrasal Verbs and other stable phrases. Try to practice the material studied. This will help make new words and grammar topics an integral part of your knowledge.

3 forms of the fall verb

Basic meanings and 3 forms of the fall verb

The verb fall is quite common in Englishlanguage, but has many translation options. One of the mistakes peculiar to beginners is to memorize and use only those meanings that are among the first in the dictionary. In order to understand which Russian equivalent to choose in one way or another, one should pay attention to the context. The following is a non-exhaustive list of possible translations:

  • fall, fall, fall;
  • collapse, settle;
  • perish, fall;
  • chop, chop;
  • go down

In addition, the word can also be used as a noun in the following meanings:

  • fall, decline;
  • autumn (in the American version);
  • slope (hill), cliff;
  • precipitation;
  • wrestling.

Вышеупомянутый глагол является неправильным.Its forms are: fall, fell, fallen. This means that in the simple past tense it will sound like fell, and when using the past participle, fallen is used.

Phrasal verbs

This is a characteristic feature of the English language.Some verbs in combination with prepositions or adverbs form a new indivisible semantic unit, the meaning of which differs from the original meaning of the word.

The phrasal verb fall is one of those that has many combinations with various postpositions. The table presents some of the most common options.

fallapartfall apart
back oncall for help, rely on
behind1) delay
2) stay behind, fall behind
downfall (kneel before someone)
forlike, get carried away, fall in love
in1) tumble, fall, fall
2) to form, become operational
in withadapt
intofall into something
offdecrease, go down, fall below a certain level, weaken
heto attack
outdrop out
out (with)disagree
overto trip over

In such phrases you should not forget the basic rules of use: 3 forms of the verb fall and conjugations on persons.

  • The building of the school is falling apart. - The school building collapses.
  • Did you know that building had fallen apart? - Did you know that the building collapsed?
  • The enemy fell back. - The enemy retreated.
  • Sale level always falls off in the winter. - The level of sales always declines in winter.

fall verb

Stable expressions

Another feature not onlyEnglish, but also many others, are stable expressions, idioms and idioms. The difficulty lies in the fact that the literal translation of each individual word most often does not provide a sufficient understanding of the meaning of the entire phrase. These phrases you just need to remember and if possible weave into speech. Despite the fact that stable expressions are immutable and indivisible units, one should keep in mind grammatical features, such as the 3 forms of the verb fall, change on faces.

  • ~ in love - to love;
  • ~ out of love (with) - stop loving;
  • ~ out of a habit - unlearn, give up the habit;
  • ~ over oneself to ... - to make incredible efforts, to go out of their way to ...;
  • ~ on one "s feet - successfully get out of the predicament;
  • ~ prey to - fall (fall) victim;
  • ~ into conversation - to talk;
  • ~ into disgrace - fall into disfavor;
  • ~ under circumstance - provided that ..., fall under the circumstance.

Often this verb is used to mean “to become” (any) in combination with a predicative adjective.

to fallasleepfall asleep
asternfall behind
silentshut up

Examples of use

One of the best ways to master new material iswork out in practice. Many use very common methods, such as writing out foreign words with translation, flashcards or computer programs to replenish vocabulary. All these methods are good in their own way, but in order to make new words a part of your vocabulary, you must try to include them in speech, both in written and in oral.

  • The river has fallen. - The water in the river was sleeping.
  • He has fallen in battle. - He fell in battle.
  • The wind falling. - The wind subsides.
  • She fell through when tried to pass an examination. - She failed when she tried to pass the exam.

fell fell fallen

In order to learn to speak the subjectlanguage, memorizing words alone is not enough. It is important to hone the skill of the use of certain phrases. For this you need to train in the preparation of proposals. In addition to mastering a foreign language, it will also help develop creative thinking, fluency and the ability to choose the right vocabulary to express your opinion. If you take into account the material discussed in this article and begin to put it into practice, your speech will become richer and more harmonious.

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