/ What is dialectism. Examples of using

What is dialecticism. Examples of using

On the question of what dialecticism is, you can even answer a schoolboy. Dialectism - words or speech that belong toa certain dialect. They are used in literary Russian. Different dictionaries respond differently to the question "what is dialecticism". According to one source, these are provincialisms and vulgarisms, which denote words or phrases of various dialects. For others, these are simply the most characteristic, colorful expressions of a certain dialect.

What is dialectism?
In any case, answering this question, one shouldremember first what dialect is. It is a kind of language used as a means of communication among people living in a common territory. There are also other types of dialects. The use of a professional dialect is characteristic of people who work in the same field or in the same enterprise. The occupation directly determines the content of the dialect itself. The social dialect is born in different social groups. Dialect, as mentioned above, depends on the territory of residence, so the specialists also allocate territorial, regional and local dialects.

Dialectism. Examples.
On the question "what is dialecticism" will help to answerand fiction. In it, the use of dialect words and expressions plays a special role. Dialectism - a technique that helps the reader to move to the environment, which the author tells. They create the necessary atmosphere. The expressiveness of the text depends to a large extent on the number of dialectisms contained in it. In the works of Russian classics, dialectisms formed an integral part of descriptions and narratives. Although it should be noted that in the nineteenth century dialectal movements were a sign of a low genre. Especially often used folk dialectisms to show the color of the village or village, bringing the dialogues of heroes to reality as close as possible.

You can list a number of writers, who oftenthe rest resorted to the help of dialect words: Pushkin, Turgenev, Krylov, Nekrasov. They always used very suitable and harmonious dialectisms. Examples can also be taken from the famous works of Maxim Gorky. He wrote: "Everyday life must be laid in the foundation, and not a facade". Here the life of ordinary peasants and workers is clearly visible.

Dialectism is
However, sometimes dialect words only clog up ourlanguage. This is due to their inappropriate use, for example, in the business sphere. When we intend to resort to dialecticism, we must clearly visualize the goal that we would like to achieve. Sometimes dialectisms can describe you as an uneducated and ignorant person, it all depends on the specific situation of their use. While typing an article in the journal, try to avoid dialectisms if the publication is aimed at an educated public. But with colleagues in the service it is quite possible to communicate and with the help of dialectal expressions.

So what is dialecticism?Dialecticisms are words and expressions that are characteristic of a certain sphere of activity, habitat, cultural development of a social group. By carefully using dialectisms, you diversify and strengthen your speech.

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