/ / Thanks to parents from an elementary school teacher for helping and educating children in verses: a sample

Thanks to parents from an elementary school teacher for helping and raising children in verse: a sample

Graduation from the fourth grade by schoolchildren isAnxious and emotionally overwhelming event, not only for parents, but also for the teacher who led the class for four years. Therefore, it is very appropriate gratitude to parents from the teacher, who says goodbye to their graduates. He took them completely crumbs in his professional arms.

thanks to parents from the teacher

Why express gratitude to parents from the teacher

Graduation party for elementary school - this is sucha holiday that is filled with strings of regret, tears of joy and feelings, as well as farewell notes that sound in everyone’s hearts. Sometimes children go to other educational institutions after graduating from elementary school, sometimes they remain within the walls of their own school, but they leave their usual audiences, entering a new level of knowledge. In any case, gratitude to parents from an elementary school teacher is appropriate and must be present during the prom.

The teacher can add rhymes on his own, andcan express all his experiences in prose. This is not the point, the most important thing is that these thanks and greetings flow from the heart and from a pure heart. At the graduation party of the lower grades, parents read the words of appreciation to the teacher, and the teacher expresses his reverent attitude to yesterday's first-graders, who promptly grew up and stood on the threshold of a new stage in their lives.

Sincere thanks to the parents of the class in versefrom the teacher or prose expressions of thoughts will help set the desired mood of the holiday. After all, this solemn event is filled with joy and the fact that the children grew up, and sadness about how quickly time flew by.

What words and emotions to include in the text of gratitude

thanks to the parents of grade 4 from the teacher

In gratitude to the parents of students from the teacherYou can include a variety of ideas. The teacher, if desired, can identify some parents who have invested their time and skills in the development of children. And also it is possible to separately note those who have made significant material contributions to the transformation of the class or the school as a whole. And, of course, it is possible to express gratitude to parents from a teacher in common poetic or prose forms.

Какими словами наполнить рифмы и прозу, конечно well, every teacher knows. In any case, there should be words of gratitude, and words of regret from parting, and words of joy for the younger generation.

Thanks to parents from an elementary school teacher in prose

You can say thank you in correctly composed prosaic greetings. As an example, take the following sayings.

"Dear and dear parents of graduates!That day has come when I need to say goodbye to such wonderful, educated and competent students. I am very sorry that time has flown by so quickly. After all, I can say, I grew up with them. Each of those who leave the walls of elementary school today is like a child to me.

Хочу поздравить вас с выпускниками, пусть они successfully enter a new phase of their lives. Now they are no longer children of elementary school, but an average link. Their school life will be filled with new knowledge and events. I wish you patience and endurance.

Thank you, parents of my graduates, forthat you raised such good, kind and able to listen to children. Let them in life be your friends and associates. I am not ashamed of what birds I release for free flight, because each of the children deserves praise and the highest ratings. Kowtow to those who have helped me with these four years in the process of organizing work, the leisure of our little children. Thank you everyone for being in my teaching life. Good luck, my golden students, may good luck always accompany you. And to you, parents, I wish well-bred and prosperous children. "

thanks to the parents of the class in verse from the teacher


"I can not believe that today is the day whenI will have to say goodbye to you. Dear parents, I want to say that each of you has a decent and full-fledged child who is able to reach any peaks. I am very sad to say goodbye to each of my students and each of their parents.

Thank you, dear mothers and my fathersgraduates that you helped in the learning process. For the fact that you delved into the school curriculum and sought to show their children the right way. I am very glad that in my teaching experience I happened to meet such nice and nice people.

Once again, I thank you for the children who filled four years of my life with aspirations, obtaining new skills and understanding of the new generation. Thank you, parents, for such beautiful children. "

Gratitude to parents in verses

thanks to parents from an elementary school teacher

Verse rhymes are very emotional and intense. Therefore, gratitude to parents from the teacher can be conveyed in rhymed lines. As an example, take the following creations

Parents of my graduates

I am happy to congratulate you on the holiday.

I have pride in my students.

Learning them was like a reward.

Thank you, parents of children,

With whom four years together.

For the wonderful way their daughters and sons were raised,

You deserve poems and even songs.

Thank you for your support, understanding.

For what you paid to my attention.

And already from the road to adulthood not to turn,

Let your further journey be magical.


If not for the parents of my students,

Who today have become a graduate class

I don’t even know how to cope

Probably a lot would not work.

In the organization of the class

And in creative moments -

You always helped me,

Writing poems.

Today I composed you

In rhymes of gratitude,

Thank you very much for the minutes of solidarity.

Let the birds, our graduates, fly high and measured.

Personally, I am one hundred percent sure in my students.

Thanks, parents, for these children,

For your daughters and sons.

Let my birds fly in the adult way.

Back now not to turn.

Thanks to parents of class 4 from the teacher in prose

thanks to the parents of students from the teacher

It is not necessary to add rhymes to convey your excitement and emotions. Sometimes there can be prosaic gratitude to parents from the teacher. The sample may be as follows:

"Dear parents, today is the lastday of study in lower grades. Each of you has made a significant contribution to learning and to the process of organizing school activities. Four years ago, I took a little, little do not understand what is happening around, chicks. Today I can say with confidence that this path will pass with a clear sense.

And I, and you, dear parents, worked dailyover learning and improving kids. Now fully grown-up, independent and literate people leave primary school and rise to a new step in life. Thanks to each of the moms and dads, for four years you have never been indifferent, have always participated in organizing work and building interesting forms of education for your children. I am a little sad that such wonderful children leave from under my wing. I hope that I will be remembered only from the best side. Good luck!"

Gratitude to parents of graduates of the elementary school from a teacher in verse

thanks to the parents of students from the teacher

Poetic rhymes can be associated with different topics. At the graduation from elementary school is very appropriate to thank the parents from the teacher for raising children in verse

I can proudly say:

To raise such children

You need to be teachers, gurus,

His introducing the nature of children.

Our class consists of raised children,

Diligent daughters and sons.

These students can be proud

They are worthy birds.

Today, graduates and alumni,

In high school I want to learn about.


Dear Parents,

You accept the words of gratitude.

Have raised good children

And this pride and a lot of joy.

Your children are an example of education.

Today it is time for them to say goodbye to me.

Thank you, dear parents,

What are such good children you have.


Raise and raise an exemplary child -

This is not a simple matter.

Only I know for sure, for sure

What my parents graduates

By grain, by breast, by handful

Replenished their children

And in the end worthy grown

Daughters and sons.

I want you to thank you for this,

What so did you guys bring up.

It was a pleasure to work with them,

Bright road to you in the new course.

Poems about moms and dads graduate students

thanks to the parents from the teacher sample

There would be no parents, there would be no children - thisthe truth is simple, so at the junior high school prom moms and dads are among the main characters of the celebration. The teacher should pay due attention to people who have chosen this school, class for their children. Examples of congratulations may be as follows.

Moms and dads of my graduates,

I want to thank you, I want to say

The best students

I will let go to adult school today.

Thank you for helping me morally,

May it not seem new and trite.

I also thank you for your daughters and sons,

You guys are top class! Today my class will be gone.

A little sad and sad, but nothing to do, friends,

Let it be that road that everyone has chosen for themselves.


If not for the parents,

That would not help the teacher.

Each of you has made a significant contribution.

In the upbringing of children, daughters and sons.

Raised a real treasure

And I’m ready to bet

That these children will bring thousands of letters and awards.

Smart, good, smart,

Thank you for these children, dear parents.

“Thank you” from the teacher to the parent committee in prose

Also, gratitude can be expressed in prose.

"Thank you, dear members of the parentcommittee, for your dedication and interest. Thanks to you, I did not know any problems with stationery or with the organization of an interesting learning process. And you regularly united all children and parents, arranging joint holidays, trips and recreational activities. Thanks to you, four years of study have flowed easily and without hassle. Thank you so much for a properly organized process of study and leisure. "

"Thank you" from the class teacher of graduates to the parental committee in verses

Very significant and important people in the life of the class - this is the parent committee. Therefore, these people would be appropriate to thank the parents for the help from the teacher. For example, you can take the following options.

Purchase of stationery, supplies for children,

All four years I did not know about it,

Thanks to our parents.

Our class committee

All current issues solved.

Wall newspapers, important purchases

For us, helped to do.

Special thanks to you,

There is no price for those who have their time

And fantasy, and ideas

Wasted for a class of everything.

I bow to you, parental committee,

May there always be only light in your path.

Let greetings flow from the heart, and the words will be sincere and real.

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