/ / Decorative wall covering with plaster

Decorative coating of walls with plaster

Sooner or later it's time to do repairs.Regardless of how it will be, capital or cosmetic, you will have to change or refresh the existing decorative coatings of walls and ceilings. For many, this process seems complicated. However, in fact, even without special knowledge and skills, it is quite possible to carry out the decorative covering of the walls with your own hands. Further we will analyze this work in more detail. The article will also list the most popular decorative coatings for walls. Photos of surfaces can also be seen below. Here everything depends on your imagination and taste.

decorative wall covering

General information

As you know, the decorative coating of the walls, howwhatever it is, fit into the prepared ground. The surface must be low-fat, dry and clean. The walls and ceiling can be made using various materials. It can be plastic or wooden panels, plasterboard or tiles. Today, the most popular is the coating of walls with decorative plaster. It should be noted that this material is applied to smooth surfaces. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the base, to remove all defects.

Tools and materials

You will need:

  • rule;
  • Master OK;
  • grater;
  • a set of putty knives;
  • plumb line and level.

To facilitate the work, experts recommendto buy ready-made mixtures. In building stores today a wide range of products for the decoration of walls and ceilings is presented. With ready-mixed compounds it is very easy to work. Dry formulations should be diluted with water in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer and mixed thoroughly. The material is poured into a container filled with water. Stir the solution best with a drill with a special mixer attachment. This greatly speeds up and facilitates the process.

covering of walls with decorative plaster

Surface preparation

Before making a decorative coatingwalls, it is necessary to level the base. This is done with the help of "starting" mixtures. Previously, the wall is wetted with water. A small amount of the solution is placed on the grater, and then throws the trowel or trowel on the surface. After this, the area to be aligned is overwritten. If any parts of the solution are not enough, it should be added in small portions. Further, after the mixture is seized, it is completely wiped. Correct application should be checked by level.

Features of wooden surfaces

Plastering of such walls is carried out onspecial technology. Preliminary the surface is cleaned of dirt and dried. On the wall, small incisions are made. They will provide better adhesion of the material to the base. Next, you need to stuff shingles - some semblance of a crate. The optimal size of the cells is 4 x 4 cm. For thinning, thin slats are used. Fill them crosswise at an angle of 45 degrees relative to each other. The edges of the laths are fixed on the wall. Before fastening, the elements are wetted with water so that they do not crack.

decorative wall covering with own hands

Alternative option

Above was described the traditional technologyplastering the wooden surface. This method of rough preparation of the base has been used for many years. Today, instead of shingles, a special grid is used more often. It can be metallic (twisted, solid, woven) or polymer (synthetic). The grid must be firmly attached to the surface. After that, plastering is carried out according to standard technology. Experts recommend using a lime mortar with the addition of cement or gypsum. In the finished mixture it is desirable to add PVA glue (it will slow the setting) in the amount of 200 g per 10 liters. The solution is applied by a layer not more than 2 cm in thickness.

Finishing (decorative) wall covering

Before applying the material,determine the type of solution. This is due to the fact that different decorative coating of walls requires a certain preparation of the base. For example, for "Venetian" you need a perfectly flat surface. Before making such decorative covering of the walls with your own hands, the base will need to be puttyed. As a result, the surface should be prepared in the same way as for painting. If you will be finishing the walls of fine-grained decorative coatings to the base of the fewer demands. For relief, structural mixtures, the surface can be prepared less carefully. But in any case the base should be no strong surges, pits and mounds.

decorative wall cover photo

Material selection

Many consumers have seriousdifficulties in connection with the wide range of products on the market. In addition, in some cases, the covering of walls with decorative plaster is carried out according to a certain technology, and skills and knowledge are needed. However, there are quite affordable ways to get a spectacular surface design with less cost. Next, consider some of them.

Roller application

This is probably the cheapest and easiest wayfinishing. For the application of decorative plaster, a roller with a relief pattern is used. Experts recommend using mixtures that are sold in buckets. Before coating the walls with plaster, the surfaces should be treated with a primer. It is necessary to wait until it dries. Then plaster is applied. This is easy to do immediately with a roller with a relief. The pattern can turn out very different. In this case, it is possible to emphasize the depth of the relief and its features, if we additionally use surface staining.


This method involves the use of a stencil.The technology of decorative plaster application in this case practically does not differ from the one described above. Only here not a roller is used, but a special stamp.

wall finishing with fine-grained decorative coatings

Other accessories

In this case, there is practically no reliefdrawing. When applying plaster, use a special trowel, a spatula with prongs or a comb. It should be noted that the options for laying materials on the surface are not limited to the above. Drawing can also be obtained with the help of improvised means, for example, cellophane bag, sponge.

Special formulations

You can not only get the original surfaceusing different tools and devices. Manufacturers produce different grades of plaster. With the help of those or other compositions, you can create a unique pattern on the surface.

decorative coatings of walls and ceilings

"Bark beetle"

Such a name plaster was received thanks tothe pattern that is obtained when it is applied. The pattern resembles the bug traces that remain on the surface of the tree. Plaster "bark beetle" is used for decoration of both external and internal surfaces. Among the merits of the material should be noted:

  • resistance to changes in temperature and humidity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • strength;
  • resistance to mechanical stress.

The mixture is based on mineral fillers and binder. As the first used particles of quartz, granite, marble. They create the necessary pattern on the surface.

Decorative covering of walls under a stone

A very attractive option isSurface decoration with marble. It's quite possible to apply such a coating yourself. However, in the process of work, it is necessary to follow the sequence of actions, carefully follow all the steps. This coating has an exquisite appearance. Other advantages of the material include:

  • incombustibility;
  • durability and strength;
  • resistance to external factors.

Such a coating can be applied both internally and externally.outside the room. The material perfectly harmonizes with the interior in a classic style. In addition, decorative plaster for marble differs in a variety of shades. An important advantage of the material is its ease of maintenance. In the process of operation, the surface does not lose its attractive appearance, does not wear off or turn pale.

decorative covering of walls under a stone


Certainly, varieties of decorativeplastering is quite a lot, as, actually, and the ways of its application. If there is a desire to create a beautiful surface without significant costs, then you need to choose more simple mixtures, the laying of which does not require special knowledge and can be carried out by available tools and devices. To create exclusive surfaces it is better to invite a specialist. However, in general, the process of applying decorative plaster is quite simple. The main thing is to thoroughly prepare the base.

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