/ / Historical Cathedral of Peter and Paul (St. Petersburg): photos, when and by whom was built

Historical Cathedral of Peter and Paul (St. Petersburg): photo, when and by whom was built

St. Petersburg is rich in magnificent historicalarchitectural landmarks that attract attention with their uniqueness and curious history. The core of the ensemble of the Peter and Paul Fortress was the Cathedral of Peter and Paul (St. Petersburg).

Peter and Paul Cathedral (St. Petersburg)

This article will tell you a brief history of the emergence of this unique structure, describes the events associated with this historical and architectural structure.

Peter and Paul Cathedral (St. Petersburg): photo, short description

Quite unusual for traditional Russian.architecture as the appearance of the cathedral, and its interior. The main decoration of the temple is a beautiful gilded carved iconostasis and an altar shade, which were presented to the temple by Peter I and Catherine I. The iconostasis itself was created by a group of Moscow carvers from drawings. They were led by I.P. Zarudny.

Peter and Paul Cathedral (St. Petersburg): photo

Программа иконостаса была создана Петром I и Archbishop of Novgorod Feofan Prokopovich. The whole composition includes 5 large icon cases, with 43 icons placed in them (1726–1729), written by Russian icon painters F. Protopopov and A. Pospelov. Sketches were made by M. Avramov - the organizer and director of the Drawing School at the Petersburg Printing House.

To preach a sermon in front of the altara chair was established. Previously, Orthodox churches did not practice the reading of religious speeches in churches, and for the first time it was introduced during the reign of Peter I. The platform (royal place) stands symmetrically to the pulpit. The Emperor himself stood on it during the divine service.

Architectural features

For a long time, the Cathedral of Peter and Paul(St. Petersburg) served as a monument to the glory of Russian weapons. Then for 200 years, banners (trophy), keys of fortresses and cities captured by Russian troops were kept. Only in the early 20th century, they were transferred to the Hermitage Museum.

Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul (St. Petersburg)

For the period from 1908 to 1915 in the tomb5 burials took place, and 8 more graves were transferred here from the Peter and Paul Cathedral. The great-grandson of Alexander II (Vladimir Kirillovich) was buried here in 1992, and in 1995 the dust of his parents was brought from Coburg.

Even the warehouse of the Book Chamber (Central) inThe 1930-1940s placed in their halls the Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul. St. Petersburg only in 1954 received this unique historical building.

The gallery connects the cathedral with the Grand-Ducal Tomb, which was built for the burial of members of the House of Romanov (Grand Dukes).

Many elements of the tomb's decoration are lost, including the iconostasis. During the siege of Leningrad, the altarpiece stained-glass window "The Resurrection of Christ" (artist N. A. Bruni) was destroyed.

Now in the cathedral are copies of the banners of Turkish and Swedish.

In what century was the Peter and Paul Cathedral built in St. Petersburg?

St. Petersburg is interesting in terms of historicalThe events that took place here over many centuries, and is also famous for the fact that under its magnificent arches the graves of the great Russian emperors are arranged.

The cathedral was laid in 1712 in place of woodenChurch of Peter and Paul (apostles) and was consecrated in 1733. Laid it in May 1712. The construction (project and management of D.Tresini) was built during 20 years (from 1712 to 1732).

In what century was built the Cathedral of Peter and Paul in St. Petersburg

At the beginning of the 20th century, near the cathedral was builtchurch, and 13 members of the imperial family were buried in it, part of which was reburied from the cathedral itself. Since 2000, worship services have been held here again.

Interesting Facts

Peter and Paul Cathedral (St. Petersburg) has an amazing long history.

In 1703-1704on the territory of the fortress of Petropavlovsk the first church of Saints Peter and Paul was built of wood. This happened in parallel with the construction of the fort itself. Stone Cathedral in the Baroque style was later erected exactly on the site of this church.

The individual elements of the temple are made differentmasters: the 40-meter spire was installed by Harman Van Bolos (Dutch); watches are also brought and installed by foreign masters; the gilded iconostasis was made by Ivan Zarudny in Moscow and many others. other

The appearance of the cathedral is more reminiscent of the temple of Western styles, namely the shape of the windows, walls, lack of five domes. However, the tradition to build such churches in Russia from the middle of the XVIII century ceased.

The bell tower of the cathedral due to its high position at one time had a military significance, since from its height it was convenient to observe the possible approach to the walls of the fortress of enemy troops.

The first in the time of Peter I of the royal family hereThe infant daughter of Catherine and Peter, Natalya, was buried, and then, beginning with Peter I, all empresses and emperors rested here, down to Nicholas II (with the exception of Ivan VI and Peter II).

This Great Council of Peter and Paul entered the Unified State Register of Historical and Cultural Russian Monuments.

St. Petersburg has a wonderful, the highest architectural and historical museum in the face of this historical building. Its height is 122.5 m.

The golden spire of the cathedral with a flying angel is one of the main symbols of the northern capital.

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