Sometimes, looking through the historical chronicles of manycenturies, one can make one simple, but extremely unpleasant conclusion - no events, probably, will never teach humankind to value its clan and kind. Unfortunately, we are constantly destroying each other. Even in the modern world, filled with the latest technology, there is always a place for victims at the hands of others. Victims - it's like marking certain boundaries in the history of mankind, after all, it so happened - every significant event bears victims.
Probably, no one so mocked people forthe entire history of the formation of the world, as the fascists did during the Second World War. Perhaps somebody's knowledge of those vague times is filled with stories of grandparents, but let's remember what the Nazis loved so cruelly and heartlessly.
The struggle for the purity of the nation, the extermination of the Sovietwomen and children, the Holocaust, the blockade - all these sad historical events have brought the victims of fascism to oblivion. The Nazi troops did not stand on ceremony for a long time: they went to cities on tanks, burned cattle, raped women, took children to servants. Nobody argues, the Germans are ashamed of their ancestors - and this, perhaps, is one of the few examples of when people changed their minds and realized their mistakes after years.
In the days of fascism, several million people diedin what not guilty people. And I really want to believe that this will never happen again on our planet. Otherwise, why do we live if we do not learn anything?
Do you remember what happened in the fall of 2004?The whole world was shocked by the terrible news: in the small town of Beslan, that in North Ossetia, the terrorists captured school No. 1, without waiting for the end of the solemn line in honor of the beginning of the school year.
Literally in the first hours of a terrible event,attackers mined the gym and organized a fire with law enforcement. Three passers-by suffered - this was the first victims of Beslan. Well, then everything was like a terrible dream: the terrorists demanded the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya and the release of the hijackers captured a week earlier in Ingushetia.
Attackers could not be persuadedacceptance of ransom and the release of hostages. And only on the second day of the nightmare the rescuers were able to achieve the withdrawal of two and a half dozen mothers with infants.
The nightmare ended on the third day. The assault lasted until midnight, several hostages managed to survive, and only one terrorist who is now serving life imprisonment in one of the colonies.
Perhaps, the victims of Beslan became the finalthe result in demonstrative terrorist actions, which often occurred on the territory of the Russian Federation in the early 2000s. It is still unclear why on that September day, the dirty games of military commanders chose to punish innocent children as punishment. It's terrible to admit, but in this case the victims are little angels who just started their life.
More than fifty families of the city lost somethis terrible and dishonest game. The bodies of the dead are buried in the memorial cemetery in Beslan called "The City of Angels", in the center of which there is a monument to the victims and rescuers. At the moment, this town in North Ossetia soon represents a living memory of those sad events of 2004, and, unfortunately, this fame for him will remain forever. All of Russia annually honors the memory of those accidentally killed in the school, which has long been a living relic.
Politics will always remain one of the mainreasons for the emergence of new victims in world history. It is hard to look at how children suffer, but not less frost on the skin when people are punished for their political views. Victims of political repression are among the most deplorable evidence of the blatant absurdity and injustice of post-Soviet power.
Any self-respecting person remembers fromtextbooks of school history about the terrible events of the 30s of the last century, when Comrade Stalin at a meeting of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party declared his decision to radically fight the followers of democratic trends in the USSR.
I do not want to recall how manythan innocent people were stigmatized by the "Trotskyite". It is amazing that even suspicious individuals were subjected to punishment, and even those who supported the activities of Comrade Stalin.
Victims of political repressions of that time were divided into two categories: the former were sent to exile for decades, and those assigned to the second category were shot on the spot.
Wives of convicts had to follow throughoutcountry for loved ones in order to preserve the family, some left broken families, orphans and all this is very undeserved - just the circumstances were not in their favor.
Many committed suicide, unable to withstand the injustice of the regime. It's terrible to think that we all live on a planet filled with blood and undeserved suffering, but, alas, this is our story.
If we are talking about victims, then to the head right awayunpleasant images of those circumstances that led to fratricidal wars, caused by the cruelty of people, come. Yes, people are cruel at all times and nothing can be done about it. We are not taught historical facts, marked by sad bloody events.
Sometimes it seems that the victims are an inalienablepart of life, and that tomorrow nothing will change. And that revaluation of values will not happen even after a millennium. It turns out that people in the world of nanotechnology and scientific progress are still interested in sharing power and territory, and as long as this interest is present in the people's intentions, there will be sacrifices in dirty political games. Victims will be children, women and old people, innocent. This is life, this is our story. But are not we doing this?
Victims of war - it's scary, it's bloody, it'snot a shooting or a link. In war, painful death occurs more often than painless and fast. During the war, you can lose not only your own life and health, but also shelter, close and dear people.
The whole world watches with sadness the sadevents that take place in the east of Ukraine, which are also commonly called anti-terrorist operations. But let us confess even to ourselves: no matter how they are called, the peaceful inhabitants suffer the most on both sides of the barricades.
It is difficult to imagine, but today, perhaps even inthis very minute, someone's house is destroyed by the projectile, thereby destroying everything that the ordinary, innocent person has been building for years throughout his life. It's scary to think, but every day some mother loses her son, and it's even more frightening to think that this son is a schoolboy who is killed by an accidental splinter in the street.
Victims are our acquaintances, perhaps evensomeone's friends and relatives. But why, understanding the horror of the situation, we can not stop this in any way? Cruelty in our hearts, and, believe me, no TV program or newspaper will give all the pain that everyone has to suffer today.
Let's hold a special opinion - the memorydead must be respected unequivocally, but the memory of the victims of innocent people must also be given due credit. In every civilized country, there is a practice of minutes of silence, days of mourning and lowered flags.
Walking in an unfamiliar city, especially inthose places where sad events happened, each of you can stumble upon monuments and monuments to the victims of various repressions, wars and terrorist acts.
If it is not difficult - lay flowersthose who suffered for our future, light a candle. Each of us should be responsible for what happened and try to do everything possible to prevent sacrifice in the future.
Any unintentional death should be respected - it is not necessaryneglect the minutes of silence. We must learn to learn from history the right lessons and not allow the mistakes our ancestors allowed. No politics costs human lives, no one kilometer of conquered territory can be changed to someone's destroyed house, no power will be successful if it was established by pain and suffering. Let's get better - only from us and from no one depends what will be tomorrow and in decades. And sometimes the one who sacrifices people can become the victim himself.