/ / Hyde "Fearless Warrior", NeverWinter (game)

Hyde "Fearless Warrior", NeverWinter (game)

The NeverWinter series has always been famous for its deep andextensive opportunities for pumping a character. You could choose from dozens of different skills, creating a unique hero, capable of creating incredible on the battlefield. After two games, the series closed, and the fans could only re-nestle these two wonderful projects with nostalgia. Until recently, a new part was born, which at the same time changed the format slightly. Now NeverWinter is a multi-user online project, played by millions of gamers around the world. And the most important thing is that the game was able to preserve its main highlight - an excellent customization of the character. You can pump your hero in hundreds of different ways, investing in different skills and skills, thereby getting different kinds of fighters. Therefore, the beginner will not be so easy to understand all the abundance of skills and characteristics, so that he can come in handy quality guide. Fearless warrior (NeverWinter) - this is one of the most interesting directions of pumping, and it will be discussed further.


guide fearless warrior neverwinter

Everybody knows that in multi-userrole-playing games are very important tanks that will be able to collect most of the damage, withstood it at the expense of their great health and a high index of armor, as well as cause great damage to the opponents. It would seem a fairly simple task at first glance, but in reality everything is much more complicated, and in order not to die every five minutes, you may need a guide. Fearless warrior (NeverWinter) - this is one of the most effective tanks, which at the same time requires a fairly high skill of the game, to squeeze out of it a maximum. Naturally, everyone can pump himself a character, but not everyone can handle it. Therefore, train very hard and carefully read the guide - Fearless warrior (NeverWinter) is a very powerful tank, so if you have a desire to understand in detail the mechanics of its pumping and use, then you will not regret the result.

Character settings

neverwinter guides

With consideration of the most important parameters for the heroany guide begins. A fearless warrior (NeverWinter) is a character for whom his parameters are very important. So pay attention to everything - some of them you really need, and some you can barely touch. For example, power affects damage, so pump it as high as possible, but the penetrating damage allows you to ignore the enemy's armor. Here you need to pump out depending on your endurance - a large figure gives an increase to this damage, which means that the parameter itself can be pumped less. Critical damage swings to 3k, since after that the increase per level becomes minimal. But the restoration can, in principle, not touch, because you do not have the sense to regenerate your health - you either perish, or survive, and there you will heal partners. Naturally, you can be advised to pump other parameters different guides - NeverWinter is a universal game, in which there is no one right decision.

Choice of race

neverwinter game

When creating a character, you will need to selectrace, to which he will relate. Here you definitely should choose a half-or-half - this is where all the guides come together. NeverWinter offers each character a certain increase depending on the race, and in the half-ork, it is two units of strength, two units of agility and five percent of critical damage, which is just perfect for the tank. Also, you can choose a person or tiefling - they also come up, though not as good as the half-orc. If you play on the PvP server, then the choice is better to do in favor of halfling - in this case you will be more useful three percent of parrying and ten percent resistance to control. If desired, you can try playing on such a server and for the Dwarf. NeverWinter does not assume that you will focus on a particular race for a particular class - you can make your own choice. But it is these races that are best suited for the Fearless Warrior.


neverwinter warrior guide

So the time has come for a very important point -characteristics of the character. The game NeverWinter with all its diversity offers you only three basic characteristics - strength, agility and endurance. You need to make the maximum emphasis on strength and agility, since the first will give you a loss, and the second - a critical blow. As it was said before, you do not need to care about health, as it will be impressive for you, and if you die, no regeneration and extra glasses will help you. Here such here will be in NeverWinter the warrior. The guide for PvP, however, will be different - in case of confrontation with other gamers, focus on dexterity and endurance.


neverwinter tracker's guide

When pumping skills, you have two main builds- master of the sword and iron avant-garde. In the first case, the tank is much stronger, more powerful, more efficient, but it is much more difficult to manage and achieve success. If you choose the iron avant-garde, then the power of your character will be lower, but you can easily cope with it and get from it the maximum that it is capable of. This is the main thing that is included in any game for the NeverWinter game. Pathfinder, Mage, Warrior, Archer or any other class you have chosen - it does not matter.

Skills of the Fearless Warrior

Finally, it is worth paying attention to whatskills and how much you need to pump this character. Adept forces swing to the maximum, irrepressibility - four points out of five, an endless attack and steel defense - also to the maximum, possession of weapons can not be a little docked. All other skills that will be listed, you need to pump to the limit, as they will be very necessary to you. The crushing blow, the sword student, the brutal advantage, concentration, deep wounds, unshakable resilience, the concentration of the destroyer and the destroyer's purpose - all these skills will be key to the Fearless Warrior both in the role of the iron avant-garde and as the master of the sword. Naturally, there will be differences, but they are not so significant. Moreover, you have the right to decide independently whether you fully adhere to the guide or change certain items in it. If you get to make your own based on these builds, with which you can perfectly play, it will be perfect.

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