/ / What does a house bug look like? What do bedbug bites look like?

What does a house bug look like? What do bedbug bites look like?

Bedbug - a common name for insects, numbering 40thousands of species. Most of them have nothing to do with man. Some species harm agricultural crops, there are even useful ones: they eat caterpillars and aphids. From early spring to late autumn, representatives of this suborder of insects from the order of hemiptera bask in the sun, delighting our eye with colorful "outfits." Everyone knows, for example, what a bug looks like. But there is one species, the contact with which everyone remembers as a nightmare.

Meet the bug

In most cases, the person is not immediatelyguesses that talked to this insect. He does not know what the bug looks like, but he senses traces of his presence “in his own skin.” If you wake up for several days in a row and find bite marks on your skin, you should think about it. It may be a bug.

He is very small.The bug is a blood-sucking insect (ecoparasite). It has a strongly developed sense of smell, which makes it possible to quickly and efficiently find a victim by smell (usually it is a person, but sometimes it can be an animal). Sucks blood every seven days. But it multiplies exponentially. And now all his relatives together can poison the life of not only a large family, but even the inhabitants of a multi-storey building.

At the beginning of the last century, the bugs were notwonder. After they began to poison them with pesticides and other poisons, they almost disappeared. But not all. Probably, the surviving representatives have adapted to the first generation pesticides and no longer react to them. Now the bugs again began to appear everywhere. And not only in poor areas, but also in modern new buildings.


What are the bugs (photo) home, or bedding, or linen?

These are different names for the same insect.It has a flattened body above and below without wings. The body bug does not contain water. The length depends on the amount of blood consumed. It is said about him: "Fed the hungry is not a friend." After eating, the bug increases not only in width but also in length. Hungry reaches only 3 mm, well-fed - 8 mm. By the way the bug looks like, you can judge how long it has eaten. Its coloring depends on it. It varies from dirty yellow (hungry), scarlet (just ate) and to dark brown (eaten a long time). The contours of the body also depend on the amount of food eaten: hungry - oval, full - round.

what housebugs look like

Let's take a closer look at what the bugs look like (photo).Domestic vampires have a body covered with hairs that can only be viewed under a microscope. Females are more males. The bug has a proboscis, which pierces the skin. In the small jaws are two channels. One - for the introduction of poisonous saliva with an analgesic, the other - for sucking blood.

What does a bed bug look like?He is very different from the hungry. Sated - slow, seemingly rounded. Hungry - flat and nimble: in search of food, he can climb on the ceiling and plan down on the victim, like an autumn leaf.

The body of the bug consists of segments that helps himstretch when eating and avoid mechanical damage. Crush a hungry bug is almost impossible. A well-fed very easily, even with a weak press.

Stages of development

what the bug looks like

A bug during its life goes through several stages:

  • egg;
  • larva;
  • adult individual (imago).

The female lays 5–12 eggs daily (fortheir life can be up to 500). Attaches with a special secret to the surface. The egg is milky white in shape, resembling a grain of rice, but much smaller - up to 1 mm. Not afraid of cold and poison. Therefore, when treating an apartment with bedbug remedy, the eggs remain intact.

What do the bug larvae look like? They look like an adult bug, but are smaller and much lighter. Therefore, they are called nymphs.

The larva of the egg appears in a week.She immediately begins to move and is ready to eat blood. At first, the nymph is transparent, so through the skin you can see the blood it has drunk. The larva molts five times (sheds its shell), each time it first drinks of blood. After molting increases in size. After 6 weeks, the larva turns into an imago. If the conditions of development are unfavorable, the process is delayed up to 4 months.

The bug actively lives a year and a half.But if the temperature in the room drops below 18 ⁰C, it can hibernate (anabiosis) and starve for another year and a half. What does bedbug look like in a state of anabiosis? It will become thin and transparent, almost dry, seemingly dead. But this impression is deceptive. After the temperature rises, the bug comes to life, finds food and continues its life cycle. Do not tolerate frost below -15 С and heat from 49 ⁰С.

Where do bugs live


Where it is difficult to find and neutralize them: inside the furniture, under the baseboards. Hence the answer to the question: "What does the bug of furniture look like?" This is another home name.

They also hide in books and electronics. In old things, crevices of walls and floors. In animal cages. They live in dirty and clean rooms.

In the habitats of ticks are imago, larvae, their skins, eggs and excrement.

Therefore, if you don’t know what homebugs look like, you need to carefully examine the secluded places in the bedroom and look for these clusters.

Ways to enter the house

what the larvae of bedbugs look like

  • Through the cracks in the walls, ventilation hatches. An adult bug per minute passes 1 m 25 cm, a larva - up to 25 cm. It can overcome in search of food up to 30 m.
  • With old furniture.
  • With any interior items, if they were in a room infected with bedbugs.
  • In clothes of family members or guests.
  • Clinging to a pet.

Often the landlord does not know what they look like.homebugs do not notice their bites, and therefore does not fight with them. In such a case, their numbers rapidly increase. Through the cracks bedbugs penetrate into the neighboring apartments. The owners, finding unexpected guests, try to destroy them. But they come again and again, and their flow does not dry out.

How and when bite bugs

The channel in the jaw release painkillersubstance. The person does not feel the bite and does not react to it. The bug starts to suck blood. One meal session at the nymph lasts 3 minutes, an adult individual - 8-10 minutes. After eating, the bug crawls into the habitat and digests food. After 15 minutes, the bite begins to itch. But there is no insect nearby. You can not notice that there was a bedbug. What does the bed look like in the morning? On it are drops of blood from crushed bugs, who did not have time to escape. Stains darken in the morning. Happy "bloodsuckers" are not visible. At night (from 3 am) the bugs go hunting. With a proboscis pierce the skin and soft tissues until a capillary is found.

Nymphs do not know how to inject an analgesic, because the injection is heard immediately. But their proboscis is very thin, and the bite may be imperceptible.

If there are a lot of bedbugs and they are hungry, they can attack with electric light and even during the day. Argued that the more they bite people with delicate skin and do not like the smell of tobacco.

what the bedbug looks like

What do bedbug bites look like?

After the bite of one individual, the path remains fromseveral punctures that are one to the other at a distance of 4 cm. From each hole the insect drinks a few drops of blood. If the bugs are only settled to you, there may be a few bites, which makes it difficult to make a diagnosis. But usually there are several dozen tracks.

Each of the bites is similar to a mosquito, but with a clear restrictive trait. The area near the site of penetration quickly swells and reddens, a strong burning and itching begins.

The distance between bites may be somewhatmillimeters. Then they merge into a solid swollen and itchy spot. What does a bug bite look like? The photo below shows: red bumps with liquid form in its place.

what bedbug bites look like

Клопы кусают участки кожи, не покрытые одеждой:arms, legs, neck, bare back. They cannot bite through the fabric like a mosquito. And there will always be open areas. After all, the bug operates silently. You can't even hear a squeak like a mosquito.

After a few hours the swelling disappears, the bites stop itching. By evening, they are usually barely visible points. But when combing, which is very likely, blisters can remain for several weeks.

Bite damage

  • Pain and itching do not allow to sleep at night, during the day - to work
  • Allergic reactions occur with increased sensitivity. The temperature may rise, attack angioedema, sometimes - anaphylactic shock.
  • If you get into the wound infection, there is a greater likelihood of ulcers.
  • If a small child is bitten by bugs for a long time, it can develop anemia.
  • These insects carry pathogens of typhoid, smallpox, tularemia, hepatitis, and tuberculosis. Some scientists believe that bugs can infect humans with them. But science is not proven.

How to find out that bugs appeared in the apartment

To understand who bites you, you need to find it.About 70% of people, mostly men, do not respond to bedbugs. They are not affected by the insect injected substance. But bite bugs all. If in the morning on the bed you find small dark spots of blood, you need to be alert. It may well be bedbugs. To check, at night it is necessary to turn on the light and carefully examine yourself, the sheets, the walls near the bed.

what the furniture bug looks like

The harsh smell of almonds or raspberries that appeared from nowhere can also indicate the presence of bedbugs.

Differences from other insects

Often bedbugs are confused with cockroaches, lice, ants. After all, most of them, fortunately, almost never occur.

The main differences:

  • the bugs do not have nests, the ants have;
  • cockroaches have wings, bugs do not (or rather, have, but underdeveloped);
  • bugs bite the open part of the body, lice - closed;
  • the remaining insects are odorless.

How to distinguish bedbug bites

Doctors can not always do this. But a number of differences still exist.

  • Mosquito bites are not so painful. Traces of bedbugs are redder, are placed in tracks and groups.
  • During the bite, the tick sits in the wound for a long time, burrowing into it with its head and pouring blood; the bug runs away.
  • The bites of bees and wasps are more painful.
  • Bedbugs bite at night and indoors.
  • If you are allergic to the red spot does not leave a trace from the proboscis.

Bedbugs bite everyone and always.They can move from apartment to apartment, from old furniture to new. They are not easy to see, but even more difficult not to notice. As you can see, bugs - insects unpleasant. Their neighborhood brings not only painful bites. The realization that these creatures crawl around you at night can cause depression or a nervous breakdown. The bugs themselves will not go away. Therefore, we must try to get rid of them. Knowing what the bug looks like, it is easy to detect the location of the parasite. It is better to destroy with the help of special tools. Now there are effective drugs that do not have an unpleasant smell and are practically harmless to humans. The procedure can be done independently or refer to professionals who are engaged in disinsection.

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