/ / Analysis of the poem "I Enter the Dark Temples" according to plan

Analysis of the poem "I Enter the Dark Temples" according to plan

The name of Alexander Blok is known to many, and hiscreativity is popular even among modern youth. Perhaps, this is due to a special "block" style. The author began to write poetry in the best traditions of symbolism, his lyrical works are considered close to music according to the "spontaneity of distribution". The author deeply immersed himself in comprehending social realities, religious trends. Before him a terrible and ferocious world arose, in which man had to survive. This was the tragedy of his contemporaries.

Block surprisingly bright able to combine simple lifewith mysticism. Daily life and detachment in one poem is so characteristic of the author and his symbolism. And, analyzing the poem "I Enter the Dark Temples", all this can be seen.

Analysis Plan

For the analysis of the poem "I Enter the Dark Temples", you can use the usual plan. This will help focus on the right things:

  1. Author, history and time of creation, the name of the poem.
  2. The genre of the work, the theme, the idea and what it is about.
  3. Composition and lyric hero.
  4. With the help of what artistic and literary means the author reveals the main idea in the work.
  5. The size of the verse and the reader's opinion.

In some cases, when analyzing a poem"I enter the dark temples" instead of the reader's opinion describe the meaning of the work in the author's work. But if necessary, you can specify this in the first paragraph. And now for business.

the analysis of the poem I enter into the dark temples

About the creation of the work

The poem "I Enter the Dark Temples" waswas created on 25.10.1902. The unchanging author is Alexander Blok. This work was composed by the poet in the period when he was expecting a meeting with L. Mendeleeva, her future wife. Moreover, at this time Blok begins to get carried away with the philosophical thoughts of Vladimir Solovyov. Soloviev said that to get rid of selfishness and to know the beauty of the world can only be falling in love with a woman and finding in her a divine beginning. This idea impressed Blok very much.

The idea of ​​the Permanent Woman became key in his work. These ideas and the expectation of the long-awaited meeting were the basis for the creation of the poem.

I enter the dark temple

What is it about the poem

Carrying out the analysis of the poem "I Enter the Darktemples ", it is difficult not to notice that this is a lyrical work, where love lyrics are combined with spiritual. Its main theme is the expectation of that unique, Amazing Lady. The lyrical hero languishes in agony: he is not sure whether the one that he is so desperately waiting for, his ideal. Will she really be everything to him: Peace, Muse, Light ?! But, nevertheless, he continues to wait, because he truly loves. That's why he goes to the temples, because the feeling of love for him is something sacred, priceless and eternal, but at the same time, something mysterious and mysterious.

enter the dark temples analysis

Basic composition

When analyzing the poem "I enter the darktemples "you should carefully look at the composition structure. In the beginning, the hero describes the place in which the lyrical hero is located, a temple. He is the place of harmony, light and love, respectively, the image of the heroine is equated with something divine.

The second stanza can be considered the culmination of a meeting.Using original colors and symbols, the author points to the willingness of the lyric hero to sacrifice everything for the sake of the Beautiful Lady. But he does not say anything about himself, but only from a distance is ready to look after her, as discussed in the third stanza. Here the Lady is called "Majestic, Eternal Wife", which indicates a higher origin than the hero himself. But he does not need to hear her voice and does not need to see her. It is enough just to know that it is present somewhere near.

I enter the dark blocks temple

Means of artistic expression

The work "I Enter the Dark Temples" by Blokimpregnated with mysticism and symbolism. What is only the epithet "dark temple". After all, the temple is a symbol of something light, but, calling it dark, the author immerses the reader in a world of mysterious mystery. In addition, it is worth paying attention to other equally significant epithets: "poor rite," "good features," "affectionate candles."

The author added the general concept of the poemsuccessful metaphors: "smiles, fairy tales and dreams run", "the image looks". In the lines of the work there is also an inversion, for example, "I enter", which gives the whole poem a kind of solemnity. In turn, exclamation sentences highlight the extent to which the hero is waiting for his Immortal, Beautiful Lady.

I enter the dark temples size

The size of the poem and the overall impression

The poetic size "I enter the dark temples"contributes to the solemn sound of the work, giving it rebellion and anxiety. Here, intermittent and intermittent intonations alternate, moreover it is practically impossible to determine one verse size. The first line of rhythm resembles iambics, the second is very close to the anapaest, and the size of the third is similar to amphibrachium. Only when analyzing "I enter the dark temples" can you understand that this tonic verse is a dolnik.

The whole talent of the poet can be clearly seen in onework. Feel his philosophy and worldview. The power of the narrative, the selflessness of the senses are drawn in the imagination of a certain knight, who is ready to wait forever for his Lady. And it will only make him happy to know that she is near, because her image, so unattainable and sublime, can not be blackened with rude feelings. A reverent attitude to the beloved, the solemnity of the moment that will allow her to see, and the desperate expectation, apparently, the poet showed much more without even knowing about it. And it's impossible to understand this work in another way, because there are no hidden motives: only symbols and selfless sincerity.

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