/ / Kalinin Maxim: Hero of the Soviet cult film "The Adventures of Electronics"

Kalinin Maxim: Hero of the Soviet cult film "The Adventures of Electronics"

At the age of 43 Kalinin Maxim left the world.The death of a Soviet actor and economist came on December 1, 2011 due to injuries that he received during a fall from a window from the fifth floor, where he lived in his apartment on Stroginsky Boulevard. Doubt that it was suicide, no. This is evidenced by a note that Maxim Kalinin left before doing this act. In it, the actor claimed that no one was to blame, that everything happened like that. He ordered this act to be taken as a personal desire to leave this world.

Kalinin Maxim


Kalinin was born on August 31, 1968.Maksim. The actor studied in Moscow at school number 93. In 1980, while still a schoolboy, he was fortunate enough to play one main role in the famous film “The Adventures of Electronics”. After school, Kalinin Maxim entered the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov at the Faculty of Economics. Since 1991, Maxim Nikolayevich has successfully worked in the Russian financial market. He held the position of a stock market broker and worked in various banks.

Maxim Kalinin

Life after starry role

Although playing a role in"The Adventures of Electronics" brought fame, Maksim Nikolayevich did not become infected with a star disease. He did not continue his professional career in the field of cinema. And it would be very interesting to know what Maxim Kalinin-actor would become. Films with his participation have already managed to catch the fancy of the audience. Probably his popularity would only grow. But this was not to be, because he set his priorities not in favor of acting. In addition to one of the main roles, he played and occasional in the TV series "White Horse" in 1993. His participation was in the episode "Les Miserables". At this decided to finish his acting career Maxim Kalinin. His photos from the days of filming a movie are still very different. But, nevertheless, looking at this cheerful person, and you see in him a born actor. But he devoted the rest of his life in terms of professional activity to finance and securities. By the way, it is worth noting that in this direction he managed to achieve high results.

Maxim Kalinin actor

Professional activity

Since 2011, Kalinin Maxim is a memberthe project team, which is engaged in improving the infrastructure in the field of financing and regulating the financial market of the working group, which is working on the opening of the International Financial Center in the Russian Federation. He also was active in the development of the accounting infrastructure of securities. In addition, Maxim Kalinin regularly published a number of articles. Basically, their subject was devoted to diverse aspects of professional activity. I found free time to keep my own blog, which was dedicated to the professional Internet community. Since 2009 and for a period of more than two and a half years, Maksim Nikolayevich has actively participated in discussions on issues related to the opening of the Central Securities Depository in Russia. At the same time, he participated in various conferences as a speaker. Their subject was related to the dynamic development of the securities market infrastructure.

Maxim Kalinin photo

Work experience

For all his life, Maxim Kalinin changed a number of posts.These changes were due to his growth as a specialist in the area to which he decided to devote himself. Successfully developing, every year he became more and more professional employee, which contributed to his advancement through the career ladder. In 1991, he began his career as a deputy head of the investment company "Vikar". The next two years he worked as an employee of the Moscow Finance Center in the brokerage department. From 1992 to 1993, Maxim Kalinin worked as a deputy head of the Registrar NIKoil OJSC in technology. In the period from 1994 to 2000, he was the CEO in the same company. Since 2011, Maksim Nikolaevich has served on the Board of Directors of Prospekt IC and JSC Novy Registrar. In addition, since 1999, he has been a permanent member of the Board of Directors of PARTAD.

Versions of death

There are reports in the media aboutthat Kalinin Maxim died due to suicide. But such options as bringing to a state of suicide or murder are not excluded. According to these assumptions, an investigation was carried out. At the moment, the reason for this act is not identified. Difficulties arise from the fact that on the eve of what happened, Maxim Kalinin spoke with his friends on the phone. And they did not notice anything unusual. Also, the spouse also talked on the phone with Maxim Kalinin. They agreed to meet soon. In her words, in a conversation and in the tone of her spouse, she did not reveal anything suspicious. The body of Kalinin was found at eleven o'clock in the evening, and a few hours earlier there was a conversation with his wife, who at that time was with her son in Portugal. There they have property. Maxim Nikolayevich confirmed that the plans remain in force and that he will soon come to them. But this, unfortunately, was not destined to happen.

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