/ / The aqueduct is a Roman idea embodied in the whole world.

The aqueduct is a Roman idea embodied throughout the world.

On the territory of countries around the world sometimes foundamazing designs, the construction of which is sometimes difficult to understand by their appearance. Such, for example, is an aqueduct. This massive structure resembles a bridge with high arches below. However, this is not the case.

The construction of these structures began long beforeappearance of modern plumbing. In ancient Rome, in order to deliver water from highly located reservoirs to the fields, to settlements and other necessary places, aqueducts were built. In a narrower sense, the term "water pipe" is a synonym for this word.

aqueduct is

An aqueduct is a structure above the road or another.an obstacle to carrying water through the channel or pipe. As a rule, the material for the construction of this structure is stone, iron or concrete. There was no special mechanism for supplying water: from a pond that was high at a natural angle, the liquid flowed into the required place.

It should be noted that irrigation aqueductsAncient Rome, and not only Rome, were open. While their plumbing counterparts were built with ventilation and completely isolated from external influences. Such constructions can be found all over the world: in Vienna, Sevastopol, Paris, New York and other megalopolises and small cities.

roman aqueducts

The very first are Roman aqueducts.The rapid growth of the city’s population forced the architects of that time to bow their heads over the drawings and develop a building design that could help provide people with water. All kinds of tanks, canals and sluices connected to each other have become the world's first water supply system. Water in these tanks came from mountain springs located near the city. At the same time, when on the path of a rapid stream a road or a ravine was encountered, then a special arched structure was built - an aqueduct. This architectural solution has become widespread, not only in the empire, but throughout the world.

The most enormous structure of this type in Romewas considered an aqueduct named Claudius. It is not difficult to guess that it was built in honor of the emperor with the same name. The construction of buildings had to 1 century AD. Rough stones and massive blocks from which the aqueduct was built, gave him power and strength. Due to this, many scientists considered the structure to be one of the most amazing structures on earth. There was a plumbing link at the crossroads, which, as was to be expected, led to Rome. The first is Via Labicana. The second is Via Praenestina. The height of the building at 27 meters allowed to create a huge gate, called Port Maggiore.

aqueducts of ancient Rome

On the territory of modern Russia also existsaqueduct. This building is located in Moscow. The popular name for this miracle of architecture is the Millionth Bridge. Original - Rostokinsky aqueduct. It was once the longest in Russia (356 meters) and built for 25 years. An enormous amount of money was spent on this process - more than 1 million rubles, hence the name - the Millionth Bridge. Built by order of Catherine II, the aqueduct is currently a pedestrian zone - it has been completely renovated and is topped with a roof. The building is located in the VDNH.

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