/ / Meeting - an event or organization? The meaning, origin and use of the word

Is the meeting an event or an organization? The meaning, origin and use of the word

Collected works, compositions of certainauthor or people united by the purpose of discussing certain issues, makes it possible to consider cases of the use of the same word in its various meanings. They, in turn, expand the possible contexts for the application of this concept. The meaning of the word "meeting" is easy to characterize. This is facilitated by the similarity of the concepts to which it is applicable. In general, the word is used to define the set of people or objects that are or are present in a given place for any purpose. Let's consider the semantic properties in more detail.

meeting this

Meaning of the word

There are five basic meanings of the word. A meeting is an event, a meeting, the name of an official organization, a collection, a collection of works. Let's look at each value in detail.

Event. Joint meeting of the members of the organization, the collective with the purpose of discussing any issue or problem, with the subsequent adoption of a general decision.

Example: "The agenda at the monthly meeting was the growth of profit indicators while minimizing costs."

The name of the official organization. It can be a state, private or international unit. It is connected with scientific, economic, cultural, political and other activities.

Examples: "National Assembly of France. Constitutional Assembly. Philosophical and Economic Scholarly Assembly. "

Members or participants of the meeting. The totality of people, figures, patrons, politicians who gathered in a given place to discuss certain topics and issues.

Example: "The meeting was crowded, most did not manage to speak out."

The totality of texts united by one edition or circulation. The legacy of famous authors or works of the same theme can be grouped together in this format.

Example: "The collection of Remarque's works will be republished in connection with the increased demand."

Collection or set of objects / items of a homogeneous nature, having a scientific or artistic interest.

Example: "The shop of this famous artist was a collection of the most diverse works, united only by the mood of freedom and romanticism."

the meaning of the word meeting

Morphological and syntactic features

The word "meeting" is a nounmiddle-class, second declension, inanimate. Morphological structure: root-br-; the prefix of co; suffixes -a and -ni; the ending is -e. Refers to the type of declination 7a in accordance with the AA classification. Zaliznyaka.






According to the dictionary M.The word "assembly" comes from the verb "to collect". Formed in a suffix way. The meeting was associated with events, bodies, collectives, organizations and their direct activities. In the modern colloquial environment, it is possible to single out related words to a briefing, planning meeting, a five-minute meeting, etc.

value meeting


In addition to the direct meaning, the "meeting" is stillmeeting, crowd, congress, crowd, council, meeting, summit, forum, veche, rada, assembly, tusovka, conglomerate, association. In addition to the above, it is worth mentioning the following synonyms, revealing other connotations: sum, collection, assortment, file cabinet, collection, set, music library, phototech.

Phraseologisms and stable word combinations

Phraseologicalisms are called stable combinations,which can not be broken down into component components (words) without loss of meaning. They give the speech a bright color and style. Used to give imagery to utterances. The word "meeting" is not only a joint presence, but also collections, collections of something. In this connection, the following stable expressions can be designated:

  • collected works;
  • legislative / constitutional meeting;
  • scientific meeting;
  • collection of works (of any author);
  • plenary meeting.

With each of the phrases there is alreadya formed image in the Russian language. They bear not only semantic, but also stylistic significance. Some of them are more often used in art works than in everyday utterances. The main meaning of the word is most applicable in the business and political environment.

holding a meeting

Considering the use of long familiar words andconcepts, you can find a whole series of new meanings, unknown earlier and associated with them synonyms. The latter significantly expand the vocabulary and motivate to use in speech, to enhance its imagery and fullness. The same utterance assumes a completely different meaning. "Collection", as one of the popular enough words of the Russian language, is easily remembered in the environment of synonyms and will increase the general erudition in communication, reading and writing.

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