/ / Kalinin Yuly - a pupil of the St. Petersburg school of basketball

Kalinin Yuly - a pupil of the St. Petersburg school of basketball

In April this year, Samara hosted theparticipants of the DUBL Championship among young men. RSE does everything to find talented young people, able to repeat the success of Eurobasket-2007. The third place in the stubborn struggle was won by the St. Petersburg team "Zenit-DYUBL". Andrei Kirilenko appreciated all that is being done in the Northern capital for the training of beginners. The basketball school is one of the best in the country. Kalinin Julius, which will be discussed in the article, is her worthy representative.

Kalinin Julius

The system of training young athletes

Two years the project "SIBUR -" Zenith "is being realized, inthe framework of which in seven cities of the country a lot of work has been done to reconstruct the basketball courts and conduct regional selection of talented children. This is done to attract them to seven-day camps on the basis of the BC "Zenith". Among the participating cities are Nizhnevartovsk and Tobolsk, Dzerzhinsk and Togliatti, Perm, Voronezh and Tomsk. Territories are chosen where it is necessary to tighten the coaching staff and identify promising young men over 10 years old for a possible continuation of the training process in St. Petersburg.

Previously, the basketball school only dealt withpupils of the school (8 of them) from the city and the region, among whom was Kalinin Julius. His name can be found in the competition records of the 2011/2012 season. Then it was a short kid 175 cm tall, playing in the position of the attacker. No one knew if a real athlete would emerge from a teenager, except for an experienced coach who could see talent. Who was that person who believed in the future of his pupil?

Kalinin Julius, basketball

First coach

The official documents specify the nameVasilevsky Dmitry Konstantinovich. This personality is unique. The basketball player was his mother, and he made a successful playing career with Karasev, Pashutin, Kisurin and Panov. But really realized himself in coaching, creating on the basis of school number 222 sports class. Among his students are not only Kalinin Julius. Basketball, for example, for a long time was an important part of life for the son of TV presenter Cyril Nabutov - Victor. All graduates of the school after receiving the certificates followed their coach, enrolled in the Leningrad State University. Pushkin, where he today trains a team playing in the ASB.

In the 2016/2017 season, he played several games for his student team and Kalinin Julius, but his busy schedule does not allow him to become a major player. The beginning of his sports career is connected with BC "Zenith".

Kalinin Julius, Zenit, the main staff

Today's Day

Julia Viktorovich - 19, he was born in1998-m. Not so long ago, I celebrated my next birthday, which falls on April 20. Today, this is no longer a modest teenager, but a confident player with a height of 197 cm. In 2013, the VTB United League organized regular competitions for young reservists of the Super League clubs. In this youth tournament, Kalinin Yuliy (Zenit) is participating. The basic structure of the BC is his dream, but on the forward shirt there is a personal number "20", under which the fans of the club know him. In the photo above you can see the focus on the result, which distinguishes the young player.

Of the 15 players in Zenit, six are legionnaires from other countries. There will be a little time, and the need for them will fall away. Kalinin Julius and his talented peers will come to replace them.

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