/ / Boilers of long burning on coal: the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages

Boilers of long burning on coal: the principle of operation, advantages and disadvantages

Heating systems of the latest generationdevelop in the direction of increasing efficiency. The greatest popularity in connection with the increase in the cost of energy carriers received heating devices with high efficiency, they are able to produce the maximum amount of heat with the same fuel load.

In the field of development of energy-efficient combustiondevices boilers of long burning on coal became a real breakthrough. By acquiring the described equipment, you become the owner of a modern device that is able to work for a long time without the participation of a person. It is not necessary to monitor the operation of the unit while constantly fueling it. In this case, the boiler will maintain a high temperature, which transfers heat to the coolant into the heat exchanger.

Principle of operation

boilers of long burning on coal

Boilers of long burning on coal work onanother principle, combustion in them occurs not from below-upwards, and on the inverse principle. Thanks to modern technology, the boiler has found a device where the combustion process spreads from the top down. This allows you to achieve the maximum burning time of the fuel, therefore, the user saves on heating.

If you are planning to purchase suchequipment, consider boilers of long burning on coal, you should be ready for some difficulties, namely the need for large fuel reserves. Among other things, coal will require a separate storage space, which should be located near the premises where the equipment is installed. It is important to exclude dampening of coal, as well as blowing out fuel with a strong wind.

The owner of the equipment will need to downloadfuel in the usual way with a shovel or specially shovel. The boiler after complete combustion of fuel requires cleaning, as soot deposits on the internal surfaces, which negatively affects the efficiency of the device, reducing the efficiency by 15%. Cleansing is subject to places where coal is loaded, as well as fuel channels, as they are responsible for oxygen injection and combustion quality. Most often, the combustion chamber in such equipment is large enough, it can accommodate a huge amount of fuel. This makes it possible to heat the dwelling within a day or even more, which in a particular case depends on the model. At the same time, coal will not be loaded additionally.

The process of prolonged combustion

coal boiler

Boilers of long burning on coal sometimesequipped with a combustion chamber, the volume of which is 500 liters. Through the top of the located air duct inside the device, or rather into the combustion chamber, air is supplied in a limited amount. Entering inside, it contributes to decay, but not to burning, where there was an open fire.

Heating system, which is based ona long-burning boiler, has a heat exchanger located in a special way. If it is a question of traditional furnaces, then this element is in the upper area of ​​the furnace compartment, in the place where the greatest heating occurs. With regard to long-term combustion chambers, the coil of the heat exchanger is oriented along the walls of the internal surface of the furnace. This helps to increase the efficiency of the system to 95 percent.

The combustion process is controlled by specialdevices. Automation guarantees uniform oxygen supply to all layers of combustible fuel, ensuring consistent and complete combustion of coal. All this together with uniform heat output increases the efficiency of long-term combustion devices.

Main advantages

solid fuel boilers

The boilers of long burning coal are chosen by consumers not by chance, they have many advantages.

The user has the opportunity to use thenot only coal, but also other materials such as wood, sawdust and peat. After one loading, the equipment will work for a long time, with no human intervention required, the device will function for a day or more, everything will depend on the model.

The coal boiler has more outstandingcharacteristics, heat transfer and economic efficiency in comparison with analogues. With the help of such units it is possible to easily heat an arbitrarily large area, but it is important to choose the correct boiler output. The fuel consumption by using such equipment is reduced by 50%. This indicates a reduction in heating costs.

Additional advantages

boiler on the corner of a long burning price

The coal boiler is selected by the buyers not onlybecause of the economy of energy carriers, because in such a device there is no one-stage combustion of all fuel. The process resembles smoldering, in which coal enters the furnace, beginning to be burned layer by layer. The injection of air to ensure a chemical reaction is automatically regulated. Gradual combustion leads to the fact that coal burns almost completely, the individual unburned residues account for only 2% of the initial loaded mass.

Solid-fuel boilers not only do not assumeoperator intervention in the work for several days, but also reduce the level of complexity of maintenance of the device, since soot is formed in less quantity. As a rule, heating boilers that run on solid fuel are subject to overheating. This is due to the uneven combustion process. During the operation of long-burning boilers, the process is automatically controlled, which is the guarantee of a uniform temperature distribution. This mode is very convenient to use in the conditions of heating systems, because there is an opportunity to maintain comfortable conditions in the house.

Main disadvantages

Boilers for long-term burning on coal reviews

Solid fuel boilers, like any otherequipment, have their drawbacks. In the production process, rather complicated automation is used, which can significantly increase the cost of the device. As a result, the price is 2 times higher compared to conventional designs that have the same capacity.

Among other things, for the reason that the processcombustion is automated, the owner of the equipment can not interfere with the operation of the boiler during coal smoldering. This indicates that it is not possible to prolong the combustion time in such a device. Sometimes this creates certain difficulties in the process of exploitation.

Boiler arrangement

pyrolysis boilers on long burning angle

Pyrolysis boilers on long burning anglework on the principle of upper combustion of fuel. The combustion chamber of such aggregates has a cylindrical shape, which also applies to the whole body, in which 2 doors are built. One of them is intended for unloading of ash, while the other is for fuel filling. The ash chamber is located from the bottom, it is separated by a grate from the furnace. The device of the boiler of long burning on the coal provides an opening in the upper part of the housing through which oxygen is injected into the furnace, which is pumped by the fan.

To the opening from inside, an air channel is fixed,represented by a tube, at the end of which a steel pancake with an aperture for oxygen is fixed. The pipe has several sections, forming a telescopic structure. The pancake, performing the load function, is made of 10 mm metal, its diameter is smaller than the size of the furnace for moving the element inside. On the bottom surface of the cargo for the dispersion of air there are metal fins. The telescopic construction at the end has a mechanical drive, which is necessary for the movement of the unit.

Customer Reviews

long-burning boiler arrangement on coal

If you are interested in long-burning coal fired boilers, customer reviews are recommended. Perhaps, they will let you understand which model is best for your home.

Buyers often purchase productscompany Stropuva, ​​which represents the sale of medium-sized boilers. If, over time, you stop to arrange the working pressure indicator, you can increase it to 3 bar at the initial 1.5. Owners of private homes argue that such equipment is not at all demanding, not only in terms of fuel, but also to the moisture content of wood, if you intend to use it for kindling. The main thing is to provide access to oxygen.

How to choose coal

Those users who decide to purchasethe equipment described in the article should reflect on which coal is better for a long-burning boiler. Experts advise using anthracite, stone or brown coal. It is universally available in any quantity, you can purchase it in the volume of one bag or several tons.


Consumers who choose a boiler for their homeon the corner of long burning, whose price they are interested in first of all, pay attention also to the manufacturer. Domestic factory Konord offers for sale single-circuit and double-circuit boilers with a capacity of 16 watts, the minimum price of which is 18,000 rubles. If you need a higher capacity, you can purchase equipment "Siberia Gefest", which will cost 17,800 rubles.

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