/ / Facing with tiles - an old but reliable option for finishing

Facing with tiles is an old but reliable option for finishing

Ceramic tiles are still very popular today, although there are a lot of new original materials for wall and floor cladding in the building materials market.

Facing with tiles

Clay (like wood) is the oldest material,which the person has learned to process. When exactly there was a ceramic tile - it is precisely unknown. Archaeological excavations reveal all the new facts and details of its appearance. Some experts believe that for the first time tiling was used in ancient Egypt, others believe that the analogues of the tiles used the Maya Indians, the third think that for the first time tiles were used in ancient Rome. Despite disagreements, all scientists agree that ceramic tiles have been used in construction for a very long time. Modern production technologies have not undergone significant changes, the basis of the tile is burnt clay. The outer covering can be very diverse, but the same clay remains at the basis.

Bathroom tiling

Facing with tiles is especially popular in premises withhigh humidity. Since it is absolutely moisture resistant, and the materials that are used to fix it, also do not succumb to moisture. To date, facing the tiles of the bathroom is not only a classic, but also the best finish. After all, the tile will last for many years, without requiring special care and repair.

The technology of laying ceramic tiles is veryis simple. The only requirement is that the surface should be flat and clean. Facing with tiles is carried out with the help of special glue, which is sold in ready form, it is enough to just add water and mix it. In addition to glue, you will need a level and a notched trowel. The glue is applied to the tile and to the wall only with a notched trowel so that the tile is easier to align. To ensure that the whole wall turned out to be even, it is possible to set an even rake at the height of the first row and begin to put the second row first, and not the first one. The plus of this approach is that so much glue is consumed less. After all, when plastering it often happens that the bottom of the wall slightly protrudes, which makes the upper layers of the glue thicker.

Clinker tiling

But the tile is used not only for internalfinishing. For facades, clinker tiles are often used. It is slightly different from the ceramic in appearance, but it is also made from burnt clay. Clinker tiles are a German invention. A feature of this facing material is that this clinker tile is always hand-made. Formation of its shape and subsequent firing is controlled by people, which ensures good quality and minimum marriage. Facing the facade with such a tile reliably protects the building, because it has a dirt-repellent properties, does not burn out, is not afraid of moisture, and it does not cause scratches.

When choosing a tile, it is important to pay attention tomanufacturer. This should be a proven company that has already been in the market for a number of years, otherwise you buy the tiles at your own risk, not knowing the truth about its quality.

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