The fundamental element of the study of the overwhelming amount of natural science is matter. In this article we will consider the concept, types of matter, forms of its movement and properties.
For centuries, the concept of matterchanged and improved. Thus, the ancient Greek philosopher Plato saw her as a substrate of things that opposes their idea. Aristotle said that this is something eternal, which can neither be created nor destroyed. Later the philosophers Democritus and Leucippus defined matter as a fundamental substance of which all bodies in our world and in the Universe consist.
The modern concept of matter gave V.I.Lenin, according to which she is an independent and independent objective category, expressed by human perception, sensations, it can also be copied and photographed.
The main characteristics of matter are three signs:
The first two are metrologicalproperties, that is, they can be quantified by special instruments. Space is measured in meters and its derivative values, and time in hours, minutes, seconds, as well as in days, months, years, etc. Time has also another, equally important property - irreversibility. It is impossible to return to any starting time point, the vector of time always has a one-sided direction and moves from the past to the future. Unlike time, space is a more complex concept and has a three-dimensional dimension (height, length, width). Thus, all types of matter can move in space for a certain period of time.
Everything that surrounds us, moves inspace and interacts with each other. Movement occurs continuously and is the main property possessed by all types of matter. Meanwhile, this process can take place not only in the interaction of several objects, but also within the substance itself, causing its modifications. There are the following forms of motion of matter:
All the above forms of matter are interrelated, complementary and interchangeable. They cannot exist independently and are not self-sufficient.
Ancient and modern science ascribed a multitude of properties to matter. The most common and obvious is movement, but there are other universal properties:
Modern scientists distinguish three fundamental types of matter:
Further, we dwell on each of the species in more detail.
Substance - a type of matter, the main propertywhich is discreteness, that is, discontinuity, boundedness. Its structure includes the smallest particles in the form of protons, electrons and neutrons that make up an atom. Atoms combine to form molecules, forming a substance that, in turn, forms a physical body or a fluid substance.
Any substance has a number of individualcharacteristics that distinguish it from others: mass, density, boiling point and melting point, the structure of the crystal lattice. Under certain conditions, different substances can be combined and mixed. In nature, they occur in three aggregative states: solid, liquid and gaseous. At the same time, a specific state of aggregation only corresponds to the conditions of the substance and the intensity of the molecular interaction, but is not its individual characteristic. So, water at different temperatures can take both liquid, and solid, and gaseous form.
Types of physical matter include suchcomponent as a physical field. It is a kind of system in which material bodies interact. The field is not an independent object, but rather a carrier of the specific properties of the particles that formed it. Thus, the impulse released from one particle, but not absorbed by another, is the belonging of the field.
Physical fields are real intangible forms of matter with the property of continuity. They can be classified according to various criteria:
In the XX century in physics as a compromise betweenmaterialists and idealists have introduced the term "physical vacuum" to explain certain phenomena. The former attributed to him material properties, and the latter argued that a vacuum is nothing but emptiness. Modern physics has refuted the judgments of idealists and proved that the vacuum is the material medium, also called the quantum field. The number of particles in it is equal to zero, which, however, does not prevent the short-term occurrence of particles in intermediate phases. In quantum theory, the energy level of the physical vacuum is conventionally taken as the minimum, that is, equal to zero. However, it has been experimentally proven that the energy field can accept both negative and positive charges. There is a hypothesis that the Universe arose precisely in the conditions of an excited physical vacuum.
До сих пор не до конца изучена структура physical vacuum, although many of its properties are known. According to the Dirac hole theory, a quantum field consists of moving quanta with the same charges, the composition of the quanta themselves, whose clusters move in the form of wave flows, remains unclear.