/ / One is not a warrior in the field. Confirmation and refutation of the known expression

There is safety in numbers. Confirmation and refutation of the known expression

People from early childhood are taught that they havethere must be many friends. They should behave well not only in society, they need a good reputation, and this lasts almost the whole life. In all why? Because one in the field is not a warrior. But what this saying means, we will investigate in this article.


there is safety in numbers

There are such forms of human activity, inwhich alone have nothing to do: firefighters, police, doctors. In these professions, no matter how brilliant the individual subject was, he can not cope without the team.

Imagine the house is on fire.The fireman runs to rescue people who were captured by the fire. Even if we are very well disposed towards the hero, we are unlikely to believe that he will make himself without a team, for one in the field is not a warrior. He, at least, needs partners to provide it with water and insure just in case, suddenly what.


A lone policeman is rather a herocriminal serials. You probably watched them on NTV. In real life, such heroes can hardly be met. The maximum that a trained OMON can do is to pacify a gang of hooligans, but our Russian peasant will not be able to boast of exploits in the spirit of the famous movie characters of the militants of the 1990s. And not even because it is bad; our muzhik, maybe, will give a head start to the Hollywood actors, but only here they operate in an ideal world where even bandits have some moral foundations, albeit minimal, and our OMON is fighting crime in the real world, but here alone in the field is not a warrior.


What is true about firefighters and rescuers can be said about doctors. There are wonderful surgeons, they have golden hands, but they need a good team nearby.

Take a fictional brilliant diagnostician -Dr. Gregory House. He unraveled a lot of difficult things, but all the “dirty work” for him was done by assistants. Although if you do not pay attention to particulars, then House is a lonely hero, but this is only at first glance. And even a mad and cynical doctor is not a warrior alone in the field.

Professions created for singles. Writer

Правда, нельзя сказать, что у отдельного взятого a person has no chance to change anything in the world. There are such professions where other people only provide technical support. In some professions, loneliness is a prerequisite for any success. Such is the work of a teacher or a writer. Of course, the aforementioned need a social field for implementation, but the representatives of these types of activities all change themselves. The role of the publisher, who noticed and released the cult book, is great, but, firstly, he did not write it himself, and secondly, he did it not out of the goodness of his heart, but because he saw this as commercial, and, perhaps, some that still makes sense. Thus, the proverb “one soldier in the field” can be invented by the writer in retaliation to the majority.


one soldier in the field

Учителям тоже необходимо учебное заведение для in order to translate their talent into something material, but the leaders of these “temples of knowledge”, as a rule, do not help the able person, but interfere with him. Because superiors always have their own tasks, and rarely are they as far-sighted as to free a talented person from some not too important tasks to fulfill his mission. Thus, the teacher withstands double pressure: on the one hand, the social environment, and on the other hand, the torments of creativity.

Fiction against real life. Why do viewers like action movies?

proverb one warrior in the field

Why the cool guys from the militants were sopopular before? Now more and more superheroes act on the screens (Iron Man, Spiderman, etc.), the tonality has changed. The viewer is no longer so naive, he does not believe that aging Jean-Claude Damme will scatter all the gangsters with his combat skills. Now, to become and be a hero, you need serious equipment.

Whoever shines on the screen, the viewer doesn't carewalks. Because he wants to believe: one person can change something else in the world. In addition, we never grow up, in essence, and therefore we love fairy tales, as before.

Напротив, отважные школьники, и не только они, they can say: “One soldier in the field! We will write a writing about it! ” We can only wish them good luck in this difficult matter. As we have seen, in life it can be both that and that. A person can become a member of a well-coordinated team, as well as try to change something alone. The main thing is to choose correctly the sphere of application of one’s own forces, for all paths are open.

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