/ / Industrial Revolution in England and Its Significance

The Industrial Revolution in England and Its Significance

It is difficult to imagine what would have happened to ourmodern civilization, if in the distant 18th century various technological innovations were not actively introduced into industrial production. The indispensable leader in this respect was the Great Britain, which managed to create a steam engine, which led to the active development of new self-propelled machines. Later this period was called the "industrial revolution in England", which not only eased the work of tens of thousands of people, but also contributed to the new structural stratification of society.

Начнем с того, что с изобретением двигателя internal combustion has made it possible to make capital improvements in terms of the construction of swimming vessels. For England, this was especially important, since it was at that time a world naval power, whose fortress rested on its fleet. In the second half of the 19th century, the appearance of motor ships contributed not only to increasing its power, but also to the development of civil shipbuilding, since it was now possible to carry passengers on a much larger scale. In addition, the active construction of railways began, and the industrial revolution in England helped in this respect to establish a clear transport link between all the provinces of this country.

Rich natural resources and extensive coal reservesallowed to introduce new technical machines into production, due to which its production increased several times. However, if from the technical point of view everything went well, then with the social there were some difficulties. The fact is that the opening of new factories and plants required a certain skilled labor force, which was attracted from the field of agriculture. That is, there was a redistribution of labor forces, and since the industrial revolution in England finally broke the workers' connection with the land, in the agricultural sector there was a sharp shortage of workers. People began to move massively to live in cities and receive working specialties. However, all this gave rise to another important problem, because now the society was strictly classified by its position. There were masters, there were workers who disliked each other, as the leaders of industrial plants and factories paid, as a rule, a rather low salary.

On the other hand, the industrial revolution in Englandoccurred for several decades, and as a result of the emergence of more and more new machines, some working professions simply disappeared. As a result, a high level of unemployment arose, and requirements for job seekers increased significantly in terms of working qualifications. Thus, between the two classes of social division of society - the bourgeoisie and the proletariat - serious disagreements have already begun to emerge, which in the future will lead to revolutionary consequences.

The Industrial Revolution in England and Its Consequencesrevealed a large number of antagonistic forces, each of which fought for its own interests. On the one hand, the commercial and banking bourgeoisie pressured the authorities to relax the laws on the financial and credit system, on the other hand, the landlords, who owned huge tracts of land, lost people working in the fields, which resulted in heavy losses. Owners of manufactories and factories attracted new workers to the factories, however, they paid them far from full.

Thus, summing up, we can say thatthe industrial revolution had wide-ranging consequences, as it gave impetus to both the scientific and technological development of mankind and its radical social transformation. The consequences of the industrial revolution in England are still being studied by historians and researchers of the most diverse areas of science - from sociologists to politicians and culturologists.

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