/ / "Wind in the head" - idiom: the meaning and situations of use

"Wind in the head" - idiom: the meaning and situations of use

It is possible to define humanrecklessness. For example, say: "Yes, this guy has the wind in his head." This idiom we will consider today. We will determine not only its meaning, but also try to understand whether it is good or bad, if the wind is in the head.

The meaning of phraseology

wind in my head idiom

Imagine a field, a Russian field.The wind is free and easy there. Nothing prevents him from walking and feeling at ease. Why? Because in the field there are no objects that impede his movement. Here and in the head of a person who is not burdened with plans for the future or with some ideas, it is empty. That is, “wind in the head” (idiom) means the absence of any thoughts, “objects” about which the free air flow could stumble.

Вообще, это выражение может означать много всего, for example, that a person is not serious, he cannot be trusted with anything important, for he will surely let him down. Well, what about an individual who does not even think about his future, does not make plans, does not think about life. That's what “wind in the head” is - idiom. Now consider it from a moral point of view: it is good or bad to be windy.

The concept of life "born-baptized, married and dead" and a frivolous person

what does the wind mean in the head

In general, at this point you will have to look beyond linguistic reality. Rather, even peel off the cover of morphology and see what the expression “wind in the head” hides (such a phraseological unit).

In fact, "born-baptized, married and died"- this is one model of life, one way to live it, and the “wind in the head” is another. The first option for those who want a family, children, friends and other delights of existence. Agree that this is quite a simple script. And most importantly, you don’t need to think about anything especially, your whole life has already been painted. Another thing is a person who does not have a plan that has been agreed in advance (at least with himself). He lives, as God put on his soul. The wind walks in his head and does not meet any obstacles.

Attentive reader noticed that we are cleverlywe change accents in this phraseological unit. Traditionally, classically, it carries a negative meaning. But now we are changing the optics and look not from the point of view of the majority, but from the point of view of the person who has become friends with the wind. So, we need examples. Well, there are two. They are related to each other - this is Hank Moody and Henry Chinaski - the main and main characters of the books of Charles Bukowski.

Two Hank - friends of the wind

wind blows in my head

Хэнка Муди связывают с Буковски три Circumstances: First, Hank was the old Charlie and, secondly, Henry Chinaski's friends also called Hank. Thirdly (and this is the main thing), both have decent winds in their heads, judging from the point of view of an ordinary citizen.

Fans of the series and books know how these two writers live: they drink, they meet women — they are wasting their lives. Sometimes creativeness bursts into their reality.

And after all, what a thing the surrounding thought was that Ch.Bukowski is completely missing people, and now they write about him in books that he is “the largest American novelist of the 20th century”. And by all appearances, he has wind in his head, and he is not just walking, he settled there.

The moral here is not to drink, smoke andmorally decay. Simply, there are people who do not fall into society, into its main line of values, and yet it seems from the outside that they are empty and empty, but somewhere there, inside, tragedy lurked. Therefore, it is not necessary to judge by clothes, as M.A. Bulgakov, you need to look at or in person, but our hectic age does not always have enough time for this. It is easier to dismiss and say: "Yes, he has wind in his head."

Anyway, after reading the article, the reader does notonly easily answers the question of what “wind in the head” means, but also thinks about whether the popular wisdom is right in its haste and categorical nature.

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