Nikolai Afanasievich Bulgakov was born in KievAugust 20 (1.09) in 1898. He graduated from the Alexandrovskaya Gymnasium, and then went to study at the Alekseevsky Engineering School in Kiev, where he acquired the rank of cadet.
Nikolay Bulgakov was a participant in the October battles.After fighting on the peninsula of Crimea, where he would be seriously injured in the right lung. In 1920, Gallipoli was evacuated. The following year he was awarded the rank of ensign. In the same year 1921, from Turkey went to Croatia, where he again went to study at the University of Zagreb.
After 8 years, Bulgakov defended his doctoratethesis at the same department where he studied. His scientific works in the field of bacteriology were interested in the French professor, soon Nikolai collaborated with him. Under his instructions, the young scientist left for three months in Mexico, where he gave lectures. During the 1941 war, he was arrested by German invaders, was forced to work as a doctor under their control. He passed away on June 13, 1966, at the age of 67.
Nikolai Bulgakov is a famous Russian andFrench scientist in the field of biology and bacteriology. He prepared and defended his Ph.D. and doctoral dissertations on philosophy, as a result of which he was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Nikolai Bulgakov is the brother of Mikhail Afanasievich, the same science fiction writer. The writer captured his personality in the image of Nikolka Turbin, one of the heroes of the novel The White Guard.
Nikolai Bulgakov in 1918 entered the medical faculty of Kiev University. Time then was already troubled. In the status of a student, he was about two months.
By the middle of November of the same year in Kiev alreadydeclared martial law. For this reason, all higher educational institutions were closed down in the city. Students of the Kiev University zealously supported the volunteer squad of the National Guard of Kiev, then it was commanded by Lev Nikolovich Kirpichev in the rank of Major-General. The squad was created under the aegis of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, headed by Kistyakovski. Volunteer of this squad was Nikolai Bulgakov.
In 1918 detachments of volunteers from the front linewent to Kiev, they were pursued by the troops of Ukrainian units. A little later, the volunteers were taken prisoner in the building of the Pedagogical Museum. Young Kolya realized that this was a trap. He jumped through the second-story window into the yard, where he met Maxim's pedel. The guys exchanged the Junker uniform for civilians. Nikolay in civilian clothes left the gymnasium freely and headed home. The rest of the guys were shot.