/ / What caused the need for reform of the order system? The main disadvantages of clerical management

What was the reason for the reform of the order system? The main disadvantages of clerical management

The order form of management is a unique phenomenon inthe history of Russian statehood. This system developed over two centuries and was important in strengthening Russian statehood. What caused the necessity of the reform of the order system, why it lost its value - read below.

The emergence of orders

Education order management systemfalls at the end of the 15th century. Inconsistency in the actions of local authorities could not ensure the state’s constant control over vast and remote regions. Those institutions that were already formed at that time did not have clear functional responsibilities. In the period of scattered and infrequent relations between different territories of the specific principalities, “orders”, otherwise called “courtyards” or “huts”, appeared for a short time. Their functions were sharpened to the execution of one or another order of the supreme power. Usually, the princes entrusted this or that order, the “order,” to their boyars for execution and control. The expression “to be in the order” in those times meant to be in charge directly of the order of the prince and to monitor its implementation.

what caused the necessity of the reform of the order system

Duties of orders

The fact that the functions of the early orders were very blurred, show the following facts:

- spontaneous occurrence of various orders with a short period of action;

- incoming documents were addressed to certain persons, and not, in fact, to the institution;

- the method of execution of orders was based onthe so-called "legal habit", thus, there was no general legislative foundation necessary for a clear and unambiguous execution of orders, and therefore - the effectiveness of governing the country decreased.

These are the main reasons for the necessity of the reform of the order system.

education mandative management system

First orders

The first institutions with more or less distinctgovernment duties arose in the mid-16th century. Order control system in Russia at the end of the XV-XVII centuries. can be classified according to functional, territorial or class features.

Order classification

In the first category can be attributed ordersin charge of palace and financial affairs. First of all, this was the Palace Order on which the responsibility for the management of the prince’s economy was laid; he ruled those lands and people who were responsible for the sustenance of the princely palace. The order of the Big Treasury was in charge of collecting direct taxes and minting coins, the Lovchiy Order was in charge of prince reserves and hunting grounds, and so on.

ruling system in russia

The second category was in charge of military command and maintenance of the princely squads. Created orders Streletsky, Bronny, Pushkarsky, Foreign and others.

The third category of orders specializedmainly on the judicial function. The local order dealt with property litigation, Holopiy, Rogue (later - Syskna) was in charge of prisons and criminal-police matters, and the Zemsky Order was carried out by police and judicial supervision over the population of Moscow.

The fourth group - local authorities.The number of regional and territorial orders grew with the number of territories attached to Russia. So, there are Quaternary orders - Ryazan, Vladimir, Dmitrov, and later - Siberian, Little Russian and others.

The fifth category united special bodies.management. For example, there was a Stone Order in charge of building stone buildings and structures, Yamskoy, in charge of mailings. Over time, there were orders Book Typing, Pharmaceutical, Ambassadorial and others.

The sixth group of orders was in charge of church affairs. These include the Monastery Order, the Patriarch's Court, and others.

Relationship between different ordersformed spontaneously, a clear distribution of responsibilities was not developed. Some orders could not give instructions to others. In order to regulate this relationship, orders were combined, which could be divided into a main order and several orders. So, the Ambassadorial order to the 70th years of the 17th century began to exercise leadership over Little Russia and Novgorod. The termination of the powers of an order was not final - over time, it could well be revived as an independent institution with a certain set of functions.

 clerk control system

Order Financing

Order management system was funded inmostly unsystematic. For current affairs, financing was taken from a certain territory from which taxes were levied, for individual cases, funds could be transferred from other orders, or special taxes could be created. Cash flow regulation was carried out by such orders as the Order of the Big Treasury, the Order of collecting the request money and so on. Another answer to the question of what caused the necessity of the reform of the mandative system, will be the extreme entanglement of cash flows and the mismatch of actions of various orders.

clerk control system in russia at the end of xv xvii

Peter's reforms

С течением времени приказная система управления в Russia began to function "by itself", demanding more and more resources, and with less efficiency. The reforms of Peter the Great I replaced outdated orders with boards that were distinguished by certain functions, clear distinctions between the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Everything that necessitated the reform of the order system was called for was to go into the past along with the introduction of new managerial forms that came to Russia with the coming to power of the tsar-reformer.

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