/ / Light therapy with Bioptron. Contraindications and indications for use

Light therapy with a Bioptron device. Contraindications and indications for use

The positive effect of sunlight is undeniable.Many plants, animals and, of course, humans can not exist without miraculous heat and light. The methods of light therapy, using various devices-light emitters, have been known for a long time and successfully used to treat a wide range of diseases. The bioptron device, as the Swiss manufacturer Zepter points out, emits a soft polarized light flux that combines visible wavelengths of light and infrared light. At the same time, which is very important, the device completely excludes ultraviolet rays, which are so harmful and dangerous with active exposure to the sun.

Успех в лечении различных заболеваний с The use of this device is explained, first of all, by the fact that it has a normalizing, regulating and regenerating effect on the body, increases immunity and improves the quality of treatment in the complex.

Применение биоптрона дало хорошие результаты при treatment of diseases of the nervous system. Due to the effect of medical light flow on the nerve endings and tissues, acute pain syndrome decreases, the volume of movements increases.

Very good results showed usebioptron with various skin diseases, urticaria, acne, herpes, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, cervical erosion. The device well treats skin scars, both fresh and keloid. As an anesthetic, it is used during migraines, headache and joint pain.

Light therapy device is very goodhas proven itself in the treatment of surgical pathologies and postoperative complications. The treatment promotes faster healing of wounds, surgical sutures, suppurations, ulcers and boils. By increasing the overall immune status at the cellular level, metabolic processes are improved. It also contributes to a more rapid restoration of bone tissue in fractures.

Treatment with a directed luminous flux ismost effective in cosmetology. Visible polarization light has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, regenerating and biostimulating effect not only on problematic acne and large-pore skin, but also noticeably reduces the signs of aging and fading.

However, despite the wide range of uses,like any medical drug, it has its own side effects and the device bioptron. Contraindications are primarily due to the fact that the analgesic effect in the case of incorrect determination of the causes of the pain syndrome can lead to the aggravation of the disease. So, pain relief in case of acute appendicitis may mislead the doctor, and thus the optimal duration of the operation will be missed. In acute thrombophlebitis, you should not use a bioptron. Contraindications in this case are determined by the fact that an improvement in blood flow after use of the device in this disease may lead to the separation of a blood clot. The effect of bioptron in malignant blood diseases and in hyperthyroidism has not been well studied.

There are a number of diseases for which you should notuse bioptron. Contraindications to its use are the following: oncological diseases with processes of volume damage, pregnancy, decompensated diseases of the kidneys, heart, endocrine and hematopoietic systems. The combination of treatment with the device with simultaneous use of corticosteroids, immunomodulators and cytostatics does not give positive results.

Natural, similar to the sun, butthe low-intensity light flux emitted by the device is shown to everyone from early childhood. Therefore, the bioptron does not have a contraindication for age restriction, it can be safely used from infancy to very old age. The device has proven itself in treating children's otitis, rhinitis, hematomas with bruises, etc.

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