/ / Tiled floors and walls: types of tiles, facing technology

Tiling of the floor and walls: types of tiles, technology of facing

Facing on the building materials marketThe tile has been around for a long time, but to this day it does not lose its relevance. With its help, trim the surface of the premises for various purposes, this should include bathrooms and bathrooms.

This material is so popular with consumers.It is no coincidence, because it is aesthetically attractive, durable and practical. Laying tiles is just as easy as glueing wallpapers. In this case, no need to hurry. In addition, some rules are required. This is the only way to achieve a positive result.

Tile varieties

Visiting the store, you can find manyvarieties of tiles that differ among themselves in their characteristics and composition. For example, ceramic tiles can be extruded and extruded. It is made from dough clay materials, and the raw materials in the production process give the desired shape and pass through the extrusion head. At the final stage, the products undergo a calibration device. This tile is made of a mixture, which is first compacted, and then formed by a press under the influence of high pressure.

tiled flooring

The tile can also be glazed or withoutenamel The latter variety is the simplest, it usually does not have a decorative pattern, is painted with the help of pigments and has a tint that is uniform in thickness. As for the glazed tile, before the last firing, it is covered with enamel, which allows you to create shine, decorative pattern and color. The pores of such products are impenetrable, and the finish itself is hard.

If you plan to do flooringtiles, you can choose a finish with a solid or porous base. Moisture absorption will be higher with increasing porosity. Dense or solid tile has water-repellent properties. According to the single firing technology, monocotura is made. It is a finish, performed by a new technology, which is expressed in the drying of the clay pressed mixture, as well as the application of glaze on a dry surface and roasting at once.

Double firing is bicotour products thatprovide for the finish, made by the traditional method, allowing to obtain tile with enamel. In the production process, the clay mixture is pressed and fired, and then glaze is applied to the surface and the second firing takes place.

Method of pressing dough from kaolin, fieldspar and quartz is made of porcelain. It has a homogeneous structure, which is close to glass. Tiling the floor with tiles can be carried out with clinker products, which are made of several types of clay with the addition of:

  • chamotte;
  • flux;
  • dyes.

This finish has low porosity, highwear resistance and strength, as well as inertness to chemical reagents. On sale is also found tile brick without enamel, which is a kind of cotto. The thickness of the products is 3 cm or less, and they are made on the basis of clay using the extrusion method.

The material is quite porous, it requiresconstant care, because it is unstable to pollution. Single firing finish - slab tiles. It is an extruded unglazed tile. The material has a high strength, wear resistance of the pattern and durability, because the coloring occurs through.

Wall cladding technology

After completing wall surface preparationYou can immediately start facing them with tiles. The floor should be laid out on the floor, determining the appropriate location for it. If the dimensions of the surface are proportional to the size of a single product, then trimming of the material may not be required. Laying the material on the wall is carried out from the far corner, which is most visible at the entrance.

ceramic tile flooring technology

On one of the adjacent walls in the first stagea vertical row is established, after that you can move to the lower horizontal row along the same wall. The lining should start from the bottom or the edge of the bath. You need to move up, stacking row after row. In the places where you started installation, a wooden batten is glued along the perimeter of the room, which will serve as a support for the material.

After the glue dries, the slats can be removed.When installing the tile from the bath, the bath itself can serve as a support; for this, it should be moved aside and fixed to the rail by the mark. In order for the tiles to fit evenly, a marker must be applied to the wall control lines that will serve as landmarks.

While facing the walls and floors with tiles, the application of the solution should be carried out on small areas that do not exceed 0.5 m2because the composition quickly loses its propertiestherefore, it is necessary to use it almost immediately. The application is carried out by the smooth surface of the spatula, and then the mixture dosage can be controlled with a serrated edge.

If the solution has dried before laying the lining, itsshould remove and apply a new layer of the solution. The tile fits into place, it needs to be corrected and tapped on the surface with a wooden hammer. The position of the finish should be checked at the building level.

Между плитками должно быть выдержано одинаковое the distance in the horizontal and vertical planes, to ensure compliance with this rule can be plastic crosses, which are inserted into the joints between the stacked tiles. The width of the seam between adjacent elements is usually 3 mm.

For reference

If the wall covering you plan to carry out withcompliance with the diagonal pattern, the work will be somewhat more difficult, and the material consumption may increase. However, outwardly this surface will look more attractive.

wall and tile cladding

Calculation of the amount of material

Before flooringceramic tiles, you need to determine how much material is required. To do this, calculate the square of the surface for lining and estimate the number of products to be cut. It all depends on the complexity of the floor and walls, as well as the presence of obstacles, corners, pipe leads and projections in the wall.

ceramic tiles for interior cladding and floors

Above the estimated number of square metersneed to take extra tile volume. To determine the amount of material necessary to calculate the finished area, and after the area of ​​one tile. The first value is divided by the second, which will get the number of products.

Floor surface preparation

If you decide to use ceramic tilesfor interior cladding and floors, it is necessary to prepare the surface. It should be solid and smooth. You should not expect that the irregularities on the wall and the floor can be blocked using a solution. You can achieve a quality result only when the material is laid on a thin layer of adhesive composition.

tile floor technology

Перед укладкой следует сформировать стяжку на a floor, and in a bathroom and a bathroom the waterproofing layer keeps within. The screed may be dry or wet. But it is better to mount the tile on a concrete base, which is arranged by the wet method. If the floor tiling with glue tiles provides for the initial dismantling of the old coating, then the surface will need to be evened out with cement mortar.

Для облицовки плиткой стен следует избавиться от the old coating and apply the plaster, making the reinforcement of the base of the building mesh. It is better to carry out these works using lighthouses. It is necessary to abandon the putty, because it allows you to get a perfectly smooth surface, which impairs the adhesion of the adhesive composition. The technology of facing ceramic tiles provides for the dismantling of baseboards, sills and trim on the doorway. The surface should be cleaned of dirt and dust, then cover it with a primer. If there is a desire to save money or you are sure of the reliability of the layer of the old tile, then you can replace the tile without getting rid of the old lining. However, this practice is suitable only for extreme cases.

Preparation of tools

Facing the floor with ceramic tiles is carried out after preparing all the necessary tools. For the work you need to take care of the availability of:

  • trowels;
  • master;
  • rubber spatula;
  • notched trowel;
  • small and medium levels;
  • rubber mallet;
  • plumb line;
  • containers for solution.

types of floor tiles

In places where the solid tile will notgo to bed, it must be cut. In the process, what can not do without a tile cutter, which can be electrical or mechanical. It is important to take care of the presence of cutting pliers or pliers, sandpaper, coarse needle files and angle grinders.

Floor covering

Facing the floor tiles looks somewhat simplerafter all the trimmed surface will be less. When finishing installation of wooden slats is not required, as well as other auxiliary elements, because the material will be laid on a concrete surface, which must first be leveled and cleaned. Tile must be laid from the threshold, heading for the far wall.

ceramic tile flooring

Methods of work

После завершения облицовки пола плиткой следует leave the surface to solidify the adhesive solution for a day, then you can proceed to the final stage. Interglacial seams are cleaned of glue and filled with a grout of a suitable color. The application of this mixture is carried out with a rubber spatula. As soon as the grout is dry, the excess can be removed with a sponge, previously soaked in clean water. After the seams have dried, the trimmed surface is first wiped with a stiff sponge and then with a soft cloth.

The hatch under facing

The hatch in the floor under the tiling shouldmeet certain requirements. One of them is the stiffness of the components to the deformations. They must be resistant to damage and provide sufficient strength for tile installation. Another condition is the geometry of the structure. If deviations from the project plane are noticed, then after the completion of the tile-laying work of the dignity, the floor cladding will be crossed out.

Recommendations on the arrangement of the hatch

The floor cover must withstand loads atwalking and moving furniture, have sound and heat insulation properties to neutralize the difference in temperatures. If you plan to use tile cement glue for finishing such a hatch, then the outer surface of the lid should be reinforced with steel mesh, whose diameter is 5 mm. It is welded into a semi-automatic frame. Reinforcement is not necessary if the tile will be laid composition based on reactive resins.


Having considered the types of floor tiles, yoube able to choose the most suitable solution. Perhaps, you do not plan to allocate too much money for repairs, then you can even choose unglazed tiles. The more modest the decorative properties, the lower the cost of finishing. This must be considered when choosing a material. But the technology of facing the floor tiles remains unchanged.

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