/ / Myostimulation: contraindications, recommendations and results

Myostimulation: contraindications, recommendations and results

Myostimulation is a way toeffects on tissues and muscles of the human body with the help of electrical impulses with certain characteristics. Initially used in medicine for the rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the central nervous system and serious injuries, myostimulation of the body has found its application in cosmetology. With its help, you can eliminate many visible age-related changes - for example, pump up a press, tighten the buttocks, restore the lost skin tone.

For the procedure used apparatuscalled myostimulator. The impact is carried out with the help of electrodes attached or superimposed on certain parts of the body or face. Impulse currents make the muscles actively contract. At the same time, the subcutaneous fatty tissue, skin and blood vessels are affected. By the effectiveness of the impact on the body, one session of myostimulation can be compared with an intensive two to three-hour workout. However, myostimulation, the contraindications for which must be taken into account, has a serious advantage over regular fitness: it allows you to selectively affect those areas of the body, which can not always be adjusted by training.

В результате процедуры не только подкачиваются muscles, but also improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, as well as microcirculation in the tissues. Due to this, myostimulation, contraindications to which should be carefully studied before contacting a cosmetology clinic, is, among other things, the most effective means of fighting cellulite. It allows you to cope with postpartum stretch marks: they become less noticeable, and their skin begins to tan.

Показанием к проведению миостимуляции лица is saggy, loose skin (including the eyelids), puffiness and excessive fatty layer, wrinkles. Initially, peeling is usually done, since the upper keratinous cell layer can reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. The result of myostimulation is a tightened facial contour, the disappearance of small wrinkles and the transformation of pronounced, deep folds into less visible, getting rid of bags under the eyes, as well as the visible improvement of the eyelids - one of the most problematic areas on which age changes are most pronounced.

Однако какой бы эффективной и безопасной не была miostimulyation, contraindications to this procedure can not be ignored. They are serious enough: first of all, various neoplasms, renal failure, liver disease, active tuberculosis. This method of correction is also contraindicated for blood circulation disorders, blood diseases, as well as for thrombophlebitis. Myostimulation of the abdomen or lumbar region can cause serious damage in case of urinary and gallstone diseases. An absolute contraindication to this procedure is pregnancy, as well as the presence of an implanted pacemaker in a patient. Finally, myostimulation cannot be recommended for acute inflammatory processes and skin diseases.

The best course is 10-15 procedures.lasting 30–40 minutes each. They are held at intervals of several days. The effect is noticeable after the first of them, but it accumulates gradually, so you should not refuse further procedures after visible improvements - otherwise the latter will not last for long. In some people, myostimulation, contraindications to which are completely absent for health reasons, can cause discomfort due to individual sensitivity to impulse currents. In this case, unfortunately, procedures will have to be abandoned, since addiction is impossible here.

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