/ / Continents of the Earth. Names of continents

Continents of the Earth. Names of continents

The continents of the Earth are huge areas of land,which live people, flora and fauna develop. They have the same structure from a geological point of view, but in other respects they are fundamentally different from each other. It is thanks to these parts of the world that our planet got its name - Earth.


With complete certainty, we can say thatthe continents of the Earth are a haven for all living things (except fish and marine animals). They are the largest land areas that are surrounded on all sides by the waters of the World Ocean. It can be bays, seas, as well as the oceans themselves. On the territory of the continents there are ponds of a different kind, which are filled with fresh water. These rivers, lakes, swamps, etc. All continents of the planet Earth have a different climate, natural features, including fauna and flora, as well as the population that makes up the unity and individuality of each part of the world. Among the continents today are six: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica. Eurasia is divided into Europe and Asia - these are two parts of the world.

continents of the earth

Origin and history

The very word "continent" comes from the Latincontinere, which in translation means "stick together." Such a strange name for land sections, separated from each other by hundreds of miles, was chosen for good reason. Geologists have established that in the prehistoric periods (which could last billions of years, replacing each other), all the Earth's land was one. There were no divisions into the continents, the water washed one major part of the world. The first continents of the Earth were formed as a result of global catastrophes, which humanity has not found in its time. Also in the world of scientists there is often a controversy that the location of continents in the ancient era, in the Middle Ages was different from today. This is associated with maps that were compiled by travelers of the time. However, this fact has no proper confirmation, since it is believed that people could be mistaken because they could not see the structure of the planet from space.

continents of the earth on the map

America and its features

South and North America are singled out as twodifferent continents. The inhabitants of this region unite them into one. Perhaps this is due to the fact that large areas of land that are located in the Western Hemisphere, were discovered and mastered by Europeans at the same time. Therefore, America - the continent is multicultural, versatile and very interesting. In the west of our planet there is a very cold climate, and extremely hot. In the north of Canada there are eternal glaciers, and in the area of ​​Colombia and Brazil no one has ever seen snow. Almost all of America is a haven for tourists and lovers of traveling. There are lots of interesting places, entertainments and much more.

continents of planet earth

More about the west of our planet

North America is represented by two states:Canada and the United States of America. Both are characterized by a continental climate, which only in the south turns into a subtropical one. Most of the continent is covered with greenery: in the north are coniferous reserves, in the south there are deciduous trees and palm trees. These countries are constantly visited by people both as tourists and as permanent residents. There are many beautiful cities and natural treasures.

South America is more colorful in itscultural heritage and population. The predominant majority of countries are Hispanic, Portuguese, Creole, and French are less common. The continent is part of ethnic Latin America, which also includes the states of the central part of the continent. The whole of America is washed by the Atlantic Ocean from the east, the Pacific Ocean from the west and the Caribbean Sea located in the equatorial region.

america continent

Riddle of our planet - Antarctica

The sixth part of the world was discovered in 1820,After a lot of hypotheses began to be said about its existence. Since then, and to this day, these lands are uninhabited. There are no cities or countries, there are not even rivers and plants, since the entire continent is covered with a thick layer of eternal ice. Thanks to the ice, Antarctica is the highest continent of the Earth, whose height is 2000 meters above sea level. However, these measurements were made taking glaciers into account, in fact, the land that lies beneath them is below sea level. Due to the fact that these places have long been uninhabitable, scientists constantly conduct their experiments here. In the territory of the Antarctic, the features of the local climate are studied, the terrain is studied, and new hypotheses are also constructed about lands that are in inaccessible depths.

Antarctica is the highest continent of the earth

Australia - a small, yes, remote

If you look at the continents of the earth onmap, you will undoubtedly see Australia, which is located between the Indian and Pacific oceans, among the islands and straits. To the north of it is Eurasia, to the south - Antarctica. Australia itself, as well as the islands that are in its surroundings, are united in the Australian Union and are very advanced and progressive states. Now these territories are inhabited both by the descendants of the local aborigines, and immigrants from Northern Europe. In Australia, everyone speaks English, here is a familiar culture and customs for European people. Local nature and relief are sometimes breathtaking. Due to the fact that volcanoes erupted for a long time, there are many deserted fields, canyons and mountains.

Europe and Asia - the center of the world

The world's largest land site isEurasia. Most of this vast continent is occupied by Russia, to the south, west and east of it are other states. Part of the light is located between the four oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic. Here there are many different races: Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Semitic and others. The climate and natural features are also varied. In Eurasia there are many resorts, city-museums, recreation and entertainment for every taste. Each country deserves special attention and is characterized by its history, traditions and characteristics.

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