Animals have always liked man.They draw attention to one fact of their existence. Pets are good because they belong to us. Accustomed to human affection, loyal to their masters creatures ... This can not but bribe. Not for nothing since time immemorial people try to tame them. Wild animals in most of us do not belong. And here its own charm is that there are creatures refusing to obey the "crown of nature". True, this does not prevent a person from continuing to try to "hunt" dangerous and serious animals.
Sometimes it is useful to learn foreign words.This can be useful at any time both at the place of study / work, and during a trip abroad. The article will describe how some animals are called in English. You never know what you might need tomorrow, so treat this information with all seriousness.
It is not so important, birds are this, wild animals orpets - in English everything sounds interesting. Those who plan to go beyond the borders of their native country in the future, moreover, to explore other people's fauna, this will be especially useful. So, below is described how animals are called in English.
Cat, dog, parrot, turtle, rabbit, seapig, hamster, aquarium fish, etc. Most of them can be attributed to other species, however in this article pets will be considered a separate category for simplicity and convenience. Of course, except for all favorite and habitual pets that live in apartments, farming / cottage animals in English like cows, sheep, etc. are also provided.
This group includes a tiger, a lion, a wolf, a fox,bear and other fanged and dangerous animals. All of them belong to wild animals, which can not be tamed in the usual sense. Yes, some daredevils get themselves a tiger as a domestic cat, if they live somewhere in the country, but still this can not be called a full-fledged domestication of this wayward and, of course, dangerous beast.
Zebra, giraffe, deer, moose and others - non-fictitiousmammals. Basically, these are all those who are hunted by the beasts listed in the previous paragraph. They are mostly harmless and peaceful. It is impossible not to mention them when it comes to how animals are called in English.
Here we will talk about how to be calledin English an eagle, a hawk, a kite, a sparrow, a bullfinch, a humming-bird, a dove, a seagull and other winged creatures. Some of them are so dangerous that they can be classified as predators. Exceptions not falling into this section will be only domestic birds, which were listed in the first paragraph.
Snake, lizard, crocodile and other reptilesanimals are no less interesting. One should not forget about them, because they too deserve close attention. Their names will be translated into English so that you can get acquainted with the foreign writing.
Rat, mouse, gopher, beaver, squirrel and otherscreation with large solid front teeth. Most of them are herbivores, which could be classified as appropriate, but since we consider them individually, it would be wrong to focus on reptiles and deprive them of rodents.
This includes scorpions, spiders and other suchcreatures. They are divided into three subspecies (arachnids, crustaceans and insects), but in the article they will be merged into one category, as we study not English but English.
So you found out how different animals are written onEnglish language. The above information may well come in handy. For example, if you need to write a story about an animal in English, learned words can remember in time, which will result in a wonderful text that can please anyone. The scope of applying new knowledge can be found abundantly. Remember: whatever we learn, it can come in handy at the most crucial moment. Sometimes interesting information can emerge in the mind in completely unexpected situations. But it's so nice to show off your knowledge to friends, colleagues or bosses!