/ / How does facial muscles help psychologists?

How does facial muscles help psychologists?

Among the ways to express feelings and emotions are facial expressionsoccupies one of the leading places. The muscles of the face, changing the position of the eyes, lips, eyebrows, reflect the inner state of a person. Possession of facial expressions allows not only to convey the inner state to the interlocutor, but also to emphasize the stated idea, to emphasize the rhythm of sound. The science of facial muscle anatomy is considered as part of the human muscular system, performing important physiological functions. The section of psychology that studies facial expressions allows you to read the inner world of a person, the information that the muscles of a person's face carry, it is almost impossible to forge. Even in the language of mimicry there are obscene expressions, that's why a modern person, compelled to communicate daily with a huge number of people, should not only learn to read the secret signs of face and gestures, but also master the culture of non-verbal communication.

Begin to get acquainted with non-verbal meansreception-transmission of information is accepted from the person of the person. The facial muscles differ from skeletal muscles in that they do not have a double attachment to the bones, they are necessarily one or two ends woven into the skin, and they can also connect to the mucous membrane. Their reduction leads to movement of the skin. Relaxation of facial muscles will lead to the return of the skin to its former state, due to the elasticity of the skin. Antagonists have less influence on the work of facial muscles than on the functioning of skeletal muscles.

In its beginning visceral musculature hadattitude towards internal organs. In the process of development and a number of transformations, it was reborn in the cutaneous musculature of the neck region, and later, divided into bundles, into the muscles of the face.

A lot of muscle movements on the person's faceoccurs without conscious control over them. Requires extraordinary skill to keep the appearance of a smile on your face in a bad mood and hide the signals of sadness, and even more qualitatively simulate emotions.

In the abundance of facial muscles, it's easier to figure out ifbreak them into groups. The frontal muscle is a wide flat muscle, it is responsible for raising the eyebrows, its work leads to the formation of a number of frontal lateral folds.

The circular muscle of the eye refers to the circular muscles, surrounding the eye, it controls the eyelids, the sight of the squint is also its merit.

A small muscle that wrinkles eyebrows takesits beginning at the nasal septum, the second end it attaches to the skin in the middle of the eyebrow. He is responsible for the gloomy look, accompanies the sad mood. When the muscle lowers the tips of the eyebrows, a pair of vertical folds appear above the root of the nose, and the eyebrows converge to the nose.

Quadrangular muscle, which controls the upper lip,in the composition has three departments, which are located on both sides of the nose. The expression of mockery or contempt is obtained when this muscle forces the upper lip to stretch.

Around the mouth is a circular muscle. It starts from the corners of the mouth of small muscles. Contractions of the muscles of the mouth lead to bending and tightening of the lips.

The muscle, called the lower incisor, starts at the bottom of the cheek and attaches to the lower lip, it is shaded downward.

The chin muscle is located on the cheek. Its task is to pull up the lower lip, protruding, it gives the face a displeased expression.

For lowering the lower lip, an individual muscle responds. It begins in the region of the lower edge of the jaw, and ends at the corners of the mouth. It turns a gloomy grimace, when the muscle pulls down the corners of the mouth.

At the zygomatic arch - the zygomatic muscle, it stretches to the corners of the mouth. A pleasant smile will appear on the face when it pulls up the corners of the mouth.

Muscles of the face, constantly displaying those or otheremotional states of a person, leave a skin pattern on his skin in the form of wrinkles. Psychologists engaged in physiognomy, in folds of wrinkles of a person's face, learned not only to accurately recognize his character, but even to read the history of his formation.

If you remember what muscles are drawing on your face, those ordifferent feelings, then the wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, forehead, cheeks and chin, according to their direction and depth can be judged, what emotions often mastered by each particular person. And then you can judge the character of the subject.

Несознательно отдавая предпочтение тем или иным feelings, a person not only colors his life, memories in a certain emotional color. Subsequently, everyone has a habit of staying exactly in the most comfortable (habitual) state, not always this state has the sign "+". Do not we know people who, by constantly wearing a mask "anger" or "irritation", so fuse with it, that it becomes part of their character. Mimic muscles "remember" emotions, and if we forcefully try to restore this or that emotion on the face, then later it will more or less master our mental state. To focus, we frown, and to restore the inner balance we begin with the transformation of facial expressions and control over it.

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